

Another post from bbs.mit.edu (sorry for bad indentation)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛: 我是喜欢鬼子,我以前在中国的时候就喜欢x-files里面的mulder探员达
: 4年之久,现在我还喜欢他,嘿嘿。别告诉某些人。

Chinese MM don't do anything to me. I feel full of hormone
whenever I see a pretty white girl, but I have seldom seen
an Asian girl who can turn me on that fast.

: 鬼子是好看,我就喜欢他们希腊雕塑似的表情还有毛丛丛的褐色毛头发,
: 出汗时候金色肌肤上面美丽的汗珠,真的十分性格 - 这是我在gym里面
: 来回观察的结果。

Agree. They have more flesh&blood. I don't care about skin,
I love a firm, curvy butt, which most Chinese girls do not
have. (cause they don't work out). and I love their healthy
fresh look... makes me want to get down on them any time...

: 但是,鬼子并不好泡。
: Believe me, 别以为鬼子看见亚洲女孩就扑。
: 倒是某些中国GG在某些BBS上有“看见中国女孩available"就扑的现象,比如前
: 一阵似乎看见过“为什么北大女生总是被科大独狼叼走”之流的topic.

Generally speaking, it's much harder for Asian guys to pick
up white girls. For Asian girls, all you have to do is to
take a little care of yourself, be a little flirtatious, and
there will be a bunch of guys drolling on you. If that
doesn't work, just hang out in the engineering school ;)

: 其实,真正很好的很漂亮的很nice很有家教没有变态的鬼子是很不容易和
: “外族”女孩走在一起的

This is the middle class people, you have to be one of them
to score, which means: dress expensively, talk about snoby
stuff and behave more proud than they do.

: 我不是说他们瞧不起亚洲人,只是一个家庭背景,一个门当户对,一个文化
: 传统的差异。
: 试想,这个人是和你要待一辈子的终身伴侣,如果她or他连你国家的语言都
: 说得很不流利,对于what's new, what's cool and what's hot很不清楚,
: 对你喜欢的体育运动很不了解甚至很不屑也没听说过,而他or 她的父母与你
: 的父母根本就不能交流,更别说将来两家的团结问题,你不觉得很weird很
: 不舒服吗?
: 门当户对是必要的,这对于每个种族,每个社会,每个家庭都是一个不可回避
: 的问题,无论此民族的思想有多“解放”。
: 我始终认为,门当户对是幸福爱情有幸福结果的奠基石。是安定团结的必要条件。

Very true. Before you can score, you have to learn the rules
of the game. If you don't play by their rules, they would
think you are playing a different game. So, the things you
have to teach yourself if you want to score white

1. English
2. English
3. English
4. Dress well
5. Dress well
6. Dress well
7. Be confident.
8. Keep talking about things she likes, be a good listener.

: 所以,虽然欣赏某些漂亮的鬼子,但我只能忍痛割爱。因为,我不能改变自己
: 的种族,也不能改变我生在中国,长在中国,或多或少需要中国文化土壤的事实。
: 当然,在美国的欧洲人就好得多,因为同样的,双方都来自异国,所谓异国逢
: 知已,自然更加珍惜,欧洲的GG虽然generally不如美国GG油墨“好玩”cocky,
: 但都长得十分耐看,很高,挺可爱的,教育程度比较好,对MM特别有礼貌,很绅士
: 的。欧洲文化传统自然和中国有相似的地方,因此美国在这方面就会和暴发户
: 似的。
In my opinion, Europeans are 10 times better than Americans.
Yes Americans are good looking, but once they open their
mouth, they go right into the 'f**k $ dump* category.
McDonald culture... My best expereiences have all been with
European girls. Europeans are much more sincere and
cultured, and they don't have this bitchy shield which most
American girls have by default.

: 总而言之,我觉得,在美国泡鬼子是一个十分艰辛十分危险十分无奈的过程,
: 你想失身?你以为鬼子真看得上你啊?
: 这话是有点mean,但是是事实。

It is hard, true. But it's not that hard. It's definately
not harder than scoring 2300 GRE and getting a fellowship in
some top20 schools. It takes a lot of practice, rejection,
toughening. But the reward, damn! I don't think I will ever
be attracted to a Chinese girl again (no offense here, just
personal taste)

Many guys are worried about their performance in bed (size,
etc). Let me tell you again, size does NOT matter. The size
of your dick doesn't even cross a woman's mind when she
decides if she likes you or not. Our mind, our intelligence
is the most powerful weapon to date white women.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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