

这样的讨论很值得大家思考。与AGENT 打交道需要善于主动控制局面。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛先想清楚你的目的:你是去和AGENT推销自己的,不是去求他给你一份工作的。

AGENT 就像是街上的陌生人,对你一无所知,你要想办法把自己当作一件优秀的产品介绍给他,让AGENT对你感兴趣,有信心,再把你稍稍包装上市。

那么,除了主动清晰的介绍自己的情况之外,也要问清楚AGENT专门推销什么领域,他们的客户有哪些,他们的工作程序,在说服AGENT你能够怎么样FIT (your value proposition). 总之,要给AGENT一个主导并自信的印象,就如“Let's work on this win-win deal together".

AGENT 要背景调查的资料,在这个阶段,一般目的是确认你没有犯罪记录,没有不良信用记录。如果再要的多得话,你只需要提供非你现在工作单位的其他REFERENCE,比如说前一份工作的同事或愿意给你肯定意见的前上司。


“As the matter stands now, I am happy to provide you with reference who knows me very well professionally. I am confident that their opinions will help you understand my candidacy overall .

Once I have the offer or an offer conditional upon further reference, I will formally notify my current employer. I am confident that my current supervisor will be very happy to recommend me to the new job. While it is importnat for me to understand and respect your work process, it is also important for me to ensure proper respect for my current employer.

I hope you find this reasonable and I look forward to working with you on this together."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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