


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛论坛里,大部分反驳我的女性就是因为我的“极端言论”: 40+的女性,带个孩子,能找个性格好的男人就不错了。。。我的这个话很极端吗?很歧视女性吗?





我和老公生气的时候,14岁的儿子这样劝我:Mom, I know you pay so much and you get so little from the family. I do feel sorry for you. But, mom, look at it this way: my dad is much better
cute99 (简单)
than lots of other men out there. At least he doesn't gamble, he doesn't take drugs, he doesn't abuse his family, he doesn't cheat on you, he doesn't boss you around. And I know some men do those bad things, like one of my classmates' dad beats up his mom often. My dad works and brings home pay check. He contributes in other things for the family too...I know he is not like you. You work so hard for the family and you give all your heart to me. But my dad is still not bad too. I consider myself lucky in terms of you two care about me. ... 我听了后感觉好多的。和好的比,他大不如。但和坏的比,他还是要强一些的。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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