

Scarborough Fair

多伦多的Scarborough,名字的来源,是英国的一个小镇。这是一个古老的小镇,曾经繁华过,近百年渐渐沉寂。如今还有人念及它,往往是因为一首著名的歌曲:Scarborough Fair



SCARBOROUGH FAIR这首歌,最初的原曲可追逆至200年前。不得不说,英国的古文献保持的真好。最初它只是集市上的调皮鬼的简单曲调,调笑卖花姑娘的。后来,在船员之间传唱的时,已经成了一首成熟的歌曲。



这首歌在1960年代重新被发现,改编。在Simon & Garfunkel手里,改编成了反战歌曲,顿时传遍英语世界。

Simon & Garfunkel增加了附曲,内容是:战士们在原野上追赶麻雀、在擦拭枪支、在战场上暴吼冲杀、在长埋地下时,托人告诉心爱的姑娘:你不再是我的真爱。



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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Scarborough Fair +1

    多伦多的Scarborough,名字的来源,是英国的一个小镇。这是一个古老的小镇,曾经繁华过,近百年渐渐沉寂。如今还有人念及它,往往是因为一首著名的歌曲:Scarborough Fair



    SCARBOROUGH FAIR这首歌,最初的原曲可追逆至200年前。不得不说,英国的古文献保持的真好。最初它只是集市上的调皮鬼的简单曲调,调笑卖花姑娘的。后来,在船员之间传唱的时,已经成了一首成熟的歌曲。



    这首歌在1960年代重新被发现,改编。在Simon & Garfunkel手里,改编成了反战歌曲,顿时传遍英语世界。

    Simon & Garfunkel增加了附曲,内容是:战士们在原野上追赶麻雀、在擦拭枪支、在战场上暴吼冲杀、在长埋地下时,托人告诉心爱的姑娘:你不再是我的真爱。


    • She once was the true love of mine. 她曾经是我的真爱 == 她不再是我的真爱? +1
      • 读读全文吧。那个快要死跷的男人的意思是,赶紧找别人嫁了吧。<---这个才是真爱啊 +1
      • 这个解释确实奇特。我也以为是“她曾经是我的真爱”。蓝叔这样翻译也不能说是错,但是真是牛咬牡丹,大煞风景了。 +1
        • The second paragraph: "Then she'll be the true love of mine."
      • 从字面逻辑讲也许可以勉强划个等号。从情感和歌词本意来讲则完全不同。歌词里的”我”依然深爱着”她”,只是在凄凉地表示无法去实践那个爱了。完全没有”不再是我的真爱”里暗含的拒绝与放弃 +1
    • Actually I couldn't understand the lyric well. Probably the songwriter wanted this result. :)
      • 感觉是一个思乡曲,虽然主人公不可能在回到故乡。 +2
    • 具体情况应该没这么简单。Scarborough Fair 原自一首古老的苏格兰民间谜歌 (riddle song),13世纪的英格兰也已经有了。歌词里面 Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme(香芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香)的含义已有各种各样说法
      • 香芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香皆为唇形科植物,为记录在案的通经剂、避孕药和堕胎药草药疗法。若如此,那这里面的实际含义就很耐人寻味了.......
        • 老中医把我雷到了 +3
      • 只是凭印象写的,不太准确。有兴趣的自行GOOGLE
        • 水手的生活就是如此,表面逍遥自在到处留情播种,实际上没几个有好下场,不过都是帮底层的混混而已,但作为文艺作品意淫的好题材,确实很有发挥的空间
          • 你骂老大?印度没有扫黄之说。按照你这个说法,这个歌曲和加州旅馆含义一样?
            • 你太会联想了,别意淫
    • "Scarborough Fair" is a traditional English ballad about the Yorkshire town of Scarborough. +1
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The song relates the tale of a young man who instructs the listener to tell his former love to perform for him a series of impossible tasks, such as making him a shirt without a seam and then washing it in a dry well, adding that if she completes these tasks he will take her back. Often the song is sung as a duet, with the woman then giving her lover a series of equally impossible tasks, promising to give him his seamless shirt once he has finished.

      As the versions of the ballad known under the title "Scarborough Fair" are usually limited to the exchange of these impossible tasks, many suggestions concerning the plot have been proposed, including the hypothesis that it is about the Great Plague of the late Middle Ages. The lyrics of "Scarborough Fair" appear to have something in common with an obscure Scottish ballad, The Elfin Knight (Child Ballad #2),[1] which has been traced at least as far back as 1670 and may well be earlier. In this ballad, an elf threatens to abduct a young woman to be his lover unless she can perform an impossible task ("For thou must shape a sark to me / Without any cut or heme, quoth he"); she responds with a list of tasks that he must first perform ("I have an aiker of good ley-land / Which lyeth low by yon sea-strand").

      The melody is in Dorian mode, and is very typical of the middle English period.

      As the song spread, it was adapted, modified, and rewritten to the point that dozens of versions existed by the end of the 18th century, although only a few are typically sung nowadays. The references to the traditional English fair, "Scarborough Fair" and the refrain "parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme" date to 19th century versions, and the refrain may have been borrowed from the ballad Riddles Wisely Expounded, (Child Ballad #1), which has a similar plot. A number of older versions refer to locations other than Scarborough Fair, including Wittingham Fair, Cape Ann, "twixt Berwik and Lyne", etc. Many versions do not mention a place-name, and are often generically titled ("The Lovers' Tasks", "My Father Gave Me an Acre of Land", etc.).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Scarborough is a small town on the coast of England. The "Scarborough Fair" was a popular gathering in Medieval times, +1
        attracting traders and entertainers from all over the country. The fair lasted 45 days and started every August 15th. In the 1600s, mineral waters were found in Scarborough and it became a resort town. Today, Scarborough is a quiet town with a rich history.