


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Women excluded from a construction site near a mosque in Montreal ...
The owner of two mosques lobbied a contractor to ensure that there were no women on construction sites near his places of worship on Friday prayers.
The man who owns the Ahl-Ill Bait Mosque, located in the Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough in Montreal, first asked the contractor not to do any work on Friday. not to harm the day of prayer. This request was denied because of the delays that would have resulted.
He then demanded that the women not be visible on Fridays on the building sites near the two mosques. This clause is written in black on white in the contract signed by the contractor.
The measure targets five women, four signalers and one engineer, who had to be reassigned elsewhere, according to information obtained via the TVA News Facebook account.
"Set back, just a little further"
"Today, in construction, we have a lot of women, because we managed to get them back [in the middle]," said Jean-Sébastien Samson, foreman for G-Tech, TVA New.
Mr. Samson mentioned that a female worker covered by the application "worked the same way", but that her presence required some accommodation.
"She did not run out of work because she could not be there, except that she was put away, a little further," he said.
For his part, the CEO of Map Signalisation only became aware of this requirement on Monday because he had been away for two weeks. "I thought that was completely unacceptable," Marc-Alexandre Perreault told TVA Nouvelles.
Nevertheless, he felt compelled to endorse this request. "I was told she would be in danger if she worked on a Friday. Once she was forced to work and she had to be accompanied by a worker, "said Perreault, who spoke of threats and intimidation.
He maintains that women have their place on construction sites. "No matter, the job site, no matter where, women have the same right to work on any job site," he insisted.
The official opposition critic for the status of women, Catherine Fournier, believes that this is a case of discrimination.
"It goes against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Quebec. I find it completely unacceptable that religion is used as a pretext to violate equality between men and women, "said MP Catherine Fournier.
Mosque officials say they have asked companies to prevent women from working on construction sites on Fridays and speak up. "There is someone behind, who wants to harm the mosque. I do not know, me, "said one of them.
The construction site has been active for a little over a month in this sector of the city. The women who worked there were moved from the site three weeks ago.
Colleagues of the targeted women are planning
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 伊斯兰VS女权:Montreal的一个清真寺,附近有个建筑工地,木木先要求工地周5停工,未能得逞;然后要求工地不能有女工人,得逞。这可是温和的木木噢 +1
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Women excluded from a construction site near a mosque in Montreal ...
    The owner of two mosques lobbied a contractor to ensure that there were no women on construction sites near his places of worship on Friday prayers.
    The man who owns the Ahl-Ill Bait Mosque, located in the Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough in Montreal, first asked the contractor not to do any work on Friday. not to harm the day of prayer. This request was denied because of the delays that would have resulted.
    He then demanded that the women not be visible on Fridays on the building sites near the two mosques. This clause is written in black on white in the contract signed by the contractor.
    The measure targets five women, four signalers and one engineer, who had to be reassigned elsewhere, according to information obtained via the TVA News Facebook account.
    "Set back, just a little further"
    "Today, in construction, we have a lot of women, because we managed to get them back [in the middle]," said Jean-Sébastien Samson, foreman for G-Tech, TVA New.
    Mr. Samson mentioned that a female worker covered by the application "worked the same way", but that her presence required some accommodation.
    "She did not run out of work because she could not be there, except that she was put away, a little further," he said.
    For his part, the CEO of Map Signalisation only became aware of this requirement on Monday because he had been away for two weeks. "I thought that was completely unacceptable," Marc-Alexandre Perreault told TVA Nouvelles.
    Nevertheless, he felt compelled to endorse this request. "I was told she would be in danger if she worked on a Friday. Once she was forced to work and she had to be accompanied by a worker, "said Perreault, who spoke of threats and intimidation.
    He maintains that women have their place on construction sites. "No matter, the job site, no matter where, women have the same right to work on any job site," he insisted.
    The official opposition critic for the status of women, Catherine Fournier, believes that this is a case of discrimination.
    "It goes against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Quebec. I find it completely unacceptable that religion is used as a pretext to violate equality between men and women, "said MP Catherine Fournier.
    Mosque officials say they have asked companies to prevent women from working on construction sites on Fridays and speak up. "There is someone behind, who wants to harm the mosque. I do not know, me, "said one of them.
    The construction site has been active for a little over a month in this sector of the city. The women who worked there were moved from the site three weeks ago.
    Colleagues of the targeted women are planning
    链接是法文原文更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 哎,当女权遇到MSL。族裔种姓制度的排位学是门学问啊。。。 +4
    • 魁北克人有种,明天到清真寺大规模抗议,网页显示有100多人参加。
      • Montreal的华人可以去看看热闹,来点一手观后感。。。。。 +1
      • 土豆大喝一声M103何在?
    • 木木在加拿大大大方方歧视女性的根源在此 +4


      • 这个, 自豪地说那个伊斯兰教主是他的mentor +2


        • 这个穆斯林学生没学好,现在大量进口的中东木木,当年可是把他恩师那帮木木杀的抱头鼠窜到印度的。加拿大伊斯兰化后,他恩师在多伦多的伊斯兰博物馆,那肯定是第一波被强拆的,,,, +1
          • 抱头鼠窜也是为了那啥嘛,革命分工不同
    • 魁北克政府开始调查了,也有种。这魁北克政府虽然左,倒是没有左到让木木随便歧视女人的高度。 +2
      • 在坚持自己的价值观这点上魁北克人还是有种的。接受公共服务时禁止蒙面就是魁北克的法律吧? +1
    • 就跟木木说,世界上的事情,都是一买卖。只要价钱谈得拢,啥都好说。比如,没女人没关系,只要木木给所有女职工每月一个比特币,就行。
      • 如果木木实在没钱,可以考虑拆庙换钱啊。
        • 有生意大脑啊,呵呵呵。。。
    • 跟木森林比起来,女人属于“低端”吧
      • 他们连自己的女人都看不顺眼,个个得割了阴蒂蒙着脑袋,才让出门,,,,, +1
    • 建议立法每周休三天,周五不上班。皆大欢喜!那谁,赶紧去和小土豆提一下。 +1
    • 加拿大女人再选土豆应该先摸摸自己阴蒂了 +4
      • 是啊,哪天全面绿化了,实施了沙利法,漂亮衣服也穿不成了,一律穿黑袍蒙头巾,伊朗就是一例。
        • 伊朗革命后,男女还要分校上课,不知白左们到时候会多幸福。
          • 是啊,伊朗妇女今夕。。。
            • 没把脸蒙上再带个墨镜就算开放的了
            • 2020 加拿大,Kavin估计可以站右边那一列。
          • 这是要把加拿大人都掰弯的节奏?lol
    • 播放这个消息的法语电视台声明这是假新闻
      • UCSD Student Jumanah Albahri Publicly Admits She Wants A Second Holocaust -- 这个受过西方高等教育的女性穆斯林以言行证明温和绿和极端绿是无缝转换的
      • 今天global报道了,播放了清真寺主持和记者见面的画面
      • 清真寺木木和记者的视频,global只有画面
        • 在主流媒体在场的情况下,都敢威胁杀人,呵呵呵,
        • Global的报道,对比一下,欣赏一下主流媒体的德行