

Dolores O'Riordan - Ordinary Day


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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / Dolores O'Riordan - Ordinary Day +2

    • This is just an ordinary day Wipe the insecurities away I can see that the darkness will erode Looking out the corner of my eye ------R.I.P. Dolores
      • Oh, My! Died yesterday? Why and how? She was nothing ordinary and she was quite extraordinary and beyond. I always feel like she wasn't just a singer, and she was quite a spiritual leader as well,
        not necessarily for the matter of fact that she was deeply admiring Pope John Paul II, but that she did have a soul of her own compared with lots of other stars, rock stars whatsoever.
    • Just can't believe that she's gone.
    • 等她的死因,谁来分析一下,为啥摇滚歌手总和吸毒扯不清?不吸毒就摇不起来?吸毒才能有灵感?古典音乐家不吸毒也有灵感。如果贝多芬也吸毒,世界会咋样?想都不敢想。
      And she led a tragically troubled life, suffering from anorexia, bipolar disorder and a string of breakdowns as a result of being sexually abused when she was just eight.

      In 2014 she told the Belfast Telegraph the abuse left her with a “terrible self-loathing” and admitted that she “tried to overdose” in 2013.

      She said: “It manifested itself in my behaviour and the pathologies I began to develop in my early adult life, such as my eating disorder, depression and eventually the breakdowns.”

      Of her suicide attempt, she added: “I tried to overdose last year...I suppose I am meant to stay here for the kids.”
      • 死因未出,家人要大家给他们隐私。我已怀疑可能就是吸毒过量所致。她8岁被性骚扰,一直没走出阴影,2013曾打算吸毒过量自杀,为了孩子才活着。
      • 电影 The Runaways 讲述了girls, drugs 和 rock 'n' roll 的故事。Michael Shannon 演的摇滚乐队经理人是这样定义摇滚的: her lack of rock 'n' roll authority - is getting in the way of our product.What is that product? Sex! Violence! Revolt!
        • 昨天真不是好日子,一个撒谎,一个去世,闷头两棒。But why cocaine does have to go hand in hand exclusively and extensively with rock &roll, not any other type of music, specifically not with Beethoven type of guy or guys?
          • And who rubbishly chose who, or they just simply chose each other? In my eyes, Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 is far far away from the lack of rock & roll authority, and he didn't need any of those products to be part of his fulfillment, not at all.
          • 一个撒谎,一个吸毒,好么,都是我们敬爱的总理支持的事。
          • 不知道,也许每一种生活方式都有与之相应的 vice 吧。
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