

多市警察局:如何举报仇恨犯罪。。。What is hate propaganda? According to the Criminal Code of Canada, there are two types of hate propaganda.... Public incitement of hatred

Public incitement of hatred

This offence is committed when a person communicates statements in a public place, and incites hatred against an identifiable group that is likely to lead to a breach of the peace.

This offence is also committed when someone communicates statements, other than in a private conversation, that willfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group.

"Communication' includes: words spoken, recorded electronically or otherwise, gestures, signs or other visible representations.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 建议大家都给本区议员写信 -dahuyu(dahuyu); -- 这个提议说得好,建议大家心里有冤屈不能光在华人论坛发泄,要以实际行动表现出来。我们亚裔这次被无端地污蔑成仇恨罪的嫌疑犯,被各级官员和各大主流媒体带头高调表态谴责,最后发现是捏造,政府官员和媒体理应负责并道歉。 +3
    • 我们亚裔被丑化成人人憎恨的种族主义者,我们不能坐视不管。要求警方以煽动种族仇恨的仇恨罪来进一步调查,是一个办法;写公开信群发给省联邦、省和市议员,并抄送各大媒体,表达自己作为亚裔的看法,反对对亚裔的种族歧视,要求官员和媒体就对亚裔的不公正待遇道歉。 +1
    • 要求道歉真是没必要,显得华人们跟一个小孩过不去。要给议员写信,可以督促警方公布真相,小女孩到底是不是撒谎,撒谎的原因是什么。
      • 小孩无罪,但后面必然有指使者,包括家长,理应追究。污蔑其他族裔、煽动种族仇恨,应该绳之以法。
      • 楼上那个发公开信的就别扯蛋了,你没有证据去乱说,小心别人一个大耳挂过来,然后把你当仇穆典型先抓了 +2
    • 多市警察局:如何举报仇恨犯罪。。。What is hate propaganda? According to the Criminal Code of Canada, there are two types of hate propaganda.... Public incitement of hatred
      Public incitement of hatred

      This offence is committed when a person communicates statements in a public place, and incites hatred against an identifiable group that is likely to lead to a breach of the peace.

      This offence is also committed when someone communicates statements, other than in a private conversation, that willfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group.

      "Communication' includes: words spoken, recorded electronically or otherwise, gestures, signs or other visible representations.
      • This offence is committed when a person communicates statements in a public place, and incites hatred against an identifiable group that is likely to lead to a breach of the peace. -- 此例有什么不同么?