


点进去链接看到文章是更正了标题的,不过我也再给他们report factual error了,要求相关链接的标题也予以更正。昨晚还给 https://www.thespec.com也写了投诉,他们是转载星报,星报改了但他们没有及时更正,可以去这里投诉:https://www.thespec.com/pages/feedback/

https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2018/01/16/tdsb-did-not-discuss-implications-of-letting-11-year-old-face-media-over-hijab-story.html, the "Read More" link under this article, the title is "An attacker did not cut her hijab, police say. But why did the TDSB let the tearful 11-year-old face the cameras?" This title is still MISLEADING and NOT TRUTHFUL! The title of the ACTUAL article has now been modified to "Attack on a girl wearing a hijab didn’t happen, police say...." Please also correct the title of the article under "Read More"!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / @xiaoxiaoai @Sailor:《多伦多星报》阳奉阴违。Read More 文章标题,仍未改正:An attacker did not cut her hijab, police say. ...
    • 星报这个是相关链接里没有update(应该是自动生成的),
      点进去链接看到文章是更正了标题的,不过我也再给他们report factual error了,要求相关链接的标题也予以更正。昨晚还给 https://www.thespec.com也写了投诉,他们是转载星报,星报改了但他们没有及时更正,可以去这里投诉:https://www.thespec.com/pages/feedback/

      https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2018/01/16/tdsb-did-not-discuss-implications-of-letting-11-year-old-face-media-over-hijab-story.html, the "Read More" link under this article, the title is "An attacker did not cut her hijab, police say. But why did the TDSB let the tearful 11-year-old face the cameras?" This title is still MISLEADING and NOT TRUTHFUL! The title of the ACTUAL article has now been modified to "Attack on a girl wearing a hijab didn’t happen, police say...." Please also correct the title of the article under "Read More"!