

We are Chinese. 出人头地 is our life goal. This exhortation influences every Chinese more or less. You may say it is颓废 because you were taught it is. But think it more deeply. We don’t live for money, work or achievement, we live for enjoying life.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I like dumpling’s articles very much, mostly because I have the same thoughts as hers now.

I used to work very hard. I was taught to do everything for the best. I was the number one student in our high school and entered a famous university. I was still one of the best students in our class, and I worked for a joint-venture software company after graduation. I was very ambitious then. I quitted my job and set up a company with my friends. We did just so-so, but even though it is still not a big company now, I earn more than 100k usd/year in China. I bought 3 houses and two cars in Shanghai. Do you think I should be satisfied with all these? I don’t feel I am happier than my classmates who earn less than 200k rmb. When I went to Thailand on business, a Thailander asked me why Chinese want to earn money so much. I suddenly didn’t know how to answer him. Thailand’s economy is mastered by descent of Chinese, because native Thailanders are lazy. Once they earn enough money for living, they don’t want to work more, while Chinese, on the other hand, cudgel their brains for more money. It is not only Thailanders are ‘lazy’, but also people in western world. I got this by talking with a few European. Then I started to ponder upon my life and begun to change my attitude toward life. Why should I work hard to earn lots of money but cannot realize the dream I had when I was a little child --- to travel around the world. I neither have the freedom to go abroad nor do I have the time. So, I decided to immigrate, and enjoy my life ever after. Maybe after a-few-year struggle, I may settle down in Canada, and start to enjoy my traveling. As for money, enough is enough.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 饺子随笔(六) 放弃
    • Disagree. Or when you think you must work for your parents, your family or your kids, you MUST not agree at all.
      • 如果你不去想,或认为可以不想,别人也不会因你而过的不好或更好。。。 能不能解脱,不在别人,在自己。。。
      • 对啊!他们无疑都没有子女。这样的生活是不适合小孩子的。当你为人父为人子的时候就没有那么潇洒了。
        • 得到这样的生活,就得放弃家庭(一般而言)
      • 每个人的选择不一样,重要的是你有没有选择?有没有条件选择?有没有机会选择?我是不指望靠孩子养老的,等孩子长大了,愿意上哪就去哪吧,我不会拖他的后腿。
        • 即便是有条件,有机会摆在面前了,选择与否也不代表什么,真有真理吗
        • 现在的人谁还指望 孩子养老?只是希望在她小时候给她更好的生活。
    • 写得好,写得好,多写一点,如果你有时间的话。我很喜欢看
    • 洒脱!生活的真谛!真羡慕!惭愧惭愧。。。。
    • 许多的老外的处世真的很淡,我指对物欲的不强求,对自然的追求,和对内心的自省。真的很高,不过和老外接触少,这种印象也许是他们多有童心的表现。
    • Thanks for sharing! I've heard and believed that self-satisfaction is the highest level of human being needs when one has gone through surviving, developing stage...
      • I don't agree it's the purpose of life. Just thinking if EVERYONE has this kind of life, do what they want, soon the society will break down and we will live like animals.
        while you are admiring some people can have this kind of pleasure life, think about it. It is because a lot more people work hard to make the world running!
        • The point is there never gonna happen that EVERYONE has same purpose in North American, and the problem of chinese nowaday is that too many people are, whatever thay want or be forced, struggling in same kind of life.
          • u hit the point
            • I respect the choice/values of G, R, D in the story, However, that's not my choice at this stage. And I believe that it doesn't belong to majority people's choice or mainstream values.
          • Face it, everybody want to enjoy the life without working. That is unfair for those who are working hard and making contributions to the society.
            • If you don't like it, you don't do it. but i don't think you have the right to judge others. people have equal right to enjoy their life, no matter how much they contribute.
    • I admire them. I hope I can live like them. But my wife will never understand. Sigh!!!
      • "But my wife will never understand." Line of the day. I like it.
    • If you are really the author, please give the offer to those who desperately want the job.
    • 一篇颂扬颓废和精神没落的好文章
      • 什么是“颓废和精神没落”,每日靠在办公室里混日子不是颓废?为了金钱,勾心斗角,附庸权势,不是精神没落?
        • ROCK JACK, 我又忍不住要同意你了。
          • ha ha, thanks.
        • We are not talking the same thing.
    • 我见过一些这样的人,非常可爱,很多人并不是没有能力,我认识的一个本地白人,一半的时间用来做音乐,灌自己的唱片。另一半时间做EE Research Master, 仍做的很出色,但他并不打算靠这个专业找工作,只是爱好。我去bar里听过他们的演出,World Music,非常棒。
    • 好奇,G 不工作,哪里来的钱哪 有何秘诀 我也想潇洒一下
      • 工作时攒的钱. 花完了再找份工作.
    • 意识形态不同,导致人生观不同,很难说孰高孰低,快乐乃心底的感受,凡自己觉得快乐即快乐了.
    • 故事后记, R刚刚获得19th Annual Western Magazine Awards.他很开心, 我也很开心. G现在是俺LG, 因经济需要, 又DROP IN现在工作, 不过存的钱又可以DROP OUT一年. D还在岛上
      . 刚刚读完MAESTRO, GREENSPAN和他的妻子这么多年只渡了4天的假. 没时间. TRADE OFF,没有高低之分, 关键是你想要什么, 你又肯放弃什么
    • 人们的思维为什么总是一种定式,看到G那样的人,总是想‘他要是刻苦工作那会创造多少价值’,却不去想‘这人很可爱,他没有为了金钱迷失自己’ 。换一种思维,就会接受更多的人更多的事,也会更快乐。
    • 一条简单的鱼的想法
      Before I was 18 years old, I had the same dream as you described. I will travel all over the world with my camera. When I am tired, I learn painting and hand-craft. But, where is the money coming from? I don’t have rich parents and surely don’t want to depend on some man. Coo to myself, definitely I am not brilliant. Now, I’m a mature woman. I postpone my plan to the year when I can earn 100 thousands a year and still young. Since I am so lazy, my plan seems hopeless. How about second life? For common people, all choice is about money, (My dad said when I wanted to go to arts school). Have you watched star maker, a Spanish film? Even most ordinary people are unwilling to accept that they are ordinary. Anyway, I like your article. It is never enough to share somebody’s dream.
      • 很多人以为选择的根本是钱
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛其实不是. 选择的根本是什么是你想要的, 什么是你愿意为此而放弃的.

        象R, 对$40K说不, 是需要勇气的, 对于他的生活状况而言. 而他喜欢自己的生活方式, 就选择放弃$40K. 他每月房租$500, 吃$200, 电话和上网$80. 他靠写文章的稿费维持日常生活. 同时他在写电影, 做MP3. 他发给我他的RAP SONG很有意思, 我不能说他很有音乐才华, 但那是他喜欢的.

        正在读KALLE LASN的"CULTURE JAM", 有几段话与你分享

        The Pistols wanted to live "not as an object but as a subject of the story"

        not live in the state of living: from "being" to "having" and then from "having" to "appearing to have"

        Everyday life is ultimately the measure of all things, and the ground on which all revolutions must unfold.

        钱不是关键, 关键是很多人不肯放弃. 比如, 如果一份工作工资是$80K但却要求你工作60小时/周(意味着你没有太多的时间留给自己), 另一份工作工资是$40K,但你可以有FLEXIABLE的时间, 你选择哪个? 如果你的人生都是这样选择$80K,那么你永远没有时间实现你的梦想.

        再比如, 很多朋友对是否来加拿大犹豫不决, 其实很简单, 问自己这两个问题:

        得到不易, 放弃更难.


        个人的选择, 个人的意见, 仅供参考更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • You are really a quick writer. You don't have lunch or nap? I know what you mean. so I like watch movies to see how the other people make their choices.
          But, for me, I cannot bear cold, hot, canned food, dirty cinema. Last month, when I was watching U2 in smallest figure in the farest place with the only cheapest ticket I can offer, hestiating before the beer booth only for 5 bucks , I tell myself I cannot be poor any longer. I have too many hobbies which all demand money.
    • 这些人的价值观无可厚非,这也是我觉得东西方文化的不同之处。但问题是,
    • We are Chinese. 出人头地 is our life goal. This exhortation influences every Chinese more or less. You may say it is颓废 because you were taught it is. But think it more deeply. We don’t live for money, work or achievement, we live for enjoying life.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I like dumpling’s articles very much, mostly because I have the same thoughts as hers now.

      I used to work very hard. I was taught to do everything for the best. I was the number one student in our high school and entered a famous university. I was still one of the best students in our class, and I worked for a joint-venture software company after graduation. I was very ambitious then. I quitted my job and set up a company with my friends. We did just so-so, but even though it is still not a big company now, I earn more than 100k usd/year in China. I bought 3 houses and two cars in Shanghai. Do you think I should be satisfied with all these? I don’t feel I am happier than my classmates who earn less than 200k rmb. When I went to Thailand on business, a Thailander asked me why Chinese want to earn money so much. I suddenly didn’t know how to answer him. Thailand’s economy is mastered by descent of Chinese, because native Thailanders are lazy. Once they earn enough money for living, they don’t want to work more, while Chinese, on the other hand, cudgel their brains for more money. It is not only Thailanders are ‘lazy’, but also people in western world. I got this by talking with a few European. Then I started to ponder upon my life and begun to change my attitude toward life. Why should I work hard to earn lots of money but cannot realize the dream I had when I was a little child --- to travel around the world. I neither have the freedom to go abroad nor do I have the time. So, I decided to immigrate, and enjoy my life ever after. Maybe after a-few-year struggle, I may settle down in Canada, and start to enjoy my traveling. As for money, enough is enough.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Good thoughts, although your case is quite different from what Jiaozi was preaching. Most people can't afford the dream life you described, at least not at early stages of their lives. So consider yourself one of the luckiest. And enjoy! Good luck!
        • Actually, I think his case is exactly what I was talking about. He found something more important to him, so he decided to give up one thing (here is money) to get another thing (which is probably freedom or dream). It is trade off. Do you think so? :)
          • Jiaozi: I guess I was exaggerating a bit when I said his case was quite different. You are right, you were talking about the same thing, - in spirit. Still, note that he was not giving up his money, he was giving up on making more
            money. Things are probably easier when you have, say, half a million dollars in the bank.