


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I came from Beijing last summer to study journalism at UBC. My Canadian experience takes a new shape every single day, newer than I can handle, so I’d like to storytell it for the old folks to critique.


My first culture shock came from Canadian politeness. I played soccer in UBC’s league and couldn’t stand the fact that people were so nice to me. If I kept the ball to myself without passing, say, back in China, guys would call me a “ballhog” and names; when I do it here they say, “Do you need any support?”
Sweet, the result is, as you can imagine, I always refuse to be supported.


I like the fact that strangers sometimes greet you with the warmth of a friend. It’s even nicer in Vancouver Island where people new to each other can engage themselves in a talk for no reason.
Since I came I’ve made more friends than I expected. My Caucasian roommates are beautiful people and we had a good time playing “mafia”, sharing food and shouting “Go Canucks go!”
Do we have any problem with each other? Yes we do. A roommate of mine makes a lot of noise when he makes love, and the wall between us is too thin to contain the moaning. But I am not too upset about that, as he does it only twice a day.

My pushers, my best friends

“Welcome to BC,” said my classmate Mike on my birthday party as he took out a pipe from his pocket.
My jaw hit the ground when he laid some tea-like stuff in the pipe and said it was a birthday gift he bought me from Hasting.
“I don’t even smoke cigarette, man, and you give me pot?” I turned him down.
He was so upset that it’s not exaggerating to say that he was hurt.
But he didn’t give up. He started to invite other guys to take inhales rotationally. I was surprised to find that half a dozen of my classmates, male or female, are so marijuana-friendly that they smoke it like a chimney.
“Come on, man, this is BC,” they can’t wait to stone me.
And I took my first inhale. It didn’t work on me though, probably because I never smoked cigarette and was unable to force the air into my lung.
Mike was so happy about becoming my pusher.
I have another pusher Geoff, my roommate who tries to make me a Christian. He bought me a bible, took me to church and all kinds of Christian parties.
I like his earnestness in trying to “save” me, though I don’t like the idea of being saved by somebody whose existence is in question. I enjoy singing songs with lots of people in church – not when SARS is spreading – and listening to their discussion on life and death. It’s a big part of Canadian culture worth experiencing.
Though neither of them has changed me successfully, my pushers have become my best Canadian friends. I spent thanksgiving and Christmas with their families on the Island. My first taste of turkey, first self-made Christmas tree and first talk with sexy country girls – everyday has been a new experience, thanks to my friends.

Nasty times

Did I have blue times in Canada? Yes. The first time I felt being discriminated was when I interviewed an immigration official on the government’s plan to disperse immigrant settlement.
“Your questions are nonsense,” she tried to intimidate me, “They don’t make any sense.”
“You are just a student,” she went on, “You are not professional enough.”
What hurt me most was that she said “Do you understand the English that I am speaking?” as she knew that I was from China.
It hurt me so much that I was even afraid of hearing her voice when I went over my tape, something I usually do before writing a news article.
It has been my worst Canadian experience, but I take it as an individual behavior rather than society as a whole. I should say ninety nine times out of a hundred people I interview are nice to me; the percentage is much higher than what I experienced in China.
In fact, some bizarre experience helps me learn more about Canadian culture.
I was wanted by a cop last October. Assigned by a mad professor to find out the body condition of Wei Amanda Zhao, I phoned Vancouver’s coroner and made some guesswork which I asked her to confirm.
This tight-lip lady turned out to be a nervous nanny. Not only did she refuse to tell me anything, but she told the Burnaby police that I had “hold-back” information which they withheld from the public. God knows, maybe my guesswork happened to be right.
So an RCMP guy called “Tyson” started looking for me. He called the heads of my school for information on me and I was scared because I didn’t know if he wanted to arrest me.
When he finally got me on the phone, he was condescending, if not threatening. In a humble way I answered all his questions and explained to him that I didn’t have any “hold-back” info. At last he was bored I guess and gave up questioning.
But I regret being nice to him. I regret not exercising my rights guaranteed by the Constitution and I am probably not gonna have any more opportunity to exercise it! I should have teased him and got more information on the case as an exchange.
Conclusion: You don’t have to be nice to a Canadian cop unless you’ve broken the law.

Go out and talk to people

Canadian culture is not carried by the Rocky Mountains, I believe, but the people they nurture.
Informed and intelligent, hospitable and artless, this is largely what I find Canadians.
Many of them have traveled around the world and I’ve learned a lot more about Europe and Africa by talking to them. Even about China, they sometimes know better than I do. For example, I didn’t know Google was banned in my country last September until they told me so.
It’s always been an excitement for me to scoop up interesting people in this brand new culture.
I’ve done a video documentary with two of my classmates on a girl who’s survived on the street without her family. An ex drug dealer and addict, she broke my stereotype of desperate people needling themselves on Hasting. I never knew they had human faces until I got to know her.
She’s a good rapper who writes rhyme and performs with a passion for life. Her energy spins with her as she dances.
“I got the skeletons in the closet
But that don’t bother me
I be the soldier from the jungle approximately
My corrupt past didn’t take me
Never beat me, never been locked up in society’s cage.”
She writes and raps. She has a faith that keeps her strong, that has pulled her out of the quagmire and leads her towards a better tomorrow. She now starts fresh in a job training program and paints murals over the city’s graffiti.
“I’m goin’ up in flames
Never hold me down”
I decide that the part of Canadian life she’s shown me is never to be learned at school.


Now back to school, it took me quite a while to figure out why I had studied so hard here, like never before.
It could be that my classmates are workaholics. Some of them work like masochists, and take inhuman pleasure out of it. I guess I am more or less pressured by the fact that they work like crazy, if they are not.
But why do they do so? My answer is that they love what they’ve chosen – and they drop out if they don’t – which is a big thing about Canadian education, free choice and motivation.
Few of my schoolmates have entered the program without being committed to journalism. Two students did come to “see how it goes” and they’ve dropped out because they don’t love it.
Fortunately I love what I am taking. This I believe has been more important than pressure in keeping me going.
In fact, I have made some contribution to Canada’s education, though by mistake. Looking for a TAship when I first came, I ran into a program called “humanities 101” sponsored by UBC. It offers free education to people aged from 20 to 70 who have not had opportunity to go to college.
It was not because I had a good heart that I undertake this unpaid TAship; I said it was an accident. I didn’t know what “volunteer” meant when I saw the job posting, which could be deadly for a job hunter in Canada.
When I found it out it was too late to withdraw, so I assumed that I had a good heart and moved on with it.
It turned out to be a rewarding experience. I got to know underrepresented and disadvantaged people from different parts of society: an old fisherman hurt by fish farming, a jobless immigrant crippled by language problem and a girl who found “six bucks sucks…”
The only pity in my one year study is that I dropped out from a minor course of Canadian history. I took it only because I wanted to know more about the country, but unfortunately it was too hard for me. The only thing I learned from that course: It’s nothing like Chinese history.


A job doesn’t come easily, especially for an international journalism student. I spent tons of time applying for a summer internship, which is a requisite for my degree, but failed to find one in Canada.
While my schoolmates go to work for the Toronto Star, the CBC and the Vancouver Sun for $ 500--$1,000 Canadian a week, I can only struggle to get a job in SARS-hit Hong Kong, for as little as 6,000 HKD a month.
But I know I shouldn’t complain. If there’s anything to blame, it’s my English. The one year education has helped me a lot; without it I wouldn’t even get a job in Hong Kong.
Hopefully the internship will add to my resume and help me get into mainstream media next year when I graduate. To my encouragement, a second Chinese student who went to Hong Kong last summer has made it to the Toronto Star.
If I couldn’t find a job here upon graduation, I wouldn’t blame Canada. Going back home is not a bad choice. The whole point of being in Canada to me is not to get a visa, but to learn as much as I can.

I enjoyed reading the article by the Waterloo student from Peking University. I’ve written this only to provide a different perspective of a Chinese arts student in Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 北大学生在waterloo(出国经验及感想)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛来Waterloo半年有余了,从来就一直想写一写这里的学习啊生活啊,可是一直不知道怎下手。嗯,现在在这里混了2个term了,马上就要放假回家了,写点东西吧。hoho.(一)学校University of Waterloo位于Ontario,距离Toronto一个多小时的高速车程,旁边一个城市叫Kitchener,一般来说Waterloo合kitchener合成K-W地区,其实算是一个学校,是加拿大第九大城市,人口20多万吧,我也不太清楚了:((U of Waterloo是加拿大近几年排名第一的学校,学校声誉连续十几年加拿大最好。这个学校一共有六个学院,science, engineering, math, arts, environmental sciences, applied healthy science。

      Waterloo这几年火爆的原因就是因为其math,cs以及engineering的地位。Waterloo这三个专业在北美地区都是不错的,尤其在业界是比较有地位的。据说Bill Gates对waterloo的学生还是青睐有加的。health学院也不错,有几个牛老师,在北美排名能到第三。剩下的学院就是可以用一个烂字来形容了。















      3、offer letter。这是个很大的问题,因为checklist上要求unconditonal offer letter但学校在没有收到你的大四成绩单的时候或者没有毕业证的时候不会发这种letter,一般都是conditonal offer letter。我当时是给导师写信,我们导师在学校有点地位,就走后门给我开了unconditional letter,但如果不能酱紫做的话,可以写一个什么东西声明一下,说还没有毕业,什么的。一般签证官不会为难的。










      当然,甚么事情都不能一棒子打死,移民也是有一些好处的,比如说international学生的学费是一个term4800,现在涨价到5000多了,但是移民就只有不到2000,还有移民的健康保险好像是免费的,还有移民不需要办工作许可就可以打工,而国际学生只能在学校打工,就是做ta ra什么的。还有就是移民去米国玩签证比较容易。










      学校可以提供的学习资源还是比较丰富的,图书馆是三校联合(Wilfrid Laurier, Guelgh)的,所以可以跨校借书,网上有journal article的电子版,即使不在学校通过学生证号也可以search,如果查到的article Waterloo没有而在其他两个学校,可以要求复印,学校还有一些film的资料,就是那种缩拍的dd,可以打印,这些都是free的。


      同学间的交流要看课程,有的课是有group work,就需要交流,但是我们系的课都是论文,所以不存在这个问题。而且,这边中国人很多,所以即使是做team work也是中国人大家一组。

      这边学期设置跟美国和国内的学校不一样,一年三个学期,fall, winter, spring。fall和winter之间有一个大概20天的圣诞假,是一年最长的假期,winter和spring之间两周左右的假。fall从9月到12月,winter从1月到4月中下旬,spring从5月到8月底。




      ta的工作主要有判作业啊,答疑啊,带lab啊,监考啊,好像就这些,这个工作任务Waterloo没有什么特色的说:))如果一定要说,就是我觉得这边学生真是傻啊真是傻。我带答疑的时候,一个很简单的运用game theory选址问题很多人都不明白,这类问题放在国内初中生就会做。还有就是数学真的是很差!!基本上不会列方程解题,就是那种很简单的一员一次方程都不会。当然,我说的是文科生:))打工机会不多,也就是在参观做waiter,Waterloo学校外面有一个小小的plaza,好多好多餐馆,因为这边华人多,有很多中餐馆,会招一些人打工,但是因为学生没有work permit,只能打黑工,工资也就很低,6-7刀一个小时的样子。放假的时候还不能打工,因为Waterloo一到放假就成了空城一座,学生一放假,所有参观几乎都没有生意所以就关门!!










      (8.2)住在国外留学都是要自己租房子的。U of Waterloo自己有学生宿舍去,但是要申请,不是每个人都能申请到的。据我所知,学校的宿舍包括eby hall, beck hall, uwp, minot hagay, village。好像就这些。这些房子里除了uwp以外都是狂贵。

      房租每个term行情都不一样,一般来说fall term最贵,spring最便宜,因为Waterloo实行co-op制度,就是说每年的springterm学生都出去实习,所以房价就降低。一般fall term的房租350-400,winter term的300-350,spring的大概就是200-275的样子了。


      这里的房子主要有三种,house,apartment还有就是town house。我个人推荐住apartment。理由如下。






























      7、如果非要来这里读书的话,比较好的学校有UBC(BC),Waterloo(ON),U of Toronto(ON), McMaster(ON), Western Ontario(ON), McGill(Quebec)。大概就是这些了,选择学校的时候最好看看学校的location,因为Waterloo已经是加拿大最南部了,快相当于海南了hoho,但是还是粉冷,一年半年的冬天,我都不敢想象再北的地方得冷成什么样。






      我很看不惯有一些人削尖了脑袋要出国,现在北美经济不景气,毕业了根本找不到工作,我的roommate,ee的博士,毕业快一年了,都没有找到工作。还有很多公司每个月都在layoff人。学校找工作的网站上很多工作都是什么bus driver啊,做sales啊这一类的,当然,在加拿大做这样的工作年薪比一个硕士毕业的cs学生拿的工资都可能高,可是,至少在我看来,这是一种堕落。

      相比之下,如果在国内的话,至少可以找到一份比较decent的工作,可能公司不是很有名气,起薪可能不高,但是是一份decent的工作。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The writer of this article is too naive to understand what life means!
    • 这种水平,北大来的? 不太相信
      • 北大的水平应该什么样?咱中国的大学有哪个能在世界上排到前面?
      • 北大现在也出这样的学生呀,真是世道变了!
    • 国内牛校竟牛过waterloo? waterloo真这么差? 太夸张, 就我所知, UT可不差, 或许系别不同. 另, 留学生移民现在须回国办理。
    • 年轻人啊,感想真多。
    • 看了一半,实在看不下去了。只能讲是太年轻,或者太无知。
      • 你们很多人简直倚老卖老嘛,你们的生活都很好吗?》
        • 是否要显摆一下?三年前移民时年薪过十万(RBM),现在过六万(canadian$)
          • That is so called rich?
            • I don't think so. But it's much better than RMB3000/M, your dream.
              • Be modest if you don't know many people out there are making much more than you do. How about USD 200K/Y before but now CND 100K/Y?
              • You really got lost. It seems like you may never find your way!
        • 牛牛,我支持你!可能你的话伤了某些人的虚荣心了!^_^!
      • Yes!
      • 年轻跟无知根本就是两回事情,您不用客气,就直截了当的说她——无知好了。
    • 这篇文章不少漏洞。只说最基本的吧,查查waterloo这些faculty的名字都对吗?别的俺也不好再说,省得说俺自吹自擂。
      • 冲这个标题,就没打开看。还以为是转的,没想到是个原创,不过。。。呵呵
      • Official site of University of Waterloo
        • I search this web site almost everyday. thanks. pls. check it carefully to see whether I'm wrong or not.
    • 典型的独生子女综合症。
      • 一语中的,以前在别处(可能是51.ca)就看到过这个贴,今天是作者自己上来 :-)
    • some thoughts
      1. thanks for sharing, would be nicer if you wrote in English.

      2. You have been staying in Waterloo for 8 months, as time goes by, you will have different perspectives about everything in life, so don't draw conclusion too fast.

      3. I don't think you have too much 北大学生的狂妄, we all had done the same 10 years ago, again time will reduce stupidity from each of us.

      4. Good luck with everything, enjoy life in Canada.
      • "we all had done the same 10 years ago, again time will reduce stupidity from each of us. " 有道理..呵呵
    • "K-W作为加拿大第九大城市,跟中国的农村基本没有区别", 呵呵. 比较幽默嘛.
      • 他不知道国内农村长啥样,以为都和北京上海一样呢。
        • 基本上从城市来的都会喜欢加拿大的安静,从小地方来的就会嫌加拿大不够繁华
      • KW is NOT ranked as #9 in term of its size in Canada.
    • 每个人对待生活的看法和态度都会有所不同,任何一个地方也都会有好与不好,不管是高官还是这里的LABOUR,如果是自己想要的,自己选择的都会是开心的。其实对这里你有这么多的不满,你可以马上回中国,不必浪费时间在这样的“烂”校上。
      • 自己选择的都会是开心的----未必吧,移民都是自己选择移民的,但开不开心大家心理有数,回不回国又是一件复杂的事。
    • 心态很年轻,也有很多思考,很不错。每个人经历不同,难免有偏颇,保持年轻的心态却很可贵
    • 不错不错,看着感觉很亲切。半年就想了这么多,我头半年还找不到北呢。写了这么多,对后来的学生有借鉴作用。有些事情是需要时间体会的,在这里安家乐业的不要太苛求新来的学生,这篇文章估计是写给国内准备出国的学生看的。
    • 写的挺好的,很真实.不明白为何引来批评无数.是不是伤了某些人的虚荣心了? 时间就象魔术师,同样一件事,10年前你觉得正确,现在你可能觉得很可笑,但十年后说不定你又觉得很合理.
      • 你认识他?何以见得真实?
        • Toured UW three years ago. Her depiction about the the school and campus is perfectly true. This may hurt those who bet on getting a good job by attending UW.
      • 我觉得他说得很好, 是他自己的想法. 只是他的想法不一定是人家的想法, ..
        • 典型的伪劣。
      • 和她同样的愚蠢。
    • 赫赫,跟我见过的几个小朋友一样,认为读了cs/ee之类的master就应该再读个phd然后找个公司享受干脑力的快乐这样才算是体面的正道才是成功的人生,而视我等准备从college中寻找简单生活的人为落后愚昧蛮荒。。。
      • 9494,Waterloo CS 的 “白痴类”当年火爆的时候是微软、IBM随便玩,Master可就没人感冒.这不,认识一个该校2年级的Co,刚刚到摩根丹利上班了,“钱”程无量啊。407上的计费系统
        • Full-time, intern or co-op?
    • too simple, sometimes naive.
    • 好看,好多描写挺传神的,比如那些莫名其妙的建筑莫名其妙的地点以及莫名其妙的内部。北大的文科生在WATERLOO可能感觉是会有点怪。你应该考虑转到多大去,体会一下城市生活。还有就是不要以为WATERLOO就是加拿大了。年轻真好。
    • 冒昧一句,国内3000月薪有何DECENT? 真不懂。 本人不才,三年前月薪1万五时真不如现在的6万加币经花。 国内的收入税真是很高。 3000块在国内不算房租,车费等等,就是DECENT的餐厅能去两次都不够,我这还是3年前的老皇历。
      • Are you kidding? One visit to a decent restaurant costs RMB 1500? Then most Chinese can never dine out. Do you know how much is the average monthly income for a worker, say in a factory, in China?
        • Just means you never have decent life before, both in China and Canada
          • What a decent life are you having now? Exaggerating doesn't make you special than others. Which school did you go to? How many countries have you been? How much money have you made? Give me a break!
            • In big cities, you can never lead a decent life for 3k RMB. you should know that, no need to argue about this.
              • My rent was 5000/M when I was in Beijing. I even went to a few dinning occasions that cost more than 50K for 5 people. But you never say for an ordinary meal in a normal decent restaurant cost RMB1500 for one.
                • eh, you are very straight forward person. The definition of "decent" vary much in differnet people's eye.
                  For me 30RMB is acceptable price for a lunch in a western-style restraunt. If in Donghai, 1500RMB is just for ordinary foods. If I have 3000RMB, after deducting house, transportation, clothes i dont think there are much left.
                  • You are right. In a studnet eyes, RMB3000 might mean the actual disposable money after rent etc. In any case, don't fool around with exceptional cases which do not represent the whole picture.
          • Playing on line at 10:00 AM indicates two things - either you are not working at all or you don't have any discipline at your work place. Learn how to respect others first before you do anything else.
          • Except China and Canada, where else have you been? Really feel pity for you.
          • Probably not the one you meant. I travelled around in all provinces except one when I was in China and have visited 1/3 of the world since then. But I don't have the money for a RMB 1500 meal.
            • eh, some people like enjoying delicious food, some people like traveling. So you spend money in traveling while others are enjoying seafoods, it's not the point, buddy.
              • Exactly. Dinning out is the first step of having a so called decent life.
      • 各打50大板。

        这里70K CAD的年薪也这样,只是开开好点的车,生活嘛,钟点工是不能请的,还时不时要自己动动手。dine out倒是经常的事,当然就是一些小餐馆。开销也就20刀一个人。
        • 再说一句,有一点是对的
          • Not necessary. 公司可以和税务部门进行税务包干的谈判.
        • 各位月万,本人不才,也就月半碗,但生活确实很爽,而且有过国外生活经历,要说加拿大比中国强,只能是很片面的一部分(对你我而言)。现在有车补(1000人民币/月),好车每年降价,两年换一次车。
      • 真搞笑,月薪1万5,还去加拿大,脑袋进水了???
    • 这是从国内BBS上转来的文章,我1-2个星期前就看过。虽然有些信息不准确,但个人感受还挺真实的。
      • 但美国大部分学校不提供奖学金, 比如美国最大的University of Phonix. 还有很多只提供半奖.
        • 不对吧?应该说不是所有人都能有幸得到奖学金,加拿大不也是这样吗?
    • 乱点几句:(原来又想打笔仗的,边看边写,最后写不下去了,尊重历史吧,还贴在正文里。私下觉得,能酱紫平实地写出那么多dd是粉不容易地。)
      U of Waterloo是加拿大近几年排名第一的学校……多大要跳楼了;

    • 我的decent的定义就是国内月薪3000以上的人过的那种生活,穿比较好的衣服…… 那你还来干什么?今年我认识的一个中大女生毕业进了四大,工资起薪是4800,真搞不懂你,3000块少了个零吧。
    • 文科去什么Waterloo,学费又贵,还不如去斜对面的威尔弗瑞德。劳瑞尔大学
      • 就是,到化铁炉学文科,不是万不可以谁去呀。:-)
    • "我来了半年有余,许多楼去了很多次,可是每次去还是迷路", 真是北大高柴生啊!
      我在旧金山开车迷路, 那一定是老美公路造得莫名其妙, 怎么可以承认我比别人笨呢?

      到滑铁庐去学旅游, 和想到MIT去学医没有差别, 因为哈佛医学院进不了嘛. 只是不知道这算是烂校进了个聪明人还是好学校进了个烂人.
      • 每个人的时间都是宝贵的, 不论学校或学生,都是为了学和交些有用的东西,我看老师也都是很敬业,最好不要有“烂” 这类评语。 相互尊重较好。
    • could not finish reading it: doubt all material is proved. ":((U of Waterloo是加拿大近几年排名第一的学校,学校声誉连续十几年加拿大最好。" ? is that true?
      • 好象不对。 顺便问一下, 滑铁卢大学若在美国能排第几, 北大能排第几?
      • #757266
        • 卖烤林的排名被大家反复贴来贴去,有意义吗? j加拿大的这种排法,什么博士一血泪,综合类等等,多无聊,最后各种排法排下来,只要不是太太烂的学校,都能排进来。看着都觉得讽刺。
          • 补充,之所以卖烤林有这么多排法,据说也是为了平衡全加的大学,不得罪人,因为我以前看过一篇文章,很多年前某大学被残酷挤出20大,结果人家大学纠集其他一些落榜大学,宣布从此不参加这种排名。后经卖烤林多方地下工作,
          • 有一个说法是, 加拿大所有大学并列排名第一
    • nice try.
    • 写得很好啊,看得出来,年轻啊!虽然里面很多东西偶并不认同,但也要鼓励一下。
    • My opinion and question
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I never rate Waterloo as a top school. The reason is very simple:

      A top university can not be famous for its co-op program.

      As for the CS program in Watreloo, it is over-valued. A good CS program
      should not be proud for producing the followers of Bill Gates. How
      many alumini in Bill's BBQ party is a funny index either. What really matter are that how many competitors of Bill Gates are from this program,
      how many turing award winners in the dept..

      What its engineering programs cater is the co-op programs, which job market more accessible to its students. However, emphasis on the co-op degrade Waterloo to the same rank as Seneca and George Brown.

      Though Waterloo is not a top university, it is still a decent one. It came to its stardom in less than 50 years which Beida has not been achieve in
      100 years.

      If Waterloo is so bad compared with Beida, why, as I overserved, there is
      one way traffic from Beida to Waterloo? I have not heard any one rushing from Waterloo to Beida, from countryside in Canada to Metro Beijing?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • kao! 北大毕业的去读Waterloo,还是个文科.....还跑这儿来现眼,丢人啊丢人...
      • 你对waterloo的所有文科都了解吗?有什么丢人的?看学什么了,waterloo的建筑系还世界排名前50位呢。
        • Are you a UW enrolled student? Architecture is a combination of art and science. It is not humanity or social science.
    • 他只说对了一句话: waterloo是暴发户.
      对他大学不靠名教授, 图书馆不重要之类的实在不敢苟同, 看来此位本来就不爱读书, 在北大估计也是混. 他说waterloo文科差, 北大的文科就好? 以他的水平, 让他在UT, waterloo读理科, 可能会被kick off.

      如果说水平, 还是UT,McGill最好
    • 由此文引发的对论坛的一些想法

      • Wise and constructive.
    • 典型的北大学生, 大事做不了, 小事不愿意做, 什么都看不在眼里, 可惜自己有肤浅的可笑. 庆幸现在国家领导人清华多些的, 如果都是北大的, 那还不完蛋?
      • You probably overstated here. The reason why more Qinghua graduates become politicians in high rank positions is far more complicated than you think.
        • true!
    • 我印象中好象以前有人贴过,一查
      内容一样,不过有一点我当时就不明白。好象发贴子的和那个版的版主是一个人,不过有一句话 “斑竹评价:非常好的文章,对留学加拿大的看法很客观,还有很多签证,生活细节,虽然文章常了点,希望大家努力看完,绝对有帮助的。!!! ”,是不是我理解有误,自己夸自己:<,我不能理解。


      • 说是个看法倒可以,至于是否客观公正,自己评的能算数吗? :))
      • 大脑进水小脑抽筋有毛病的就不是人吗!?清华北大就牛到可以说这些?
    • 年轻真好。
    • 加拿大需要这样的孩子。
      大量招收国际学生---- 是加拿大的长期国策!
    • 到底是台湾北大学生,还是中国北大学生.满篇的酱子, 令人做呕.
      • 什么北大学生,简直就是一傻逼!!
        • So rude, get out of here!
    • 文科生在加拿大:与Waterloo北大学生截然不同的出国感想(UBC版)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I came from Beijing last summer to study journalism at UBC. My Canadian experience takes a new shape every single day, newer than I can handle, so I’d like to storytell it for the old folks to critique.


      My first culture shock came from Canadian politeness. I played soccer in UBC’s league and couldn’t stand the fact that people were so nice to me. If I kept the ball to myself without passing, say, back in China, guys would call me a “ballhog” and names; when I do it here they say, “Do you need any support?”
      Sweet, the result is, as you can imagine, I always refuse to be supported.


      I like the fact that strangers sometimes greet you with the warmth of a friend. It’s even nicer in Vancouver Island where people new to each other can engage themselves in a talk for no reason.
      Since I came I’ve made more friends than I expected. My Caucasian roommates are beautiful people and we had a good time playing “mafia”, sharing food and shouting “Go Canucks go!”
      Do we have any problem with each other? Yes we do. A roommate of mine makes a lot of noise when he makes love, and the wall between us is too thin to contain the moaning. But I am not too upset about that, as he does it only twice a day.

      My pushers, my best friends

      “Welcome to BC,” said my classmate Mike on my birthday party as he took out a pipe from his pocket.
      My jaw hit the ground when he laid some tea-like stuff in the pipe and said it was a birthday gift he bought me from Hasting.
      “I don’t even smoke cigarette, man, and you give me pot?” I turned him down.
      He was so upset that it’s not exaggerating to say that he was hurt.
      But he didn’t give up. He started to invite other guys to take inhales rotationally. I was surprised to find that half a dozen of my classmates, male or female, are so marijuana-friendly that they smoke it like a chimney.
      “Come on, man, this is BC,” they can’t wait to stone me.
      And I took my first inhale. It didn’t work on me though, probably because I never smoked cigarette and was unable to force the air into my lung.
      Mike was so happy about becoming my pusher.
      I have another pusher Geoff, my roommate who tries to make me a Christian. He bought me a bible, took me to church and all kinds of Christian parties.
      I like his earnestness in trying to “save” me, though I don’t like the idea of being saved by somebody whose existence is in question. I enjoy singing songs with lots of people in church – not when SARS is spreading – and listening to their discussion on life and death. It’s a big part of Canadian culture worth experiencing.
      Though neither of them has changed me successfully, my pushers have become my best Canadian friends. I spent thanksgiving and Christmas with their families on the Island. My first taste of turkey, first self-made Christmas tree and first talk with sexy country girls – everyday has been a new experience, thanks to my friends.

      Nasty times

      Did I have blue times in Canada? Yes. The first time I felt being discriminated was when I interviewed an immigration official on the government’s plan to disperse immigrant settlement.
      “Your questions are nonsense,” she tried to intimidate me, “They don’t make any sense.”
      “You are just a student,” she went on, “You are not professional enough.”
      What hurt me most was that she said “Do you understand the English that I am speaking?” as she knew that I was from China.
      It hurt me so much that I was even afraid of hearing her voice when I went over my tape, something I usually do before writing a news article.
      It has been my worst Canadian experience, but I take it as an individual behavior rather than society as a whole. I should say ninety nine times out of a hundred people I interview are nice to me; the percentage is much higher than what I experienced in China.
      In fact, some bizarre experience helps me learn more about Canadian culture.
      I was wanted by a cop last October. Assigned by a mad professor to find out the body condition of Wei Amanda Zhao, I phoned Vancouver’s coroner and made some guesswork which I asked her to confirm.
      This tight-lip lady turned out to be a nervous nanny. Not only did she refuse to tell me anything, but she told the Burnaby police that I had “hold-back” information which they withheld from the public. God knows, maybe my guesswork happened to be right.
      So an RCMP guy called “Tyson” started looking for me. He called the heads of my school for information on me and I was scared because I didn’t know if he wanted to arrest me.
      When he finally got me on the phone, he was condescending, if not threatening. In a humble way I answered all his questions and explained to him that I didn’t have any “hold-back” info. At last he was bored I guess and gave up questioning.
      But I regret being nice to him. I regret not exercising my rights guaranteed by the Constitution and I am probably not gonna have any more opportunity to exercise it! I should have teased him and got more information on the case as an exchange.
      Conclusion: You don’t have to be nice to a Canadian cop unless you’ve broken the law.

      Go out and talk to people

      Canadian culture is not carried by the Rocky Mountains, I believe, but the people they nurture.
      Informed and intelligent, hospitable and artless, this is largely what I find Canadians.
      Many of them have traveled around the world and I’ve learned a lot more about Europe and Africa by talking to them. Even about China, they sometimes know better than I do. For example, I didn’t know Google was banned in my country last September until they told me so.
      It’s always been an excitement for me to scoop up interesting people in this brand new culture.
      I’ve done a video documentary with two of my classmates on a girl who’s survived on the street without her family. An ex drug dealer and addict, she broke my stereotype of desperate people needling themselves on Hasting. I never knew they had human faces until I got to know her.
      She’s a good rapper who writes rhyme and performs with a passion for life. Her energy spins with her as she dances.
      “I got the skeletons in the closet
      But that don’t bother me
      I be the soldier from the jungle approximately
      My corrupt past didn’t take me
      Never beat me, never been locked up in society’s cage.”
      She writes and raps. She has a faith that keeps her strong, that has pulled her out of the quagmire and leads her towards a better tomorrow. She now starts fresh in a job training program and paints murals over the city’s graffiti.
      “I’m goin’ up in flames
      Never hold me down”
      I decide that the part of Canadian life she’s shown me is never to be learned at school.


      Now back to school, it took me quite a while to figure out why I had studied so hard here, like never before.
      It could be that my classmates are workaholics. Some of them work like masochists, and take inhuman pleasure out of it. I guess I am more or less pressured by the fact that they work like crazy, if they are not.
      But why do they do so? My answer is that they love what they’ve chosen – and they drop out if they don’t – which is a big thing about Canadian education, free choice and motivation.
      Few of my schoolmates have entered the program without being committed to journalism. Two students did come to “see how it goes” and they’ve dropped out because they don’t love it.
      Fortunately I love what I am taking. This I believe has been more important than pressure in keeping me going.
      In fact, I have made some contribution to Canada’s education, though by mistake. Looking for a TAship when I first came, I ran into a program called “humanities 101” sponsored by UBC. It offers free education to people aged from 20 to 70 who have not had opportunity to go to college.
      It was not because I had a good heart that I undertake this unpaid TAship; I said it was an accident. I didn’t know what “volunteer” meant when I saw the job posting, which could be deadly for a job hunter in Canada.
      When I found it out it was too late to withdraw, so I assumed that I had a good heart and moved on with it.
      It turned out to be a rewarding experience. I got to know underrepresented and disadvantaged people from different parts of society: an old fisherman hurt by fish farming, a jobless immigrant crippled by language problem and a girl who found “six bucks sucks…”
      The only pity in my one year study is that I dropped out from a minor course of Canadian history. I took it only because I wanted to know more about the country, but unfortunately it was too hard for me. The only thing I learned from that course: It’s nothing like Chinese history.


      A job doesn’t come easily, especially for an international journalism student. I spent tons of time applying for a summer internship, which is a requisite for my degree, but failed to find one in Canada.
      While my schoolmates go to work for the Toronto Star, the CBC and the Vancouver Sun for $ 500--$1,000 Canadian a week, I can only struggle to get a job in SARS-hit Hong Kong, for as little as 6,000 HKD a month.
      But I know I shouldn’t complain. If there’s anything to blame, it’s my English. The one year education has helped me a lot; without it I wouldn’t even get a job in Hong Kong.
      Hopefully the internship will add to my resume and help me get into mainstream media next year when I graduate. To my encouragement, a second Chinese student who went to Hong Kong last summer has made it to the Toronto Star.
      If I couldn’t find a job here upon graduation, I wouldn’t blame Canada. Going back home is not a bad choice. The whole point of being in Canada to me is not to get a visa, but to learn as much as I can.

      I enjoyed reading the article by the Waterloo student from Peking University. I’ve written this only to provide a different perspective of a Chinese arts student in Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I appreciate your article, which can enlighten me, a new Vancouver immigrant, a lot!
        Thanks a lot! I hope my english will keep up in one year as you!
    • 写得很好,这才是真正的国外,我出国十年了,早就 这样告诉国人,可国人偏有不撞南墙不回头的勇气, 可付出的代价却是自己的前途和生活。我也试图海归 ,但不容易。
    • That's all coz of economy resession....
      Before 2000, anybody come here will appreciate the lovely environment, but now, who can guarantee you something? You came here, not for study, work, or whatever; you are to live, to make livings.
      In China, everything could be done along with the pre-defined schedule which might be put down before your born, but who can say there won't be any ecnomoy or political resession in future? What you have done is just preparing to learn how to face it!
    • 用半年的时间的经历来对一个学校以及一个社会下一些negative的结论,对于一个出身名校的大学生来说是否有点太肤浅....否定自己学校的同时也是否定自己的选择......
      • 我认为,作为这样的年龄段,在一个相对封闭的学校小环境,寂寞,紧张,郁闷及失落的心情是完全可以理解的.只是相信在若干年后,他一定会庆幸自己当初的选择和磨练.其实,人应该对自己有信心,希望能够珍惜生活.
    • UW is a good university!!!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I'm a UW math student and I have studied here for 2 terms.
      I don't think UW is so bad as you described!
      Although it is not so funny and comfortable to stay here comparing to China, I did learned quite a lot of things here including my study skills and my independent life.
      It is a feeling of reborn! I never study so hard and concentrated before I came to Canada!
      The tuition and living fees are very expensive indeed but everyone konws the importance to immigrate to Canada.
      Also, the strong points of UW are
      1) well-known in the World( looking at the ranking of universities in the world, UW is ranking more previous than QingHua,BeiDa
      2) excellent professors and outstanding students( I don't think the students are so stupid as you described, in fact they are smart and they can apply the knowledge to real life,lab, jobs much better chinese students. They are also well-done on term-work, and doing well on Co-op program. I know the Math,CS, engineering students well.
      3) lots of decent Co-op program and jobs -- that is one of the biggest advantage in Canada. Only UW has so many good Co-ops.
      Finally, I want to say something! It is worth to study in University in Canada if you want to really learn sth, get closer to the West advanced world and culture. Learn english better and life style here. It is a long and hard road in front of you, but don't give up, it is your dream and it can come true, let's encourage each other to walk through this road successfully!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I strongly agree. =D I'm in UW too. I just found out it wasn't bad at all. I am in first year CS, coop.
    • 完全同意,加拿大这个地方真是..., 为什么没有早一点读到你的文章
      在北京混了n年,专业做到consultant级别了,这里打工真是堕落,总是听到overqualified, 靠
      • 还真有人说你overqualified? 而且你还真信?太把自己当盘菜了吧?
        • 是不是over qualified就不说了,咱这坛子总的让人发发牢骚吧
    • 没看完。只是觉得在对一件事情缺乏了解之前就下结论是很幼稚的。文中不实之处很多。例如:
      “加拿大学校一般不给免学费,别的省对留学生没有特殊待遇,只有安大略省,留学生的学费是本国学生,包括移民学费的三倍”据我所知,几乎所有的学校对international student都会收高价学费,2-3倍不等。这样简单的问题,如果你申请过不同的大学一定会了解。大约你出国是北大导师或者父母包办的。万事有人包办当时感觉是挺幸运的,其实他们是剥夺了你成长的权利。
      你也很有意思:北大以文著称,你偏学理。Waterloo 理工科有名,你又改了学文。我对Waterloo大学印象很好。一个学校,校舍好坏是次要的,关键是她能为学生提供什么样的服务。Waterloo是加拿大最早开始做Co-op的学校,也是最成功的。我在的公司常有她的co-op学生。她的课程实用,出来的学生也感觉比较好用,很受欢迎。我这学期选了一门夜课,开一个多小时的车去上课,还觉得挺值的呢。
      • that's true feeling about canada, brave and honest young girl
        i can't agree with the auther any more. i read it before i came here and laughed at her at that time, one year later, i read it again, i appreciate the auther for her honesty.