

老外也说打工不如要饭。大家想想,有见过哪个施主这样想的: 没有我你哪来这两个铜板?

on the internet recently theres been an article floating around, "why don't people ask their boss for a raise?" lol!

nowadays employers have the mentality that you should be lucky to just have a job....even professional jobs.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 老外也说打工不如要饭。大家想想,有见过哪个施主这样想的: 没有我你哪来这两个铜板?
    on the internet recently theres been an article floating around, "why don't people ask their boss for a raise?" lol!

    nowadays employers have the mentality that you should be lucky to just have a job....even professional jobs.

    • 这么吊的老板,一定是在加拿大。在美国应该不同的。 +1
      • 讲老实话,真正大老板未必如此,是下面的number one才会这样。
      • 加拿大的老板吊啊!谁让加拿大的工作机会少呢。