

一个编程小项目给有兴趣的小同学:画迷宫 Draw a Maze

Draw a maze of size N x N. N is an integer parameter.


  1. There is one and only one path from the entrance (bottom-left) to the exit (top-right).
  2. There is no loop.
  3. Every cell is accessible.

An example of a 4x4 maze is below.

There is another example, a 5x5 maze, from internet:

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 一个编程小项目给有兴趣的小同学:画迷宫 Draw a Maze +2

    Draw a maze of size N x N. N is an integer parameter.


    1. There is one and only one path from the entrance (bottom-left) to the exit (top-right).
    2. There is no loop.
    3. Every cell is accessible.

    An example of a 4x4 maze is below.

    There is another example, a 5x5 maze, from internet:
    • 谢谢老大。 +1
      • BTW, you can use whatever programming language. :)
    • 谢谢老大