

Doctors urge Ottawa to extend health care coverage to irregular migrants

So I got 2 things out of this article,
1. Up to half million “irregular “
2. And according to UN, it’s their rights to access healthcare system and somehow were even given a deadline to review the process. Hmm... what about the UN migration pact? What about Canada sovereignty?

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Doctors urge Ottawa to extend health care coverage to irregular migrants +1
    So I got 2 things out of this article,
    1. Up to half million “irregular “
    2. And according to UN, it’s their rights to access healthcare system and somehow were even given a deadline to review the process. Hmm... what about the UN migration pact? What about Canada sovereignty?
    • 上次是医生们呼吁给难民包括牙科在内的免费医疗。济世为怀是对的,就是给公民们减少医疗服务项目时,Dr们就顾不上呼吁了 +3
    • 中国进口人类的垃圾,加拿大进口垃圾的人类
    • The call comes after one woman, Nell Toussaint, took her fight for health coverage to the United Nations...the United Nations Human Rights committee agreed that Canada had violated Toussaint's rights by denying her access to essential healthcare. +1
      • 联合国管这小事? +1
      • Trudeau赶快赔1000万给这个假难民
        • 上回土豆说要把往房作为基本人权,坐等分房。
      • 西方打人权官司的,90%以上是畜生 +3