

卢沙野“白人至上”指责会引火烧身 Lu’s white supremacy rhetoric would lead to global scrutiny of Beijing’s racism practice at home

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛发布: 2019年1月19日 |来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


中国驻加拿大大使卢沙野近期对加拿大要求释放两名加国人士提起严厉指责,两名加国人士是在加国逮捕了华为财务总监孟晚舟之后在中国遭拘禁的。在渥太华一刊物上,卢沙野发表观点文章,指责加拿大在对待孟晚舟和两名加国人士上使用双重标准, 并称加拿大的“傲慢和偏见”之行为是西方的狂妄自大和白人至上做崇。

Chinese ambassador Lu Shaye harshly criticizes Canada’s demand for the releases of the two Canadians who were detained by the Chinese authorities after Canada’s arrest of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s CFO. In an op-ed in an Ottawa publication, Lu accuses Canada of adopting a double standard in treating Meng and the two Canadians, attributing the root cause of Canada’s “arrogant and prejudice” to Western egotism and white supremacy.


“Those elites completely dismissed China’s law and presumptuously urged China to release their citizens immediately. It seems that, to those people, the laws of Canada or other Western countries are laws and must be observed, while China’s laws are not and shouldn’t be respected,” Mr. Lu wrote.

卢大使的言辞显出篡改事实,凸显出一个专制政府对民主制度下至高无上司法的蔑视。孟晚舟和两名加国人士的不同处境就是最好的证明。加国在美国递解要求下,经卑诗最高法院批准逮捕了孟晚舟,而两名加国人士(Spavor 和 Kovrig)则在无面临任何指控前提下突然遭中国当局拘禁,且被剥夺法律代表权利。孟晚舟目前获保释被法庭释放,在其温哥华豪宅中尽享家人团聚,而Spavor 和 Kovrig却在“黑牢”中遭审讯和虐待。

Mr. Lu’s remarks twist facts, highlighting a tyrannical regime’s profoundly disrespect for the democratic rule of law. The sharp differences in handling the case of Meng and two Canadians have driven the point home. Meng’s arrest was the result of the US extradition request, warranted by the Supreme Court of B.C., while Spavor and Kovrig were arbitrarily detained without charges and deprived of legal representation. Meng is currently released on court bail, enjoying family reunification in her Vancouver home, while Spavor and Kovrig endure interrogation and mistreatment in a “black jail.”


It is the rule of law supremacy, rather than white supremacy Lu alleged that has led to Canada’s arrest of Meng and its demand for the release of two detained Canadians in China. Racism has no bearing on it. However, Beijing has been trying to portray Chinese people as victims of Western racism, claiming it was the root cause of nation’s “century of humiliation,” in order to stoke nationalism and to strengthen its ruling power. “While Chinese people have walked out of the pathos of century of humiliation, the West seemingly wants its century of bullying to continue,” says an op-ed published last week on Chinese tabloid “Global Times.”


But the race card Lu is playing could backfire. Chinese authorities, which have never ceased to denounce white supremacy from the West, is one of the most racist governments in the world. It has not only turned a blind eye on the widespread racism against black people in Chinese society but also enforced exclusion policies to oppress Chinese ethnic minorities – from Tibetans to Uighurs in Xinjiang.


From the banning of Muslim names for babies to chilling reports of torture and political indoctrination in so-called “reeducation” camps in Xinjiang, Beijing's Muslim integration programs have slowly chipped away the rights of ethnic minorities, according to the Uyghur Human Rights Project. It has even launched aggressive surveillance operations by sending massive Han government officials to Uighurs’ family homes -- to curtail their religious traditions and ethnic practices.

逮捕孟晚舟是一个纯粹的法律事件。中国政府欲给该事件抹上种族歧视的色彩, 这一做法将不可避免地导致其打压国内少数族裔的行径再次引发国际社会的强烈关注。

The arrest of Meng was a strictly legal matter. Beijing’s effort to racialize it will lead to more intense scrutiny from the global community over its racism practices at home.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 卢沙野“白人至上”指责会引火烧身 Lu’s white supremacy rhetoric would lead to global scrutiny of Beijing’s racism practice at home
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛发布: 2019年1月19日 |来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


    中国驻加拿大大使卢沙野近期对加拿大要求释放两名加国人士提起严厉指责,两名加国人士是在加国逮捕了华为财务总监孟晚舟之后在中国遭拘禁的。在渥太华一刊物上,卢沙野发表观点文章,指责加拿大在对待孟晚舟和两名加国人士上使用双重标准, 并称加拿大的“傲慢和偏见”之行为是西方的狂妄自大和白人至上做崇。

    Chinese ambassador Lu Shaye harshly criticizes Canada’s demand for the releases of the two Canadians who were detained by the Chinese authorities after Canada’s arrest of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s CFO. In an op-ed in an Ottawa publication, Lu accuses Canada of adopting a double standard in treating Meng and the two Canadians, attributing the root cause of Canada’s “arrogant and prejudice” to Western egotism and white supremacy.


    “Those elites completely dismissed China’s law and presumptuously urged China to release their citizens immediately. It seems that, to those people, the laws of Canada or other Western countries are laws and must be observed, while China’s laws are not and shouldn’t be respected,” Mr. Lu wrote.

    卢大使的言辞显出篡改事实,凸显出一个专制政府对民主制度下至高无上司法的蔑视。孟晚舟和两名加国人士的不同处境就是最好的证明。加国在美国递解要求下,经卑诗最高法院批准逮捕了孟晚舟,而两名加国人士(Spavor 和 Kovrig)则在无面临任何指控前提下突然遭中国当局拘禁,且被剥夺法律代表权利。孟晚舟目前获保释被法庭释放,在其温哥华豪宅中尽享家人团聚,而Spavor 和 Kovrig却在“黑牢”中遭审讯和虐待。

    Mr. Lu’s remarks twist facts, highlighting a tyrannical regime’s profoundly disrespect for the democratic rule of law. The sharp differences in handling the case of Meng and two Canadians have driven the point home. Meng’s arrest was the result of the US extradition request, warranted by the Supreme Court of B.C., while Spavor and Kovrig were arbitrarily detained without charges and deprived of legal representation. Meng is currently released on court bail, enjoying family reunification in her Vancouver home, while Spavor and Kovrig endure interrogation and mistreatment in a “black jail.”


    It is the rule of law supremacy, rather than white supremacy Lu alleged that has led to Canada’s arrest of Meng and its demand for the release of two detained Canadians in China. Racism has no bearing on it. However, Beijing has been trying to portray Chinese people as victims of Western racism, claiming it was the root cause of nation’s “century of humiliation,” in order to stoke nationalism and to strengthen its ruling power. “While Chinese people have walked out of the pathos of century of humiliation, the West seemingly wants its century of bullying to continue,” says an op-ed published last week on Chinese tabloid “Global Times.”


    But the race card Lu is playing could backfire. Chinese authorities, which have never ceased to denounce white supremacy from the West, is one of the most racist governments in the world. It has not only turned a blind eye on the widespread racism against black people in Chinese society but also enforced exclusion policies to oppress Chinese ethnic minorities – from Tibetans to Uighurs in Xinjiang.


    From the banning of Muslim names for babies to chilling reports of torture and political indoctrination in so-called “reeducation” camps in Xinjiang, Beijing's Muslim integration programs have slowly chipped away the rights of ethnic minorities, according to the Uyghur Human Rights Project. It has even launched aggressive surveillance operations by sending massive Han government officials to Uighurs’ family homes -- to curtail their religious traditions and ethnic practices.

    逮捕孟晚舟是一个纯粹的法律事件。中国政府欲给该事件抹上种族歧视的色彩, 这一做法将不可避免地导致其打压国内少数族裔的行径再次引发国际社会的强烈关注。

    The arrest of Meng was a strictly legal matter. Beijing’s effort to racialize it will lead to more intense scrutiny from the global community over its racism practices at home.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这吗说要盛赞 “白刃智伤” 了。 +1
      • 加拿大霉体终于道出土豆的真实意图了,就是给疆独出头。 +3
    • 华为案,让加拿大人乃至全世界认清了流氓政权的流氓本质,是个收获 +15
      • 你终于认清了你认的霉锅 +9
        • 也认清了土豆的小流氓 +1
      • 说明中国自信心增强了,敢于公开耍流氓了,现实世界,你不流氓,就被别人流氓 +3
        • 确切地说是中共,以前对中国人耍流氓,现在对外国人也耍流氓。我就不明白,从流氓手底下跑出来投奔文明世界的中国人如你等,为何如此对这流氓惜惜相应呢? +9
        • 嗯,拳头大就是真理?那以后给人打的鼻青脸肿也要愿赌服输,别唧唧歪歪的嘛 +4
          • 回去就说分分钟碾压对手,彰显党国强大。。。反正国民都关墙里边,谁敢翻墙办谁
      • 土共这种政权,连屠杀本国平民的事都可以做得出,丝毫没有道德约束和文明底线,对它心存幻想,甚至于要做朋友,终究会失望的 +10
    • 我党这次史上最缺德最平庸的决策团队短期让世界看清楚了这个无法无天的政权的形象,创造了历史记录。 +4
      • 这个是好事,流氓越混蛋越好,大家会更快地认识西朝鲜的本质 +9
    • 引火上身有如何。过去中国还顾忌西方社会的反应,现在是摆出一副“我就是流氓我怕谁”嘴脸,根本不在乎了,当然,粉红们纷纷为祖国的强大或者说无赖叫好 +4
      • 我们都要鼓掌,为主席喝彩,千年不育的主席万岁!
    • 美帝对天朝和平演变的幻想彻底破灭。接下来就是之前土工说的,丢掉幻想,准备战斗! +3
      • 主席,亮剑吧! +1
      • 嗯,亮出你的键盘,紧握你的鼠标
    • 说实话,卢大使的表现实在是很low,改名卢撒野算了 +15
      • 我觉得应该查查他在加拿大和美国有没有二奶房产,银行账号什么的,天朝大部分当官的都是嘴上一套,背后一套,日夜“操”劳(有点low,但是是事实),这不飞天第一人也出事! +3
        • 像这种邪恶的流氓政权,如果哪一天推广大加拿大来,真的不能想像。 +3
        • 噢?你们真是语不惊人,死不羞。重磅又来了,飞天第一人出啥事了?
          • 好像转入须后才案了吧 +1
            • 啥叫好像?不是刚官方辟谣吗?