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A mom took a flight with her baby. But she forgot to take her baby, which stayed at the waiting area, when she boarded the plane!


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / A mom took a flight with her baby. But she forgot to take her baby, which stayed at the waiting area, when she boarded the plane!
    • 匪夷所思。这位母亲会被罚惨了吧?
      • 别人带的吧。。。我也被自己姥姥忘在商店里过。。。
        • 看得我鼻头一酸
          • 过来擦擦鼻涕 +1
    • 不好意思,一着急 mom 看成 monk,还以为在说段子。
      • LOL... Monks are guys.
    • 不敢相信她真是那baby的妈妈!
    • 可以忘记拿行李也不可能忘了自己的小孩啊!
      • 这个这个, 马大哈的妈妈都会干的😄。
    • Since the flight allows only one carry-on, she took the LV bag. +1
      • 😆 智商税 too。
    • 可能原来不想要小孩了,完了又后悔了。