

转帖:·Parents are lowkey racist and it sucks

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Don't really know what this post will accomplish but hopefully some people here can sympathize with me.

Parents are pretty hardcore religious. I'm religious too but not like them. I won't name the religion in particular but you can probably guess. Parents and many of their circle friends all are super super racist towards another specific religious group, as in "the world would be a better place if we killed off all those awful ___" tier racism.

I've always had a good relationship with my parents and love them to death but I'm living at home on coop right now and it's really getting to me. They know I'm not like them and while I still am following our religion, I really only stick to bits and pieces. Don't care what race or gender or religion someone is, I think all people are equal and worth my respect. But the constant comments from them about friends or potential SOs are really getting to me. When they say I shouldn't date this person because they're X colour. Or that I shouldn't be friends with this person for being Y religion. It pisses me off and I've started to engage them a little bit on this (which never ends well).

I don't think I'll ever live at home again after this coop but I'm just really frustrated right now. This bugged me before I moved to Waterloo but now it's really starting to piss me off.

Anyone in a similar position with their parents?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 转帖:·Parents are lowkey racist and it sucks
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Don't really know what this post will accomplish but hopefully some people here can sympathize with me.

    Parents are pretty hardcore religious. I'm religious too but not like them. I won't name the religion in particular but you can probably guess. Parents and many of their circle friends all are super super racist towards another specific religious group, as in "the world would be a better place if we killed off all those awful ___" tier racism.

    I've always had a good relationship with my parents and love them to death but I'm living at home on coop right now and it's really getting to me. They know I'm not like them and while I still am following our religion, I really only stick to bits and pieces. Don't care what race or gender or religion someone is, I think all people are equal and worth my respect. But the constant comments from them about friends or potential SOs are really getting to me. When they say I shouldn't date this person because they're X colour. Or that I shouldn't be friends with this person for being Y religion. It pisses me off and I've started to engage them a little bit on this (which never ends well).

    I don't think I'll ever live at home again after this coop but I'm just really frustrated right now. This bugged me before I moved to Waterloo but now it's really starting to piss me off.

    Anyone in a similar position with their parents?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • ZT: Same here, I have Chinese parents and am in a similar situation.
      They are great people minus the subtle racism and homophobia. My parents wanted me to have a high-paying career and find a SO who is also Chinese. I'm actually dating someone who is not Chinese but do not plan on letting my parents in on it. My advice to you is to move out when you have the opportunity. You will have to endure with your parents if they are still paying for your tuition and housing but that doesn't mean you can't open up a savings account for the day you do decide to live independently. I'm financially dependent on my parents so I know I can't let my parents know about my dating life which kind of sucks because it means I can't have my SO over at my house.
      • 哈哈,这个娃还是挺有志气的,琢磨着要自立。
        • 思想不一致得求同存异,父母学着跟他们做朋友,否则孩子都不跟父母交流了。 +1
      • 小声问一下。。
        SO是什么意思?现在孩子的那些词真不懂。。那天听他们经常听的频道99。9上面一个女的说她的EX BOY FRIEND是PITA,也听不懂。后来才明白是PAIN IN THE A..
        • Significant Other
        • SO=Significant Other,现在的网络语言很丰富,咱们得努力学习:)
    • 感觉很多华人家长都有这个倾向。
      • low key? 这些孩子们真给我们留面子!
    • 民主思想要三代人的代价,不是乱说的。
    • 妥妥的自由党/民主党的票仓!这就是为什么多伦多是自由党的根本原因。让他们全部搬进多伦多,让他们去suffer,才能有醒悟,没办法的。 +1
    • 第一个是某教,第二个是中国人。确实我们管得太多。关键是孩子幸福。跟谁结婚只要孩子喜欢就好。
    • 难道只有我看到了理想不要紧,只要银子真吗?难道下一代比我们还不如,为了三斗米就愿意对着迂腐的父母折腰?
      • 不要用银子控制人
        • 在这个民主社会里,父母如果真有心要控制成年子女,银子可能是唯一的“合法”手段,除此而外,几乎没有任何选项。
          • 不要控制人,相互理解,亲情关怀
          • 如果仅仅靠金钱💰来控制维系亲子关系,真的挺可悲的。。。那得多失败的父母啊。。。
            • 你可能误读了我的意思。我想说的是在我们这个社会里,父母对成年子女没有任何控制权(也不应该有),所以你没有任何合法的手段把自己的意志强加于子女头上,除非是用金钱来“讹诈”。我并不是在提倡以金钱为唯一手段来维系亲子关系。
              • 我知道你什么意思,所以没有评价你的发言,只是补充了一下
      • 但是在网上也看到很多华人孩子愿意体贴父母的困难,挣钱了会给父母补贴。这是一个culture的问题。一个孩子说从大陆来的单亲妈妈打好几份工把他和弟弟养大,他现在挣钱了每月给妈妈1000。除了妈妈做什么不可饶恕的事比如伤害他妻儿什么的,他会一直给妈妈养老。
        • 其实都是好孩子
        • 穷养大的孩子反而长大了能体谅父母的艰辛,赞一个 +1
    • 难道不应该是这波孩子都不再信宗教,所以都释然说是你们老一辈的事,否则去滑大学科学干啥,在家祈祷然后什么都有了还能给爹妈省钱。 +1
      • 能有这么简单, 这两个教能打这么多年?
    • 一帮low key娃。问问他们:半夜三更从外面回来,你碰到一个人。你判断你是否危险的第一个本能是什么?开车旅行,你决定开车路线的标准是什么?在现实生活长期相处,人可以摒除“偏见”。但是不熟悉的情况,尤其是危险,短时间内要做出判断的情况下,当然用统计数据。
      • 没看懂,穆斯林在加拿大把犹太人,基督教当敌人杀光是为了自我保护?