


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Description:
Gaia Glacial Rock Dust 0-0-1 Soil Amendment is a natural mineral product which is produced over many thousands of years by glacial action. A wide variety of rocks which contain a broad spectrum of trace minerals are collected and pulverized by the expansion/contraction action of the glacier. As the glacier recedes, it leaves behind deposits of glacial moraine. These deposits are mined, dried, and screened for agricultural and horticultural re-mineralization.

Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust can replace key elements that have been depleted from soil over the years. Replacing these missing minerals increases soil vitality which produces healthier plants. Gaia Green Glacial Dust supplies silicate minerals in a form readily used by soil microbes to create healthy soil. Our Glacial Dust lets the soil re-create the colloids (minerals and humus) which are needed to improve soil structure, moisture holding properties, nutrient availability and bacterial action.

Uses and Advantages-Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust can:
* Increase phosphorus availability.
* Provide an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium, plus trace elements and micronutrients.
* Increase moisture holding properties in the soil.
* Improve the cation exchange capacity.
* Improve soil structure and drainage.

Gaia Green Glacial Dust helps restore the correct mineral balance in the soil. When the correct balance is achieved organic matter is turned into humus and the soil becomes a favorable environment for a host of beneficial molds, fungi, bacteria and earthworms. When this happens, the living soil becomes a buffer to the many variables gardeners must contend with. You cannot over apply Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust! It will not burn!

Typical Analysis (micrograms per gram)


Lithium 14.00
Beryllium 1.29
Boron 15.00
Sodium 17400
Magnesium 11700
Aluminium 47100
Silicon 980
Phosphorus 970
Calcium 14000
Scandium 9.70
Titanium 4720
Vanadium 151
Chromium 105
Manganese 883
Iron 38300
Cobalt 20.90
Nickel 64
Copper 52.50
Zinc 120
Gallium 15.60
Germanium 0.40
Arsenic 20
Selenium <1.0
Rubidium 16.40
Strontium 255
Yttrium 8.63
Zirconium 20.40
Niobium 5.73
Molybdenum 1.13
Ruthenium <0.01
Rhodium 0.01
Silver 0.32
Palladium 0.28
Cadmium 0.38
Tin 1.29
Anitmony 1.04
Tellurium <0.10
Caesium 0.96
Barium 431
Lanthanum 7.63
Cerium 19.10
Praseodymium 2.40
Neodymium 10.30
Samarium 2.34
Europium 0.79
Gadolinium 2.73
Terbium 0.38
Dysprosium 2.50
Holmium 0.46
Erbium 1.33
Thulium 0.19
Ytterbium 1.25
Lutetium 0.18
Hafnium 1.30
Tantalum 0.52
Tungsten 0.80
Rhenium <0.05
Iridium <0.05
Platinum <0.05
Gold 0.05
Mercury <0.05
Thallium 0.34
Lead 9.75
Bismuth 0.10
Thorium 1.48
Uranium 1.51更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 玫瑰配土研究(三) +3

    好了,之前说了那么多理论,总得来些实践吧? 两个字:“烧钱”



    1、最普及的鸡粪,适合于初学者。“鸡粪在手,收获我有”。 常见的位于魁北克的Acti-Sol公司出产的鸡粪,氮磷钾5-3-2。在RONA售价为10kg卖$16.99,前段时间Home Hardware大甩卖$11.97,基本上该屯货的都屯了10包8包。大颗粒状,遇水后融化散发少量气味。过3周气味消失,2个月后变为沙子一样的物质,和土壤无异。


    2、同一个公司acti-sol,在5-3-2鸡粪的基础上,研发了含钾很高的产品4-5-7变种鸡粪。含钾高有什么好处? 抗病啦。。玫瑰的抗病有多重要? 养过的都知道。。挂了的玫瑰一半因为寒冷的冬天,一半因为夏末秋初生病(白粉、黑点、锈点等)。这种肥料并不是大颗粒状,而是小粒片状。价格比5-3-2鸡粪贵近一倍。


    3、同为魁北克公司,McInnes生产的化石骨粉! 听名字就够可怕,化石。。。其实是不是真的化石,不可而知,如果真的是沧海桑田的石头磨制,那是有可能的。一直想买,暂时没看到GTA有得卖。氮磷钾含量0-13-0,可以看出这个就是磷肥,和一般的骨粉(主要是鸡骨、猪骨etc)生产出来的差不多。但既然是化石,那想来含微量元素应该很不错


    4、BC省的公司Gaia Green也不甘落后,推出了冰山岩石粉末!这个产品并未标明氮磷钾含量,而是一系列的微量元素,例如:

    Magnesium (Mg)……………………………...0.8%

    Iron (Fe)(actual)……….……………………………………3.28%

    Manganese (Mn)(actual)……………………………..0.05%


    含镁、铁、锰等。配土高手到了高级阶段,基本上就在捣腾各种微量元素。这种产品正符合他们的要求! 我本人也买了一桶试下。


    5、还有这款鱼骨粉,据说是市场上有机肥里,含磷最高的产品!氮磷钾6-18-0,在有机肥里真是不多见。。旁边还有一罐苜蓿粉Alfalfa meal,久仰大名,10几元,顺手买来过下瘾。


    6、最后,嫌麻烦的,不想自己配的土豪,不妨考虑下已经配好的产品, HS - Holland Secret(future harvest)出产的easy bloom。它的特点是氮磷钾和各种微量元素都已经非常均衡,闭着眼买就行了!3-6-6的氮磷钾含量看起来不高,但再综合看其他微量元素,两个字:“完美”!缺点就是贵-贵-贵~~~,盒子包装像女人的化妆品,500克卖几十刀! 不过据说花期用这个超好,如果您有什么名贵品种玫瑰的话,不妨一试


    • 老饭,曲高和寡呀,你这土都是用钱堆出来的呀 +2
      • 人家视金钱如粪土
      • 想省钱的鸡粪,还想再省的。。。嗯,磷肥,坟场?骨灰?《非诚勿扰》里主角说过:“请把我的骨灰埋在绿萝下面”。。但他不太清楚绿萝需要的是氮肥
        • 😂😂😂
        • 😂😂😂
        • 不懂做饭的修车师傅不是好花农
        • 那就直接卸成几块埋了,别烧。
    • 兴冲冲地点开,从头看到尾, 原来是给贵族的,我这老百姓就免了。 无论如何长见识了,谢谢。
      • 啊?十几元都变贵族啦? 那肉联平均20万的怎么办,,,
    • 饭老师,用稀土种花会不会很好?下次回国我去向在稀土矿做老总的同学要点稀土弄回来 +3
      • 走私稀土? 有门道别忘了我啊~~~
      • 绝对好使啊,少量泡点儿水里浇花喷叶子都好
      • 看到这帖子我忍不住乐了,你太有才了👍
    • 这事整的,连修车的专家都跑来务农了。
      • 无车可修,都怪造车的厂技术提高了。。。
        • 那你不会去做饭吗?你的名字每次看到都想笑,鱼得水~~
    • 补充这个骨粉homedeport卖的,不是每家店有0.5-16-2,便宜才5元一袋,前几年特价2元一袋别人帮我我买了好多,很好使的
      • 嗯,这个清仓的时候的确是2元,我买了几十包都用光了。
        • 你种多少花啊,我才用完三包,还有不少呢
    • 还有个用的多的可以去homehardware预定这个10公斤的4-10-0,30元一包
    • 冰山岩石粉的成分,几十种微量元素连黄金铂金都有!所以啊你们有机会去班芙洛基山的,记得捡些石头回来磨粉啊
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Description:
      Gaia Glacial Rock Dust 0-0-1 Soil Amendment is a natural mineral product which is produced over many thousands of years by glacial action. A wide variety of rocks which contain a broad spectrum of trace minerals are collected and pulverized by the expansion/contraction action of the glacier. As the glacier recedes, it leaves behind deposits of glacial moraine. These deposits are mined, dried, and screened for agricultural and horticultural re-mineralization.

      Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust can replace key elements that have been depleted from soil over the years. Replacing these missing minerals increases soil vitality which produces healthier plants. Gaia Green Glacial Dust supplies silicate minerals in a form readily used by soil microbes to create healthy soil. Our Glacial Dust lets the soil re-create the colloids (minerals and humus) which are needed to improve soil structure, moisture holding properties, nutrient availability and bacterial action.

      Uses and Advantages-Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust can:
      * Increase phosphorus availability.
      * Provide an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium, plus trace elements and micronutrients.
      * Increase moisture holding properties in the soil.
      * Improve the cation exchange capacity.
      * Improve soil structure and drainage.

      Gaia Green Glacial Dust helps restore the correct mineral balance in the soil. When the correct balance is achieved organic matter is turned into humus and the soil becomes a favorable environment for a host of beneficial molds, fungi, bacteria and earthworms. When this happens, the living soil becomes a buffer to the many variables gardeners must contend with. You cannot over apply Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust! It will not burn!

      Typical Analysis (micrograms per gram)


      Lithium 14.00
      Beryllium 1.29
      Boron 15.00
      Sodium 17400
      Magnesium 11700
      Aluminium 47100
      Silicon 980
      Phosphorus 970
      Calcium 14000
      Scandium 9.70
      Titanium 4720
      Vanadium 151
      Chromium 105
      Manganese 883
      Iron 38300
      Cobalt 20.90
      Nickel 64
      Copper 52.50
      Zinc 120
      Gallium 15.60
      Germanium 0.40
      Arsenic 20
      Selenium <1.0
      Rubidium 16.40
      Strontium 255
      Yttrium 8.63
      Zirconium 20.40
      Niobium 5.73
      Molybdenum 1.13
      Ruthenium <0.01
      Rhodium 0.01
      Silver 0.32
      Palladium 0.28
      Cadmium 0.38
      Tin 1.29
      Anitmony 1.04
      Tellurium <0.10
      Caesium 0.96
      Barium 431
      Lanthanum 7.63
      Cerium 19.10
      Praseodymium 2.40
      Neodymium 10.30
      Samarium 2.34
      Europium 0.79
      Gadolinium 2.73
      Terbium 0.38
      Dysprosium 2.50
      Holmium 0.46
      Erbium 1.33
      Thulium 0.19
      Ytterbium 1.25
      Lutetium 0.18
      Hafnium 1.30
      Tantalum 0.52
      Tungsten 0.80
      Rhenium <0.05
      Iridium <0.05
      Platinum <0.05
      Gold 0.05
      Mercury <0.05
      Thallium 0.34
      Lead 9.75
      Bismuth 0.10
      Thorium 1.48
      Uranium 1.51更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 范老师,学习了!您的科研精神真让人佩服。 +1
    • 期待有一篇对比研究,比如0.5-0.5-0.5的有机肥与16-16-16的化肥的相同使用浓度下肥力比较