




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / "遇见王沥川"在苏黎世拍摄时得到当地有关部门的大力支持,瑞士国家旅游局还制作了相关视频来宣传此事,因为对当地旅游是个促进。


    • 11月27日高以翔出事,瑞士国家旅游局官微马上发一人情味十足的短信:  "再见,亲爱的王沥川。苏黎世曾有你,永远有你。♥️"  获4.3万人点赞,网友纷纷留言,"为了王沥川,我要存钱去瑞士旅游。"


      • 同一天,11月27日,加拿大旅游局微博只字未提高以翔,只发了获207人点赞的有关时尚展的信息。高以翔去苏黎世拍了电视剧; 高以翔是加拿大人,是加拿大旅游局对中国的旅游大使,拍了部 “周游加拿大”,两国旅游局的反应为什么会不同呢?


        • 已去加拿大旅游局推特下出声了。有心的国内网友已在加拿大旅游局微博下留言,希望加拿大应向瑞士一样,出声!


          • 已跟MP写信联系,贴在这。坑友可copy,可修改,发给你的MP.
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Nov.27th.Taiwanese-Canadian actor Godfrey Gao dies filming reality TV show in China.
            He is the Canadian Tourism Commission' new ambassador of 2015. Gao has signed a deal with the Canadian Tourism Commission to become its ambassador in its marketing and awareness campaign for Asian markets . He already shot segments in Vancouver, Toronto and Whistler for the tourism commission.
            So many people are utterly shocked by his sudden death . It is becoming a huge sensation on YouTube and other social medias.
            I paid attention of social media on Twitter and Weibo of cdntourism. No single word about Godfrey!
            But Swiss tourism posted a sensational message of him on the same day he passed away.
            What a difference! And why???


            cdntourism posted 1 Weibo message on Nov. 27th .
            No single word about Godfrey's tragedy.
            November 27th, people thumb up for cdntourism's post comparing to 42,000 trumb up for swisstourism post. A lot of people left messages they really want to visit Zurich just because Godfrey.


            Godfrey Guo's tragical death is huge sensation right now.
            People fall in love with everything related to him.
            He is not only a Canadian citizen, but he is Canadian Tourism Commission's new ambassador to China.
            How come I feel he is a Swiss instead of Canada tourism ambassador to China?!
            Should Canadian Tourism Commission say something?!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 都跟土豆似的。
        • 土豆反华,有华裔议员也不任用。
    • 你是迷上他了 +1
      • 😊 +1