

ZT: A terrified nation needs a leader during this crisis, not a salesman.

A terrified nation in the grip of a pandemic tuned into a White House briefing on Thursday and heard not a sober, confident leader, but a salesman hyping unproven treatments, boasting of non-existent achievements, and offering false hope instead of realistic counsel.

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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 别回去了
    • ZT: A terrified nation needs a leader during this crisis, not a salesman.
      A terrified nation in the grip of a pandemic tuned into a White House briefing on Thursday and heard not a sober, confident leader, but a salesman hyping unproven treatments, boasting of non-existent achievements, and offering false hope instead of realistic counsel.
      • 几个大国的领导人都比较差劲
        • 最差劲的已经收获了一片歌功颂德,批评?那都是底下的兵没干好。 +1