

复制、转发! Jennifer Mei: 刚给premier发了信,如果需要的话,可以copy

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Premier,

I am a small rental house provider providing rental house to my tenants. Covid-19 made my tenants out of job and they told me that they cannot pay the rent of April OR even further monthly rent. I am so worried as I am also a victim of the COVID-19 but I do have the obligations for mortgage payments, property tax and possible repair cost which relying on the full rent payment. We are working families and the rental house down payment comes from our hard earned working money.

I understand that is NOT my tenants’ fault, I blame no one. PLEASE do something from your end as our premier instead of simply putting the burdens on us - rental house provider.

I suggest the provincial government set up a emergency Rent Bank so that when the tenant cannot pay the rent, they can go Rent Bank to borrow the money. I can write a proof to support them.

There is a Blog link written by a paralegal which better explained my concerns:


Our governments both provincial and federal are making crazy proclamations saying "Don't worry about your rent...you won't be evicted", and it's true they won't be evicted as governments have shut down courts and tribunals. But you don't hear government saying "Run to the grocery store, grab food and don't pay!"


Jennifer Mei:
premier@ontario.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 现在是要正视威胁的时候了 +8
    • 只要能安稳睡觉,不影响自生抵抗力就行。 +2
    • 很好的提醒,囤够现金撑几个月是要的,投资也不能太满了。
    • 租客失业这个风险不好规避。 +3
      • 便宜二百立刻租出去
        • 租出去后,被赖账几个月怎么办? +6
        • 就怕人家失业了赖着不走呀。 +7
          • 我是后悔自己的杠杆拉的不够大。
      • 我的租客在这个疫情情况下不会失业,呵呵,原因我就不说了,怕大家吓死或气死
        • 医生?CDC的? +1
          • 火葬场的吧 +8
    • 中国的地产反正开始大跌了,过去都说中国那么多人没房不可能跌的 +10
      • 房住不炒,大陆房子跌了三年了,你咋才开始大跌。关键是跌了也抛不掉。比这里还惨。 +1
        • 所以这一次涨不会太长久,宜观望两个月再决定 +4
          • 要是环比连涨俩月呢,找谁买单?
            • 不用等了,买买买!!!! +2
              • 你说的再观望两个月,那咱就打个赌,俩月后就看看环比怎么样,看听你的是否对。
    • 北美几乎是没有防护的防疫。god bless america
    • 最近抢得厉害,卖掉留现金? +2
      • 卖掉后,租房一年,等房市下来后,再买进去更大的房子。我之前的一个租客就是这样的,家里4个孩子,3条狗,两个大人,在2017年最高点的时候卖掉,租了我家一年,2018年底的时候,换了一个更大的房子 +1
        • 不是卖自住房。把出租房趁涨价卖掉,跌了再买回来?
        • 就别说一般人了,连探长这样的专业炒房客在2016年卖掉的房子要是没在最低点买回来,现在还是亏。一般人谁能抓住最高点和最低点又不被毁约呢?弄不好来个长期踏空,比炒房割肉的还苦。 +2
    • 世事无常。没想到会这么快。 +1
    • 呵呵,资本收益一定大于劳动收益,市场收益一定大于工资收益。 50岁是人生黄金时期,有资金有阅历, 一切才刚刚开始 +1
    • 复制、转发! Jennifer Mei: 刚给premier发了信,如果需要的话,可以copy +2
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Premier,

      I am a small rental house provider providing rental house to my tenants. Covid-19 made my tenants out of job and they told me that they cannot pay the rent of April OR even further monthly rent. I am so worried as I am also a victim of the COVID-19 but I do have the obligations for mortgage payments, property tax and possible repair cost which relying on the full rent payment. We are working families and the rental house down payment comes from our hard earned working money.

      I understand that is NOT my tenants’ fault, I blame no one. PLEASE do something from your end as our premier instead of simply putting the burdens on us - rental house provider.

      I suggest the provincial government set up a emergency Rent Bank so that when the tenant cannot pay the rent, they can go Rent Bank to borrow the money. I can write a proof to support them.

      There is a Blog link written by a paralegal which better explained my concerns:


      Our governments both provincial and federal are making crazy proclamations saying "Don't worry about your rent...you won't be evicted", and it's true they won't be evicted as governments have shut down courts and tribunals. But you don't hear government saying "Run to the grocery store, grab food and don't pay!"


      Jennifer Mei:
      premier@ontario.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 写给省长的信没有别人帮着审阅至少也让自己家英语地道的孩子帮看一下吧。用词,语气,观点,语法错误处处都有问题。 +4
      • 做得好。可以让他听见我们的声音。我的租客还是奉公守法,表示会按时交租,但是还是需要寻求对房东的公平,今天会写email给我这个区的MPP。 +1