

New England Patriots send plane to China, get 1.2 million N95 masks for Massachusetts:

The New England Patriots answered the calls for help as Massachusetts became the latest state to struggle with supply shortages amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / New England Patriots send plane to China, get 1.2 million N95 masks for Massachusetts: +1
    The New England Patriots answered the calls for help as Massachusetts became the latest state to struggle with supply shortages amid the coronavirus pandemic.
    • 这是要气坏了毒轮痘的节奏啊 +4
      • 病毒犹如出自上帝/撒旦对人类的“天谴”,在它面前人人平等,不分肤色种族,高低贵贱,贫富善恶。所以同舟共济才是最好的出路。链接中的大佬的做法非常人道,也非常实际。 +4