

CNN打击Trump administration 果然是不遗余力,不放过任何机会,但是这篇文章并不是太离谱,没有人会认真地去“只"调查中国,也没有人会认真地去因为疫病向中国索赔,包括美国人。口号喊完,选票拉完,就该干啥接着干啥:

Europe outright rejected US President Donald Trump's vision of the world this week. Tensions between these historic democratic allies that have been simmering since Trump came to office three years ago have now come to a boil during the coronavirus pandemic.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / CNN打击Trump administration 果然是不遗余力,不放过任何机会,但是这篇文章并不是太离谱,没有人会认真地去“只"调查中国,也没有人会认真地去因为疫病向中国索赔,包括美国人。口号喊完,选票拉完,就该干啥接着干啥: +2
    Europe outright rejected US President Donald Trump's vision of the world this week. Tensions between these historic democratic allies that have been simmering since Trump came to office three years ago have now come to a boil during the coronavirus pandemic.
    • 本来也不该,并没有国际法理来支持这个索赔,除非真打一场仗。显然这是个竞选宣言,两边都这么来平息国内老百姓的怒火。 +2
    • 美国永远是内政大于外交,外交上的事别管多热闹,根子上还是为了内政 。