

Quantum Manifestation - Marina Jacobi S3 E15 New Laws / Freedom


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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 打破很多人信念系统的,当小说看吧 :-)中美两国要建立世界新秩序的人结盟,研造病毒等,详见慈善家还是魔鬼? PHILANTHROPIST OR MONSTER? by Ray Jason.中美俄另一批人(主要是民族主义者)结盟,联手打击“中美两国要建立世界新秩序的人” +1
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛打破很多人信念系统的,当小说看吧 :-)
    慈善家还是魔鬼? PHILANTHROPIST OR MONSTER? by Ray Jason
    Imagine that you want to rule the world. However, your desire is not motivated by the usual psychotic lust for power. Instead, you have convinced yourself that your megalomania is pure. You just want to “save the world.” You see your quest as Messianic. You believe that “the little people” are not visionary enough to comprehend what is best for them and for their planet.


    上面是全文链接更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 羽白 是属于哪一拨?
    • 谁是光照派(建立世界新秩序的人)?
    • 史上最大最长的假旗(造假)——里努斯•费尔哈根 +1
    • Camera On= Masks On. Camera Off- Masks off.Very soon the watchers of the "tel LIE vision" will get the SHOCK of their lives when it turns out everything they beLIEved was "true" is actually false,

      and was told to them to further enslave and take away more of their rights.

      For those still catching up........

      The people in "power" that benefit when you "buy" into their fear propanda have been lying to you all along.

      If you' re beLIEving ANYTHING from the "mainstream media", it's time to Wake UP. You KNOW deep down that things don't add up and feel right when you hear the same fear based propaganda night after night, and year after year.

      You trusted because you're a good person and could never imagine that 6 powerful soul-less "corporations" owned by some very dark entities, would actually have a plan to take away your remaining rights and enslave you with poisonous vaccines containing deadly toxins, and "chip" and track your every move to have 100% CON-trol over every move you make and every area of your life . But unfortunately it's true. This was their plan....

      Very soon the watchers of the "tel LIE vision" will get the SHOCK of their lives when it turns out everything they beLIEved was "true" is actually false, and was told to them to further enslave and take away more of their rights.

      The Light is winning and we are in the clean up phase of removing these dark ones from power. Soon the rest of the world will know as more is exposed.

      Trust the plan......

      ~ Q

      Be Kind and Compassionate with these people. Hold space for them. We once trusted and beLIEved the deception as well. 🙏

    • 【光之兄弟群体】2020年5月传导《人类有选择的自由》:你们该如何帮助我们呢?就像我们以前说过的——下功夫转化自身的恐惧并对操控说“不”。
    • 沉睡者必须清醒过来——流行病是假的、假的,因为医院是空的;MSM 传播公然的谎言;
    • 恐惧是一种较低的振动,冠状病毒以恐惧为食。在恐惧中滋养和变异,所以记住不要让恐惧控制你,只要你允许这种情况发生,病毒就会在你身上茁壮成长,并试图摧毁你的身体。
      • 但一旦暴露在阳光或更高的振动下,它就会死亡。如果你开始冥想或在更高的振动做事情,提升你的精神,那么这种病毒将永远不会影响你。
    • Patriots are UNITED in their pursuit of common goals.Patriots are NOT divided.Borders DO NOT separate us. We FIGHT TOGETHER.We are STRONG TOGETHER.
      Patriots are UNITED in their pursuit of common goals.
      >GOOD v EVIL
      >RIGHT v WRONG
      Patriots are NOT divided.
      Borders DO NOT separate us.
    • Bill Clinton signed into law the 1996 telecommunications act which essentially allowed fewer big corporations to operate more media enterprises.
      It allowed for massive consolidation of media in the US which allowed 6 corporations to control 90% of the media.

      Bill Clinton signed into law the 1996 telecommunications act which essentially allowed fewer big corporations to operate more media enterprises in a sector and to expand across other sectors. It allowed for massive consolidation of media in the US which allowed 6 corporations to control 90% of the media.
    • 柯博拉讯息|20200519 龙族终局之战
      • STARGATE2020|压缩突破
    • 一个社会的终级暴政并非源自戒严令控制。而是意识心理操纵的控制,它对实相进行定义,使人们甚至感觉不到身处牢笼。他们甚至意识不到除了他们的世界,还有其它存在。
    • 中国正面秘密社团被称为"红龙和蓝龙"(Azure)
    • The Great Financial and Economic Reset of 2020 (NESARA GESARA)

    • Quantum Manifestation - Marina Jacobi S3 E15 New Laws / Freedom

    • Fauci’s Fraud Machine Revealed.He’s been at this a long long time – and it started with AIDS
    • 特朗普总统:“我们抓住了他们所有人” 我看到他们发出了很多传票……我们抓到他们有一个非常腐败的行为,你可以称之为叛国……他们是肮脏的警察……如果继续这样下去,拉德克里夫就太棒了——我有机会打破这个深层国家……这是一群邪恶的人 +1
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      • timeline split, two earth. project looking glass. release suppressed technology, free energy, inter dimensional travel, med beds etc
    • 阴谋集团(光照派,要建立世界新秩序) 意图的确凿证据