

ZT: Why military men pushing back on Trump is an 'extraordinary' event in American democracy

An aberrant event in the life of the American republic unfolded this week in the haze of flash-bang grenades and fires. Past and present military officials pushed back on a president's threat to deploy troops on U.S. soil. It has raised some uncomfortable questions.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / ZT: Why military men pushing back on Trump is an 'extraordinary' event in American democracy
    An aberrant event in the life of the American republic unfolded this week in the haze of flash-bang grenades and fires. Past and present military officials pushed back on a president's threat to deploy troops on U.S. soil. It has raised some uncomfortable questions.
    • 说明民主是逗你玩的,任何统治者都把军队当作护家的狗。现在发现这狗不听主人话了,这事情当然就严重了。主人没有安全感了嘛。
      • 有些狗挺听话,跑路了还是不忘远程表忠心。 +10
        • 服刑人员没得跑
      • TRUMP的确是莽汉。。。