



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 量子金融系统QFS已被投入使用,SWIFT被取代 +3

    • 阿Q +27
    • 暗黑反物质粒子金融系统将会取代SWIFT。 +2
    • 量子迁移,目前唯一能解释的就是先定论,就是两个电子的状态,到了一定时候,如果从观察者角度,他就一定会是那个状态。不存在spooky communication. 所以,所谓量子金融,量子通信,就是子虚乌有的东西。 +2
      • 量子通信是有的,目前还需要传统的通信手段去验证,但试验已经成功。不过楼主估计就是看飞碟探索看看出问题那种,别跟她较真 +2
        • 纯科学讨论:量子通信(aka,量子纠缠),其实就是概率论开大开小,本身没有信息传递。其理论基础是能量守恒。但是,理论界现在开始探讨能量是不是一定得守恒。
            If you would like to book a channeling session or download Marina's books : The Harmonic Reactor - and Nano Technology please visit her website: https://www....
    • 摘自上面视频:整个金融系统重置将在1,2年内完成,所有国家的货币都和黄金/贵金属挂钩等 +1
      • 完全不可能,黄金数量有限,作用有限,用来挂钩货币完全就是倒退。 +2
      • 和黄金重金属挂钩?为什么不和贝壳挂钩?
        • 对于《国家经济社会和改革法案》(NESARA)的回答,我们在看什么?会发生什么?当这个计划实施的时候,我们正在谈论结束我们文明中整个财政金融信托经济秩序的庞氏骗局.在某一时刻,它将结束。并重新启动 +1
    • 劳拉•乌利特和萨沙•斯通谈论 NESARA(由 Kat 转录):对于《国家经济社会和改革法案》的回答,NESARA,我们在看什么?会发生什么?当这个计划实施的时候,我们正在谈论结束我们文明中整个财政金融信托经济秩序的庞氏骗局.在某一时刻,它将结束。并重新启动 +1
      因为通过 NESARA 和 GESARA 将会暴露的事实是,人类,活着的灵魂,在过去的几百年里已经被巴比伦的神职人员证券化了,他们是全球金融系统的审计员,现在正在死亡

      58:56 We've literally been bonded from birth using registrations and birth certificates,and death certificates,marriage certificates,land registrations,car registrations…registering anything and everything is a securitization of our reality.


      59:13 And it is this Babylonian priesthood,this brotherhood of the snake,that have been controlling the wealth and the flow of the collateral and the collateral has been the living.


      We were turned into dead fictions and traded and securitized.That's the crime against Humankind that is to be exposed through the NESARA act.

      我们变成了死亡的虚构,交易和证券化。这就是将通过 NESARA 法案曝光的反人类罪
    • NESARA是一个极少数人的一个邪教组织,它来讲这个话题,很荒谬。楼主这类人容易走火入魔: +3
      • 楼主早就走火入魔了。我在它说网络要断结果并没断的时候就指出过它的荒谬。然而它还是沉浸在这种东西里无法自拔。 +3
        • 这是另一个关于Q下降1440的故事。"停电必要"。这条推特链接到一个突发事件,美国东海岸约有300万人断电。 +1
        • 要是能耐心看看Q的消息的话,对要发生的事会有一个更好的准备, 2020081加州轮流分区停电





          亚利桑那州立大学气象学教授兰迪·塞维尼(Randy Cerveny)表示,死亡谷的监测仪是遵循世界准则的官方监测仪,我们正在经历比过去更多的极端气候。

          国家气象局天气与气候中心主任,美国国家极端天气委员会前主席戴克·阿恩特(Deke Arndt)表示,130度的高温是上周的最高温度,这个夏天“非常奇怪”。

          高温在南北加州同时引发了森林大火,洛杉矶的Lake Hughes地区的“湖火”(Lake Fire),自上周爆发以来仍在继续燃烧,在周末期间火势已烧到近1万8000亩,只被控制了12%。而涉嫌由游民点燃的Azusa地区山火,一夜之间扩大到2256英亩。




          加州在13日和14日实施了临时停电,但没能提前告知民众,这一轮的停电范围会比13日还严重,州长纽森(Gavin Newsom)周一说,未来72小时,仍可能轮流停电。

          加州独立电力系统运营商(The California Independent System Operator,ISO)上周五宣布第三阶段紧急状态,是自2001年来首次采取的严厉措施。该机构16日发布第二个轮流限电警报,将持续四天。ISO在警报中建议消费者做好准备,“直到19日傍晚甚至晚上,都可能出现断电。”







          • Q的链接
    • NESARA/GESARA的条文之一:黄金支持的货币.查尔斯·沃德:我们开始看到从美元到 USN 的过渡,所以美国钞票的数字货币.量子金融系统.现金不会完全消失...但我们将移动到 QFS,美国人只会注意到有一个新的百元纸币,但不知道由黄金支持。 +1
    • NESARA/GESARA的条文之一:免除所有欠银行的债务.英国和欧洲已经试点免除MORTGAGE,最终所有人的MORTGAGE都会被免掉. +1
      中文 https://www.pfcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/42511.html
      英文 https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/08/charlie-and-colleen-freak-nesara-tesla.html

      查理:NESARA 的情况是,不是所有的东西都会马上推出给你...[科琳:渐进]...它不会是一个完整的释放..。

      But debt is going to be removed right away.


      In fact that's already been happening…


      In Europe and Great Britain people have been writing into us and saying"Wow,Charlie,you are so right,I was looking at my loans today and it said ZERO…I checked with my family and they said no,it hasn't happened to me."So it's an experimental stage right now…like the Tesla Towers…

    • NESARA/GESARA的条文之一:免除工资税,解散税务局 (一小步):美国总统川普今日签署了四大行政命令,分别为延长失业救济,暂停工资税,联邦驱逐禁令和学生贷款救济。
    • 跑到论坛上扯量子的,全当骗子就行了。 +7
    • 在过去的15年里,查理一直在世界各地为政府、亿万富翁和知名人士转移大量资金。由于查理的专业知识和明显的可信度,特朗普总统和美国政府要求查理将黄金、现金和贵重物品运往世界各地,以支持 QFS 货币。查理亲眼见过并知道178个大型洞穴/隧道,里面塞满了黄金和现金。

      Because of Charlie's expertise and manifest trustworthiness,President Trump and the U.S.Government asked Charlie to move gold,cash and valuables around the world to back the QFS currencies.

      由于查理的专业知识和明显的可信度,特朗普总统和美国政府要求查理将黄金、现金和贵重物品运往世界各地,以支持 QFS 货币。

      Charlie verified that in a video chat with Denise Boland on 8-3-20 at the 22 minute mark:



      In other videos,Charlie stated that he has seen and personally knows about 178 massive caves/tunnels crammed with gold and cash.

    • 查尔斯:我一直在谈论他们让金融系统崩溃,让新的量子金融系统上线。8月2日,世界上每一家银行都收到了信号......世界上每一家银行都做出了回应.....。这意味着,旧的菲亚特体系——洛克菲勒(rockefeller)和罗斯柴尔德(Rothschilds)——的权力已被完全剥夺。
      B. 星期二2020年8月11日,小JFK、 QFS、阴谋集团,拿下罗斯柴尔德家族/洛克菲勒家族,梵蒂冈,NESARA/GESARA,特斯拉自由能源;查理·沃德,迈克尔·泰林格,查理·弗瑞克:



      CharlesW:I have been talking about them crashing the financial system and bringing online the new Quantum Financial System.They have been testing it….pings to every bank in the world on Aug 2nd…..every bank in the world responded……


      They tried to launch it all of last week and had issues because Pelosi and her team had hired hackers to do it.But it has gone public now from the Federal Reserve website itself www.Federalreserve.gov has announced that the system was operational.It has all been very quiet up until now.This new QFS system replaces the old swift system.This is a Blockchain system with instant settlements.This means the power has been completely taken away from the old fiat system,Rockefellers and Rothschilds.This plan has been in the works by the White Hats/the Alliance for many years.

      整个上周,他们都试图发布这个软件,但由于佩洛西和她的团队雇佣了黑客来做这个软件,所以出现了问题。但是现在它已经从美联储的网站上公开了。www.Federalreserve.gov宣布该系统已投入运行。到目前为止,一切都很平静。这个新的 QFS 系统取代了旧的 swift 系统。这是一个区块链系统与即时解决。这意味着,旧的菲亚特体系——洛克菲勒(rockefeller)和罗斯柴尔德(Rothschilds)——的权力已被完全剥夺。这个计划已经被白帽子联盟计划了很多年了。

      CharlieF:Remember that the White Hats/the Alliance have been working with POTUS and the liason between two worlds has been John F.Kennedy JR.I think 90-95%of the people do recognize with certainty that JFK Jr.is alive.We will talk about this today about how all of this got done.


    • NESARA/GESARA的条文之一:消灭所有国家之间的战争,在全世界建立和平。“中东和平——以色列和联合酋长国之间签署了历史性的和平协议。”
    • history of nesara
    • NESARA/GESARA的条文之一:Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment恢复原来的贵族头衔修正案. The New King of England

      The Hidden King Documentary


      Decoding History The Hidden King



      The New King of England



      The New King of England (Part 2)



      New King of England Part 3


    • 不知道这个日期是否准确,QFS:8月31日星期一,阴谋集团的 SWIFT 系统将被完全摧毁,透明的 CHIPS 全球金融系统将接管。

      2:00 Charlie Ward:The Quantum Financial System was started on the 2nd of August…and then just by chance,one of the guys I know who is a hacker,known him for years…He says to me,"Charlie Charlie,the SWIFT system is being taken down on the 31st of August!!…Why didn't you tell me?"I said I've been telling you for 4-months…I've just heard the new one starts on September 1st…and what that means is there's no overlap…(laughter)

      2:00查理·沃德:量子金融系统于8月2日开始运行......然后只是一个偶然的机会,我认识的一个家伙是一个黑客,认识他很多年了......他对我说,"查理·查理,SWIFT 系统将在8月31日关闭!...你为什么不告诉我?"我说我已经告诉你们4个月了......我刚听说新的一集将于9月1日开始......这意味着没有重叠......(笑声)

      2:38 Mark Attwood:Some of the most amazing things you've been saying relates to the Dragon Family…I was reading about them about 10 years ago through Benjamin Fulford…do you know him?[Charlie:No]…I was aware of these Bonds,aware of the value of them in 2011,2012…


      4:18 Charlie Ward:I've known the[Dragon]family for 15 or 20 years…personally…they know my wife,they know Justin,my little boy…whenever we go into Hong Kong they're the first people who come and see us…


      4:41 They're the most humble people you'll ever meet…they are just beautiful people…I've always loved them…I've worked with them for a long time…moving stuff…whatever…


      5:40 It's very interesting these Dragon Bonds…the more I've done…and the Golden Bonds…when they actually valued them 6-weeks ago they were valued at multi-quadrillions…


      6:00 It's very interesting,if you look at the line,they are from the Himalayan Descent…the family…nothing to do with Communism…so they're very happy that the Communist Party[CCP]have been dissolved…The thing is with Chinese Government…nobody knows who's in there anyway from the outside because it's a secret society…they've all gone and President Xi Jinping will be replacing them all with a Republic…


      What most people are oblivious to is this whole financial transition from SWIFT to QFS has been funded by the Dragons…

      大多数人忘记的是这整个金融过渡从 SWIFT 到 QFS 是由龙族资助..。

      6:47 Mark:That's what I've heard…and all these Humanitarian projects are ready to be funded…it all seemed like Science Fiction to me…


      8:26 Charlie:The New World Order they were pushing which was George Soros plan with the Clinton Foundation,etc.etc….The Alliance,which is behind Donald Trump,is different in a number of different ways…


      8:48 With the New World Order it was one government,one currency,one world,one everything…and Trump has been put in place to stop that happening…Also,the vaccines were going to be mandatory under the NWO…ridiculous thing to do when they haven't even tested them…And the ones they have tested have killed tens of thousands of people in India…and they tried it in Africa and killed tens of thousands of people…and those governments are suing the World Health Organization and Bill Gates…but that's all under wraps…

      8:48新世界秩序是一个政府,一种货币,一个世界,一切......特朗普已经到位,以阻止这种情况的发生......还有,根据 NWO,疫苗将是强制性的......荒谬的事情做,当他们甚至没有测试他们......他们已经测试的那些已经杀死了数以万计的人在印度......他们在非洲尝试了,杀死了数以万计的人......这些政府正在起诉世界卫生组织和比尔盖茨......但所有这些都是保密的.....。

      9:30 Trump is sending out Red Flags all over the place…but he's TOTALLY IN CONTROL…what most people don't realize,cuz they hadn't got a clue what was going on…was the first place they went to after the Global Shutdown was ITALY…


      9:42 Trump made a point of mentioning they took out"the head of the beast first"…well the head of the beast was the Phoenicians…the 13-demon-Bloodline Families…took those out right at the start…so that nobody[minions]had nowhere to hide…they were the people behind the scenes that controlled everything…that's where every Birth Certificate in the world is…because Venice is technically"off-shore"and that's why we're under Maritime Law…


      10:12 So when[the families]were taken out…they had nowhere to go…and they've taken them out bit by bit by bit…The Vatican being emptied…


      10:21 The reason I knew the Vatican was being emptied was because our own Security guys were looking after the Pope…and also there were guys that I use for moving currency around the world…all…all of them employed…it took 650 planes to move the contents of the Vatican to Fort Knox…


      10:45 And also,I've been included as part of the team that moves that around the world…to back the currencies in different countries…there is an obscene amount of cash and gold that was taken out of there…


      11:02 There's also ridiculous amounts of gold in the Philippines…Cambodia…Vietnam…I've been over to Vietnam and I've inspected 178 underground warehouses full…personally…I've actually been there and visually seen it.


      11:45 You have to also understand that this is UNRECORDED GOLD…but there are people as we speak doing an inventory check on it all…that's in process right now…because that will be used to back the currencies around the world…


      D.2020年8月18日星期二Robert David Steele:QAnon Love in,NESARA,GESARA w/Charlie Freak and Charlie Ward


      This next US election was literally a fight between Good and Evil and winning was essential for the future of humanity.


      The NSA had it all,allowing the Q Team to be in control of the DNC.


      The Democrats may replace Biden with Kamilla Harris.


      Charlie has documentation that Camilla Harris was actually a man named Kam.


      It was predicted that Trump would win the election by a landslide,with all 50 states going Republican and on board with Q's Plan.

      据预测,特朗普将以压倒性优势赢得大选,所有50个州都支持共和党,并支持Q 的计划。

      Gates,Kushner and Fauci have flipped and were now working for Trump.


      The Q Team has things planned for Chicago,LA and New York.

      Q 团队计划在芝加哥、洛杉矶和纽约举行比赛。
      • What most people are oblivious to is this whole financial transition from SWIFT to QFS has been funded by the Dragons…大多数人忘记的是这整个金融过渡从 SWIFT 到 QFS 是由龙族资助..。
    • explains why new system call "quantum" financial system. Gene Cosensei (Decoder) with Cirsten W speak to Charlie Ward

      • explained "quantum signature", and why new system is unhackable
    • how the alliance already use china dragon bond to pay off the whole world's debt (national and personal), so all country and person are debt free. Charlie Freak with Kerry Cassidy ~Trump & Q

    • 现有的BLOCKCHAIN SYSTEM有“后门”,不安全。2年后会被取代 Marina Jacobi - S3 E28 Live Webinar with Q & A. NEW BLOCKCHAIN SYSTEM / A.I.

    • 量子金融系统解释与阴谋集团: 整个 QFS 没有创造价值,一公斤黄金不会自动变成两公斤黄金----银行的欺诈性货币系统就是这样,通过支付利息和货币,而这些利息和货币在你开始担保它们之前是不存在的.QFS 让你就会开始以一种不同的方式思考金钱,这将提高人们的意识,
      • 那些将进入第五维度的人,将会意识到金融体系并非必要,而且实际上对人类状况有害。
    • 地球联盟,上帝赐予人类的礼物:如果一个人真正理解了地球联盟的构成,那么有很多 RV/GESARA 和联盟相关的问题可以自己回答。像往常一样,这些信息是我从我的研究中得到的理解。如果这个信息与你产生共鸣,那么它就是为你准备的。如果不顺其自然,置之不理,
    • 量子金融系统正在为跨境银行间支付系统(CIPS)建立一个虚拟专用网络(VPN)。这是一个基于主权和商业的网络,AI在量子金融系统中的作用。
    • Peter Bierhof (Nederlands) discusses GESARA with Charlie Ward

    • QFS update 2020-09-05 Denise Boland & Caleb T Johnson With Rachel Hamm, Christopher McDonald, Amanda Grace & Charlie Ward

    • 从三月份到现在,查理一直坚持认为,所有这些——封锁、全球经济崩溃,疫苗、5G、反 fa 和 BLM 骚乱——都是引入全球货币重置的烟幕。但是从9月1日开始,量子金融系统已经接管了地球的全球金融操作系统.我们现在正在等......全球金融重置。
    • 视频转录|Q&A:NESARA,DUMBs,Med Beds,God Wins(部分转录自 Kat)
    • 当前的金钱,金融系统的历史。以及新的量子金融系统QFS如何运行 Timeline By James Rink & Quantum by Ron Giles discussed with Tara Dean & Charlie Ward

    • NESARA(国家经济安全与改革法案)的历史及由来