

Ex-Man In Black; Joseph Spencer Reveal His Secrets

Ex-Man In Black; Joseph Spencer Reveal His Secrets

“The world will witness a massive invasion of aliens, thousands of holographic alien warships will cover the sky, immerse people in global panic and real military aircraft between the holograms will deliver a real blow.”

– As a result, a single world government will be created and none of the people will be against it. It will lead the surviving people in this new world of total control.

In his message there are many interesting things. This old video shows all the essentials that Joseph Spencer told the world. The video is old, with a subtitle translation, but believe us, there are many interesting things …


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    • Mcdonald +1
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    • 这个视频解释了DRAIN THE SWAMP的含义:打击,抓捕pedophile,用儿童做活人祭祀的那些统治地球的精英 100k Subscribers Thank You Very Much Lee Dawson and Lee Hemington

    • Ex-Man In Black; Joseph Spencer Reveal His Secrets
      Ex-Man In Black; Joseph Spencer Reveal His Secrets

      “The world will witness a massive invasion of aliens, thousands of holographic alien warships will cover the sky, immerse people in global panic and real military aircraft between the holograms will deliver a real blow.”

      – As a result, a single world government will be created and none of the people will be against it. It will lead the surviving people in this new world of total control.

      In his message there are many interesting things. This old video shows all the essentials that Joseph Spencer told the world. The video is old, with a subtitle translation, but believe us, there are many interesting things …