

前央行行长 Poloz 'not really' worried about Canada's housing markets

Former Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz says he’s “not really” concerned about Canada’s housing markets right now even as sales and prices heat up in the largest cities.

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 前央行行长 Poloz 'not really' worried about Canada's housing markets +1
    Former Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz says he’s “not really” concerned about Canada’s housing markets right now even as sales and prices heat up in the largest cities.
    • 他认为“K-shaped” economic recovery,95%恢复的挺好,5%拖后腿,而经济由这95%决定 +1
    • 前央行行长的看法:“The real question is: is this sustainable on the debt side? And I’ve always argued it probably was. +1
    • Regarding the soaring home prices, Poloz believes that the momentum can be sustained. He said there is “a certain amount of heat in the housing market — with pent-up demand, combined with low interest rates and the government’s support of incomes.” +1
      • 经济的复苏,全靠房市火热。只要房市好,加拿大经济恢复会远比预期好。政府不会傻到这点都不知道
        • 我的邻居们这半年来都在大肆上高端装修,盛景前所未有。康斗地下室的键盘侠怎么可能知道呢。lol
          • 你和邻居可以相互不停的买卖对方的房产。一定很high +7
            • 你那么干过?来介绍一下你是怎么操作的 +1
              • 我局外人。我猜只能这么干才可行 +2
                • 就是键盘侠喽,lol
                  • 非要参与炒房才能讨论吗? 我猜测, 在推升房价的交易中, 会有相当的部分以公司的名义 +1
            • 呵呵。是啊。疫情以来,股市火爆,房市火爆,二手车市场也火爆。凡是有抵押贷款衍生品的市场都火爆。真是一大奇观呀。 +1