


On the day Canadian home sales and prices hit record highs, the central bank announces an end to the program partially responsible for the surge. The Bank of Canada (BoC) flooded the market with cheap mortgage credit in March. Yesterday, as market data showed a fever pitch had been reached during the “worst” recession in […]

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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 房市的丧钟依然敲响,而且是BoC敲的 +10
    On the day Canadian home sales and prices hit record highs, the central bank announces an end to the program partially responsible for the surge. The Bank of Canada (BoC) flooded the market with cheap mortgage credit in March. Yesterday, as market data showed a fever pitch had been reached during the “worst” recession in […]
    • 要收紧贷款了,BOC不再购CMB,利息上升。说这月底市场支援计划结束。 +9
      • 很少人借fixed rate, 升哪种利息影响到市场? +1
        • 主要对于加杠杆的房子赌徒影响大,他们都是浮动利率好投机。 +6
    • "On the day Canadian home sales and prices hit record highs, the central bank announces an end to the program partially responsible for the surge" 你自己帖上来的第一句话,懂啥意思吗? +3
    • Yesterday, as market data showed a fever pitch had been reached during the “worst” recession in years, they committed to stopping the program. The bond buying program that helped drive rapid price growth, comes to an end this month. +7