


a) Show that $n(2n + 1)(7n + 1)$ is divisible by 6 for all integers $n$.

b) Find all integers $n$ such that $n(2n + 1)(7n + 1)$ is divisible by 12.

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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 安利一下AOPS,给大家看看作业和老师的评语。大家可以看到,老师的批改非常认真,评语比学生写的都多。 +1
    • 题目
      a) Show that $n(2n + 1)(7n + 1)$ is divisible by 6 for all integers $n$.

      b) Find all integers $n$ such that $n(2n + 1)(7n + 1)$ is divisible by 12.

      Remember that if you get stuck on a homework problem, you can always ask on the message board! Click on the pencil icon V in the upper-right corner of the problem, and this will open a box where you can ask your question, which will be posted on the message board. You can also click on the speech bubble icon t, which will bring up any discussions on that problem.
    • 老师的评语
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Technical Score: 6 / 7
      Style Score: 0.8 / 1
      Part (a)
      Good job! You showed that the expression can be written as a sum of three multiples of $6$, which implied that the expression must also be divisible by $6$.

      You proved that the product of three consecutive numbers must be divisible by $2$ and that it must be divisible by $3$ for all $n.$ This is a great way to show that it must be divisible by $2 \cdot 3 = 6$ for all $n$. However, it might be good to clearly state that this can be done since $2$ and $3$ are coprime.

      Although your solution is good, there was a much easier way to prove this. For example, using the same kind of reasoning, you could have proven that the initial expression is divisible by $2$ and $3$, which means that it is divisible by $6$. Can think of a way to prove this without involving products of consecutive numbers? Hint.
      You can take different cases, taking into account the remainder you can get when you divide $n$ by $3$.

      Part (b)
      You got the correct answer and it looks like you had some good ideas for this part. You were on the right track by thinking that in order for the expression to be divisible by $12,$ it has to be divisible by $3$ and $4$. However, some parts of your solution were a bit confusing. Let's have a look.

      Note that if one of the factors is a multiple of $3$, the product of the other factors does not necessarily have to be a multiple of $4$. For example, you could have $n=12$. Be careful with the terminology you use in your solution, to avoid this kind of confusion. Also, the next parts are not very well explained and it is not quite clear what you meant by those. Make sure your solution is well explained, so that the reader can see how and why you go from one step to another.

      Think about this part a bit more. Can you explain why the expression is always divisible by $3?$ Think about the result you got in part (a). What else do you need to check to make sure the expression is divisible by $4?$ Try to take different cases, using the remainder you get when $n$ is divided by $4$.

      General comments
      In terms of style, your solution is generally easy to read and looks organized, since you used short, clear sentences and you have separated different ideas into separate paragraphs. Good job! However, in the end of part (b), your solution is quite hard to follow. Make sure you explain every step of your proof in detail.

      Good job using "we" statements to make your solution sound more professional! However, avoid using other pronouns such as "you".

      The use of $\LaTeX$ makes your work look professional, equations look neat and the layout is organized. Keep it up! You also placed important equations and expressions on their own separate lines making your work easy to read. Excellent! However, note that if you write an equation between double dollar signs it appears centered on a separate line, making it much easier to read.

      Keep up the hard work!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 公式的显示可能不对,因为这不支持显示数学公式。这么课是七八年级的Introduction to Number Theory
    • 另外一个好处是,周一到周五每门课都有老师在线答疑。不会做的作业不用麻烦家长:)每周都给家长email report card,可以看到作业的分数和上课回答问题是否积极,是否专心。
      • 看起来很不错。
    • 可能每家的计划不一样,我翻过AOPS的Introduction系列的书,觉得太厚太过繁琐,就没买。买了那本Volume 1,要小孩仔细的做了一遍,就过了这个程度。 +1
      • 上他们的网课还可以,每节课会布置哪些部分要预习,不需要看整本书。和大学课本一样,不需要全看完,题目全做完的
        • 要学生事先预习这个方法很好,不过他家上网课要一直盯着屏幕看script, 太累眼睛吧, 一溜号会不会就跟不上了?
        • 再有他们一个班多少学生?谢谢
        • 孩子在自学AOPS,
          • 类似大学上课,作业没必要全做的。如果你家孩子的数学成绩在gifted里面算好的,不预习也能跟上老师的速度。
            • 学校的数学没有问题,我现在是要求他跳过偶数,做单数的习题。哥哥以前是每道题都过一遍的。看文学城里有人说他家孩子四个月四本,只能羡慕别人家的娃。谢谢你的答复
      • 我觉得你家可能一开始就很扎实。我们除了aops,没有其他课,学校功课不好使
        • 我们先学的Curriculum。真不好说那种办法更好。Any way,只要人够聪明,怎么样都行。
        • 每家都不一样。我家的高中生不愿意课外学习,就是公校gifted到IB,上周拿到一个奖牌,是cayley G10学校第一,告诉我知道有同学在奥校学完了11和12年级,然后跟我说了句英语,大概是 It is not how much you have learned, it is how good you are at what you have learned.
          • 意思是别人虽然学完了12年级。。。我觉得这个成绩可能跟9年级暑假的两个math camp有关。但他那句英语,说的有道理吗?
            • 有什么道理,要和更强的看齐,哪有和比自己更弱的人来比较的道理。 Cayley是个什么东东,为什么要花时间去考它 +2
              • 哈哈,惹你见笑。学校组织的华大的考试,IB生必须参加的。我们确实没到走出去的程度,换句话,那点儿小聪明被家家长耽误了。早去奥校,也许能进个cmo.
                • 每个竞赛侧重的内容不一样,每个人的优势也不一样,如果内容和优势match上成绩就会不错。不管什么竞赛取得好成绩都值得表扬。
                  • 家长净顾了高兴了,没能站到闻风同学的高度。其实讨论多很多次,但不能帮他做主,错过了培养兴趣的时机。
                    • 每个人对孩子的期望是不一样的。最近一段时间文学城上一直讨论矿工,看了下来是数学肯定要非常好,但不需要一定要竞赛得多高的奖,但能挣钱仅有数学好是不够的,所以多数人也干不长。
                • 还有两天就考了,休息好了,发挥正常说不定就进了。我没有在笑话,只是泛泛而谈
                  • 希望不大,能进复活赛算不错。
              • 豹子说得盘儿盘儿是这个。豹子公子说得也有道理。




                • 恭喜你和令公子。该高攀跟你家交个朋友。
                  • 同喜同喜。可不是,要是离得近,真是值得交个朋友。豹子情商很高呀
            • 我觉得他说得有道理。扎扎实实学好眼前的将来后劲足 。
              • 希望你说的是真的。
          • 不知道cayley。我知道gause和九年级的那个考试。最后两道题jump很大。而且跟学校课程一点关系没有。
          • 我觉得10年级来得及。。。
            • G11了。他不愿意提前学高年级的东西,也可能是畏难情绪。花不少时间学计算机。
    • AOPS批作业和答疑的都是TA,多是几个名校高年级的大学生。老师只是负责上课。