

Let me fill you in on the new development

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When I got there around 12:30, there were already 6 people in the room. Pan looks alright spiritual wise and he’s leg was NOT mummified.

Bloor gave him a cup and a calling card which Bloor will settle the bill, very noble act. I bought Pan a pay-as-you-go cell phone this morning without knowing that there is a phone by his bed, so I refunded that to a 96 min calling card to PR China. Bloor: so this will ease your bill a bit.

Pan’s leg is not as bad as we think; it’s got an 80% chance of avoiding amputation. But he wasn’t thinking straight; He was thinking about going back to mainland to treat it with Qigong, which will delay his treat for at least a month. Right now, his doctor says that on Wednesday he will cut open Pan’s leg and take an actual look at the tumor. I analyzed the situation for him and got him thinking rationally, two hours of our discussion later, he decided that he will ask for the operation which will open up his leg to attempt to remove his tumor, but under no circumstances that he will go for the amputation.

I gave Pan’s father 100 dollars from the CIBC acct we are using now, will take him to a bank tomorrow when I get around to do that.

The doctor he has now apparently is the best the hospital can offer and the doctor says there is a good chance that Pan can keep his leg.

PAN is not dying, not nearly as bad as we previously thought.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 这两天去探望的朋友,谁给潘中原买一个漂亮的杯子, 请跟贴!
    看到 潘中原用一个不锈钢的大碗喝茶,很辛酸。不知道是不是没有茶杯。 这两天去探望的朋友,谁给潘中原买一个漂亮的杯子, 请跟贴。 限第一个跟的人买, 免得买重了。
    • I will take one with me this noon.
    • 我原意送给他一个,可我目前不在加拿大怎么办?
      • 废话少说,寄过去吧,东北银
        • 谁能告我潘中原的详细家庭住址。我的email: ameia@sina.com
      • 东北银: 他妈妈还在国内, 也是在东北. 能为她老人家做点什么吗?
        • 他妈妈在哪个城市?
          • 待我问一下潘先生, 今晚上到家后告诉你.
          • 昨晚我问了, 潘先生不愿意让他妈妈想太多, 那咱们还是不打搅她的好.
      • 他家是鞍山的。
        • 我们在国内的人可否把捐款寄给他的妈妈?请朋友们帮忙问出国内汇款地址。谢谢
    • 很抱歉,不在加拿大,只能在这里祝潘中原早日恢复健康!!
      • He's in the hospital now
        • piggy, the phone number of his hospital room is: 416-586-5900 x 4835
        • I will buy them phone card tonight
          • no, please don't. I will give my card to him, and that is a monthly subscription card, no need to renew. The monthly statement will be mailed to me.
    • 你们今天什么时候去医院? 我想一道去. 但不认识路
      • 我晚上下班以后去
        • 告诉我怎么能找到你, 一起走
    • 说句实在话:如果他真的要做手术,那么恢复期间应该还是躺着的时间多。在那个姿势下,用杯子喝水几乎是不可能的。建议买个小茶壶(宜兴紫沙壶)更实用。
      • 有那种专门躺着喝的杯子,
        • He can drink from a straw and won't maintain in bed for more than 3 days.
      • 刚才一个朋友打电话过来,说她家里就有一个新的宜兴紫砂茶壶,但是最近她最近没有办法去看潘中原。她家就住在我家附近,如果谁最近去看他并且愿意把茶壶捎过去的话,请跟我联系。 电话:416-924 2181
      • 请热心的朋友们不必再联系了,那位朋友已经决定明天中午自己把茶壶带过去了,顺便带上给潘中原做的素食午餐。
    • Let me fill you in on the new development
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When I got there around 12:30, there were already 6 people in the room. Pan looks alright spiritual wise and he’s leg was NOT mummified.

      Bloor gave him a cup and a calling card which Bloor will settle the bill, very noble act. I bought Pan a pay-as-you-go cell phone this morning without knowing that there is a phone by his bed, so I refunded that to a 96 min calling card to PR China. Bloor: so this will ease your bill a bit.

      Pan’s leg is not as bad as we think; it’s got an 80% chance of avoiding amputation. But he wasn’t thinking straight; He was thinking about going back to mainland to treat it with Qigong, which will delay his treat for at least a month. Right now, his doctor says that on Wednesday he will cut open Pan’s leg and take an actual look at the tumor. I analyzed the situation for him and got him thinking rationally, two hours of our discussion later, he decided that he will ask for the operation which will open up his leg to attempt to remove his tumor, but under no circumstances that he will go for the amputation.

      I gave Pan’s father 100 dollars from the CIBC acct we are using now, will take him to a bank tomorrow when I get around to do that.

      The doctor he has now apparently is the best the hospital can offer and the doctor says there is a good chance that Pan can keep his leg.

      PAN is not dying, not nearly as bad as we previously thought.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • cool, man!
      • 非常好的报告。苗条朱真能干。
      • 还得麻烦PIGGY多和医生联系一下,你也知道新移民的英语。。特别是关于医学的问题。
      • 人间自有真情在,感动