

He never said transition to Biden


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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Unless Trump concedes,which he has not done despite what the news is saying... Biden will not be the president on January 20th.
    Copied: Sidney Powell says that despite the fact that they certified the electors, President Trump still has the full power of the foreign interference E.O. to toss out the whole thing.
    Lin wood also says Trump will be in for the next 4. Despite what you are hearing. He has the sworn affidavit from Italy from how they rigged the numbers for Biden which was delivered to Trump, Gohmert, Flynn and to the senate and house members at 1:12 pm yesterday before they certified the election. So they knowingly certified a fraudulent election.
    Also yesterday before president Trump spoke, they and 25 other American citizens filed a grand jury investigation which is given to them in the US constitution.
    It has been used 8 times in our history with a 100% success rate.
    Unless Trump concedes,which he has not done despite what the news is saying... Biden will not be the president on January 20th.
    • He never said transition to Biden
      • 有时候你必须穿过黑暗才能看到光明 . 现在大家知道这个游戏是怎么玩的了吧 :-)
        • 昨天,特朗普发布了一段视频,其中包含"解散声明"在这段视频中,他告诉所有人"平静地回家".事实证明,这一声明是动用民兵或美国武装力量保卫共和国的必要步骤。
          • 直到现在,特朗普才拿到了在最后一刻背叛美国的叛国演员的最终逮捕名单。事实上,特朗普不可能知道这一切,除非这种情况被允许自然发生。
            • 例如,大多数美国人绝不会相信副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)——一个福音派基督徒——会在美国最关键的时刻背叛这个国家。现在,林伍德关于迈克·彭斯与恋童癖、杰弗里·爱泼斯坦和贩卖儿童行动有关的声明突然对任何关注此事的人都有了意义。
              • 这篇文章的最后一个想法是:共和党完蛋了。从今天开始,特朗普的8000多万支持者将不再支持任何共和党候选人。我们昨晚得知,共和党在必要时会背叛美国,从今天起,我们谴责共和党,并呼吁所有读者和支持者加入我们的谴责行列。
              • 剩下的唯一问题是,美利坚合众国(Corporate America)是否也已经死亡。在看到特朗普接下来几天的所作所为之前,我们无法确切知道答案。
          • 哈哈哈,trump这么能折腾,你也要悠着点儿 +1
            • 与主同生共死
    • 守住阵线,爱国者们。我们得到警告说,战斗到最后将会非常激烈。我们已经到了这一步。在接下来的日子里,保持冷静和积极是至关重要的
      • 嗯,意思是不要垂死挣扎,要微笑体面的死去。LOL +1
        • 照搬一句你党话语大概你能更好理解: 不要过早暴露火力。 +1
          • LOL trump supporter, so predictable...
            • 不是说不predictable么? +1