


Project Veritas has dropped another explosive video, this time featuring a Google Ad manager admitting to various ways they could potentially interfere with a free and fair election. Google Marketing technical account manager Adriano Amaduzzi was caught on camera saying that the big tech giant could meddle “censor out news from your search engine” ……

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Google Ad Manager Caught on Camera Admitting They Can Offer FREE Advertising Credits to Democrats, Censor Republicans +5
    • 嗯,言论审查。引进天朝软实力。给个链接这么难吗?这算不算干涉美国大选?
    • 这事不新鲜,迈克·奎恩《雅普雅普岛的金喇叭》早就描述过了