

Stay .

In Japan , you are a pig to them , but here at least your husband will feel like a man . As for you , you can stay home , and have several babies for your husband only . I don't think it is a bad choice . Because you can not do it in China . By the way , 50k US$ means no money in Japen . You know that , I think your husband can earn more if he is really good . But most important is his feeling , not yours . You are still a silly girl . How old are you ? 20 , 21 . If you are older than me , I'm 26 . You are retarded .
Good luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 有很急人的问题想请教大家,我们刚到加不久,老公是学计算机的,我学美容的,发现现在这边不好找工作,到底是苦熬三年或回日本拿5万美金的年薪,那一个更美好?
    • 有五万美金年薪为什么还要来加拿大呢???
      • 本来来这里是想安定自己以后的人生,等有了孩子以后可以让他有一个好的环境学习英文,并让父母过来一起享受天伦之乐。但想不到这边不是很轻松,所以很迷茫。很谢谢你的回答。
        • 如果你真的为你的孩子着想的话,就老老实实呆在加拿大吧,否则当有一天你的孩子告诉你日本从未侵略国中国,你会无地自容于列祖列宗!
    • Do you still love Japan? Then you'd better not stay here. I know some people from Japan are very upset here.
      • Thank you very much indeed! yes,I love japan very much.刚到的时候我恨不得马上回日本,但老公本想以后去美国的,他有点舍不得这个努力得来的签证。
    • If it is me, I will go back to Japan.
    • Your US$50K income equals to CAD25K in Canada because it's at least twice more expensive in Japan.
    • Stay .
      In Japan , you are a pig to them , but here at least your husband will feel like a man . As for you , you can stay home , and have several babies for your husband only . I don't think it is a bad choice . Because you can not do it in China . By the way , 50k US$ means no money in Japen . You know that , I think your husband can earn more if he is really good . But most important is his feeling , not yours . You are still a silly girl . How old are you ? 20 , 21 . If you are older than me , I'm 26 . You are retarded .
      Good luck
    • why is 苦熬三年? maybe 苦熬 your whole life ... Japan is not a good place, too. otherwise, you wouldn't come here ...
      • 抱着苦熬的想法,你就会一辈子苦熬,苦和乐是你自己决定的
        • i think you'd better come back japan cause you feel suffering here and love japan "very much". why don't you come back your lovely place and make you feel better.
    • I guess there are two things you cannot say in Chinese forums: "love Japan" and "hate China"
      • That's right. How can you love Japan just for getting the pathetic $50K?
    • 过一段时间就好了
      • i will join you