

加拿大总参谋长Art McDonald涉嫌曾经性骚扰下属被调查,被离职;前任Jonathan Vance不久前因同样问题辞职。。加拿大军队内部这么乱?没有独立监察机构真是成问题!

Art McDonald recently replaced retired general Jonathan Vance, who is under investigation over allegations of sexual misconduct during his time as a top commander

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 加拿大总参谋长Art McDonald涉嫌曾经性骚扰下属被调查,被离职;前任Jonathan Vance不久前因同样问题辞职。。加拿大军队内部这么乱?没有独立监察机构真是成问题! +1
    Art McDonald recently replaced retired general Jonathan Vance, who is under investigation over allegations of sexual misconduct during his time as a top commander
    • 辞职太傻了,干嘛不学畜躲,说性侵只是感受不同? +6
      • Trudeau的成功是旁人无法复制的。。人无耻则无敌 +4
        • 他可以用畜躲一模一样的话,看看主瘤们怎么反应 +3
          • 因为小土豆的存在,加拿大名誉扫地,这都是加拿大人民的选择,难怪加拿大人在外被当作傻货来看 +4