

Two of Sery Kim's biggest backers — the first Korean American Republicans to serve in Congress — withdrew their endorsements Friday after she said she doesn't want Chinese immigrants to come to America.

Two of Sery Kim's biggest backers — the first Korean American Republicans to serve in Congress — withdrew their endorsements Friday after she said she doesn't want Chinese immigrants to come to America.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / GOP congressional candidate in Texas special election loses prominent supporters after racist comment about Chinese immigrants +2
    • Two of Sery Kim's biggest backers — the first Korean American Republicans to serve in Congress — withdrew their endorsements Friday after she said she doesn't want Chinese immigrants to come to America. +2
      Two of Sery Kim's biggest backers — the first Korean American Republicans to serve in Congress — withdrew their endorsements Friday after she said she doesn't want Chinese immigrants to come to America.
      • 看看,还是韩国人靠谱,歧视华裔就得惩罚。听说你国内同事们把韩国超市给砸烂了? +1
    • 命贵好似是民主党。到今天为止,没见你半个字谴责命贵,你们反华面目招然若竭。对了,你们还户外集会导致纽约和多伦多疫情爆了 +4
    • “We cannot in good conscience continue to support her candidacy,” the lawmakers said in a statement. +2
      • 看看,还是共和党州靠谱,嘴上说就有惩罚,反观民主党州,命贵都动手揍了还没事。据说你为了通共罔顾华人利益选了民主党? +3
        • 作为两个正常韩裔人士的反应VS你和老家的反应和辩解,天壤之别! +3
          • 我只问你你谴责命贵没有?还是党的指令不明你不敢乱说话? +2
    • States. "As the first Korean American Republican women to serve in Congress, +2
      we want to empower and lift up fellow members of the (Asian American and Pacific Islander) community who want to serve their communities," and made clear that her comments were unacceptable."
      • 既然你不管你猪队友,只能对你不客气了----" 是你的队友出翔,,, 狗奴才,吃屎也不抬头看清,屎的主人 -ly2010(天暖和了); 08:53 " +1
    • California Reps. Young Kim and Michelle Steel said in a statement. "We talked with Sery Kim yesterday about her hurtful and untrue comments about Chinese immigrants, +3
      • 韩国人都谴责了自己人种族歧视了,有见你谴责命贵一个字么? +2
        • 这人的脑回路一直有问题,浪费精力回他贴有什么意思?我现在都忽略该人的主贴,建议你同样处理。
          • 我喜欢折腾残疾人 +1