


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Subject: The Head Tax comes back

To whom it is concerned:

I am frustrated why Canada said sorry for Her one-hundred-old head tax policy just a year ago, now new head tax comes back.

I am a Chinese immigrant and citizen of Canada, who entered Canada in legal way with my wife and has been separating from my parent-in-law for more than five years. When my parent-in-law and we had desire to reunite in Canada for four months only, the visa officer in Canada Beijing Embassy speculated our motives and coldly refused by citing my parent-in-law’s less constrain in China (so-called tendency for immigration) before seeing the detailed application papers. I knew
that Canada incessantly accused China of no freedom and no human rights. But you are smart enough to understand that Canadian citizens of immigrant origin have even no basic human rights to see their love ones freely. They must pay times and times again of processing fees (ca$ 75/person, new head tax) to apply, and are hopefully approved when the officer-in charge is in good mood.

Dear ladies and gentlemen! As one of the Honorable members that we sent to Parliament, do you think that our citizens of immigrant origin got fairly and equally treated? Do they deserve to pay the head tax and suffer the pain of separation when they struggled with the discrimination in education and career in Canada, finally settled down and wanted the enjoyment of reunion.

I urge that it is time to get rid of new tax and restore Canada’s name of fairness, freedom and kindness for immigrants to stay, live and work.

I look forward to your reply.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 父母亲加拿大探亲被拒,写给国会议员的一封公开信,请求废除当代的人头税。希望各位同胞给与支持和鼓励。大家同心协力,要求加拿大移民探亲自由公正。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Subject: The Head Tax comes back

    To whom it is concerned:

    I am frustrated why Canada said sorry for Her one-hundred-old head tax policy just a year ago, now new head tax comes back.

    I am a Chinese immigrant and citizen of Canada, who entered Canada in legal way with my wife and has been separating from my parent-in-law for more than five years. When my parent-in-law and we had desire to reunite in Canada for four months only, the visa officer in Canada Beijing Embassy speculated our motives and coldly refused by citing my parent-in-law’s less constrain in China (so-called tendency for immigration) before seeing the detailed application papers. I knew
    that Canada incessantly accused China of no freedom and no human rights. But you are smart enough to understand that Canadian citizens of immigrant origin have even no basic human rights to see their love ones freely. They must pay times and times again of processing fees (ca$ 75/person, new head tax) to apply, and are hopefully approved when the officer-in charge is in good mood.

    Dear ladies and gentlemen! As one of the Honorable members that we sent to Parliament, do you think that our citizens of immigrant origin got fairly and equally treated? Do they deserve to pay the head tax and suffer the pain of separation when they struggled with the discrimination in education and career in Canada, finally settled down and wanted the enjoyment of reunion.

    I urge that it is time to get rid of new tax and restore Canada’s name of fairness, freedom and kindness for immigrants to stay, live and work.

    I look forward to your reply.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 弱弱问一句,这个人头税和据签有和关系
      • Canadian has the basic right to see love one freely. Canadian government don't want to give immigrants the right volunteerly without the new style of head tax (processing fee). More refusal means they want to charge more head tax.
        • 哦,你把PROCESS FEE比作人头税了
        • 第一句漏了一个YEAR吧。挺煽情的,“LADY AND GENTLEMENT”,是演讲吗?还是再声请一次吧。
        • 不敢苟同您的逻辑。
        • 你认为不该收PROCESS FEE吗?收多少才是合理呢?PROCESS FEE刚涨时就有人抱怨,不过据移民局统计,在各个国家收的费中,加拿大收的不是最多的,很多国家收的费更多
    • 兄弟,只是个别例子而已,没必要上纲上线
      • 同意,各个国家的大使馆的存在目的就是审核各种签证,别说父母探亲,夫妻团聚被拒的多如牛毛,与什么人权不搭边吧?如果100个中国人申请父母探亲被拒50以上,或许你可以说签证官有倾向,但
      • 加拿大很虚伪,对别的国家说三道四。加国公民家庭团聚是人理常情,移民官凭什么以有移民顷向拒签。拒签率75%,不为人头税,为什么?
        • 拒签每个国家都有,不能因为拒了你就说加拿大很虚伪,你不还在这呆着吗?再说75%的说法不太正确吧,我周围申请的听说都是最少90%以上的成功率,
    • 我想大家理解你的失望和心急
      但这样信反而回会恰恰帮倒忙。英的错误也是不少, 可请位洋人帮你顺顺。 另外写信给本地议员, 要以情动人。他会帮你的。 你也是个选民嘛。人头税的说法有点过。 不收费难道要诸位纳税人出? 以有移民顷向拒签证是移民官的权利。拿到签证要看成是favor。 站在移民官的角度:你有rights to see love ones freely, 你虽时可以去中国呀。

      压压火吧。 英文有句说法:Win the Battle, Lose the War。千万不要因小失大!

      对付这个问题的最好办法是:材料准备充分, 重点讲事实, 我想你一定会成功的 (我还没听说签证最终办不成的, 失败一次不要泄气)。努力吧, 预祝成功!
    • 移民官首先假设每个来申请签证的人都具有移民倾向,申请人必须要向移民官证明自己没有移民倾向才能获得签证。建议你检查一下你所提供的材料是否能排除移民倾向,也就是要让他相信你肯定到期回国。收取PROCESS FEE没什么不妥,理应申请人埋单。申请中国签证不一样要缴费吗?
      要说你当年移民时缴的landing fee 是人头税还沾点儿边