

CNN: China's about to administer its billionth coronavirus shot. Yes, you read that right.

Editor's note: CNN is launching the Meanwhile in China newsletter on June 21, a three-times-a-week update exploring what you need to know about the country's rise and how it impacts the world. Sign up here.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / CNN: China's about to administer its billionth coronavirus shot. Yes, you read that right. +4
    Editor's note: CNN is launching the Meanwhile in China newsletter on June 21, a three-times-a-week update exploring what you need to know about the country's rise and how it impacts the world. Sign up here.
    • Foxnews: CNN accused of running Chinese propaganda after boosting country's COVID vaccination rates provided by China (CNN dubbed as China News Network). +2
      CNN is being dubbed the "China News Network" for publishing a report that boasted of the country's coronavirus vaccination rates… according to data provided by China.
    • 生理盐水打得再多又怎么样?垃圾就是垃圾。 +16
      • 俺们只要美元 +3
      • 应该不是生理盐水,少量生理盐水不会有副作用。但北京打疫苗后死亡的人已经有若干个(没有公开报道,我只知道我家附近的),说明那确实是药水。 +3
        • 嗯,就是打了要死人的生理盐水。 +2
        • 会不会是山寨版生理盐水? +1
          • 不知道原因,因为没有调查。其中一人的信息比较全面:30几岁,过年前一星期打针,过年期间喝酒,喝着喝着就不行了。医生说,不是酒精中毒或其他急性病。然后就不再接着说。
      • 对。就是个政治育苗 +5
      • 听微信群里同学说,这个灭活疫苗基于去年二月份武汉一个重病人,现在都多少代了,所以无效 +1
    • 那个号称"自信开放包容''的大美丽坚,哪儿去了?啥时候变得这么嫉妒狭隘自私小心眼的?一触及中国的正面新闻,即便是事实,那也是五毛,C N N也五毛,oops. 大美丽坚! +4