

Sleepy Joe 是美国的国耻。韩国总统护送美军遺骸到美国,Biden政权无人接待

Biden leaves Americans stranded in Afghanistan. And on Wednesday he didn’t bother to send a SINGLE REPRESENTATIVE to honor our Korean war heroes or greet the South Korean leader in Hawaii. South Korean President Moon Jae-in traveled to Hawaii on Wednesday to repatriate the remains of American service members. Not a single representative from the…

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Sleepy Joe 是美国的国耻。韩国总统护送美军遺骸到美国,Biden政权无人接待 +6
    Biden leaves Americans stranded in Afghanistan. And on Wednesday he didn’t bother to send a SINGLE REPRESENTATIVE to honor our Korean war heroes or greet the South Korean leader in Hawaii. South Korean President Moon Jae-in traveled to Hawaii on Wednesday to repatriate the remains of American service members. Not a single representative from the…
    • 可怜可怜他吧,总拉裤裆里不是一件舒服的事情 +3
    • 白灯是反对韩战的吧?遗骸怎么扔给他?不要上了金三胖的当,隔三岔5丢根骨头,把老先生累死。 +1