

Yes. The Prime Minister was using western oil money to buy votes in Quebec. which is pouring an extra $2.3 billion of federal cash into Quebec annually. 看好了,花钱收买选票。

OTTAWA–Prime Minister Stephen Harper's plan to mend strains in the federation appeared on the verge of backfiring after the Quebec government earmarke...

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 阿伯塔省作为能源工业大省,在经济及税收上的贡献无法估量,所得却微乎其微。。(图)几十年来,阿省仅获联邦财政平衡拨款0.02%(魁省高达51.4%);阿省遭遇全球原油市场低迷,小土豆却用尽手段打压,更令阿省能源工业雪上加霜,阿省不该独立,不如魁省独立?? +3


    • Yes. The Prime Minister was using western oil money to buy votes in Quebec. which is pouring an extra $2.3 billion of federal cash into Quebec annually. 看好了,花钱收买选票。 +4
      OTTAWA–Prime Minister Stephen Harper's plan to mend strains in the federation appeared on the verge of backfiring after the Quebec government earmarke...
    • 是的,之前看过新闻,土豆对阿省非常不公平!联邦大选阿省从来对自由党的支持率都非常低! +2
      • 本质是,全国所有政党(也包括保守党!)美国花街石油巨头,联合起来偷亚省的财富。那亚省的资源到底属于谁?谁得到就属于谁!
        • 这点认识得对,联邦保守党其实对阿省更黑。Harper 9年一条管道都没修,还拿阿省人民的钱去给魁省。土豆好歹修了2条管道。建议阿省独立。
    • National Post: Justin Trudeau's co-ordinated assault on Canadian energy...小土豆如何毁掉加拿大西部能源工业。。停止输油管线建设、禁止西部行驶油罐车。。在此同时,大量进口石油。。 +4