

What you really mean is that the new immigrant make contributions to make Canada a better country, and enjoy its life quality. That is exactly why we come here for.

Remember two facts:

Canada accepts more refugees than any other countries in the world every year. What Canada gives to them are much more than the government can get from them.

Canada is one of the few countries that can keep high living quality solely base on its resources. It does not have to have the immigrants to support everything.

What I am saying here is that we should appreciate that Canada gives us this opportinity, while nobody else is willing to give us. Don't always calculate how much you give others and how much you get from them. Can you imaging that US government will give somebody like Pan $500-$800 a month for nothing? Absolutely not.

One thing I can tell you is that it is much easier for the government to close the door than changing any law. We don't want to see the door being closed.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / Pan Jin An's Insurance pricing
    Lin Mei Mei found one with 2.2/day with 50 bux deductible and $15G coverage, but it will take seven days to kick in. And there is this form of medical history to fill out.

    Mei Mei can you confirm that your plan is for a 63 year old? since older the person cheaper the insurance.

    I have one that's 2.7 a day, no deductible, coverage 10G, no forms.
    • cool, but how much is one G? 1,000?
      • yeah, me no Jabber ar, 1000 can be expressed as One Large, Grand, K
        • thanks
        • I thought it's giga
          • Giga is not an english word btw, gigabyte is
            • 吹毛求屁猪:)
              • Hey is this a Schtik? Oh yeah? Tubby.
                • :(( 看不懂 :((
      • let's have a vote on this, btw, Pan's mother's coming, I think she really needs insurance, and we can't affort to have both of them on insurance
        • LinMeiMei's is better. Deductable is not a problem.
          • the question is, do we want to buy insurance for both of Pan's parents, and the medical history form could be a killer when it comes to making a claim
            • i am not good at making difficult decisions. But if we can't do for both, no matter how much we try, we still can't make it. better way si to accept the reality and decide who to support.
        • both of them; no form option.
          • The form is not an option, you have to fill it out to ensure that no pre-existing disease is being insured...pretty nasty, they can always argue that your medical problem is pre-existed.
            • Sorry. I meant the2.7 option, with no form to fill out.
              • yeah, I lean towards that one myself, for his mother that is, whom will not help his situation at all
                • If we buy for his mother, we can buy issurance within 30 days of her arrival. Then, no form need to be filled. 2.2 a day for $15K. But deductible is still CAN$50.
    • 几点建议(求求大家, 别骂我)
      1. 潘妈妈来是否合适?
      可以理解这是做妈妈的心情, 儿子最想见的也是妈妈. 可是根据文章说, 潘妈妈为此中了风. 她的身体经过长途跋涉, 加之儿子的病情, 人地两生, 她能顶得住吗? 再说, 来后费用也增加了不少. 如果这场"战斗"是长期的, 必须有长期的打算. 小潘的姐姐如何?

      2. 小潘的病有治吗? 是有限的时间剩下来, 还是有希望维持生命?

      3. 回国可行吗? 至少家里人多好办事.

      4. 夫妻在线的提议, 可行与否姑且不论, 但是如果这件事情是长期的, 就得有长远打算. 现在SLIMPIG, 不老等人忙前忙后, 如果是6个月, 1年, 2年, 是否能行?

      仅供参考, 继续关注.
      • Canadian Government should take some Responsibilities
        , it's the government asking people come here. on onther hand, he is Canadian PR after he landed here even only one minute ago, don't forget he has passed the health check by Canadian Gorv. We should protest, asking change the law.
        • Wrong, it is not Canadian government ask people here, it is they allow people come here. They usually do better to new immigrant than other western countries.
          • actually, the whole Canada are supported by new comer (not only mean Chinese), otherwise the country is crashed.
            • there is a big machine running for immigration, which is from gorvernment to individual agent every where in the world.
            • What you really mean is that the new immigrant make contributions to make Canada a better country, and enjoy its life quality. That is exactly why we come here for.
              Remember two facts:

              Canada accepts more refugees than any other countries in the world every year. What Canada gives to them are much more than the government can get from them.

              Canada is one of the few countries that can keep high living quality solely base on its resources. It does not have to have the immigrants to support everything.

              What I am saying here is that we should appreciate that Canada gives us this opportinity, while nobody else is willing to give us. Don't always calculate how much you give others and how much you get from them. Can you imaging that US government will give somebody like Pan $500-$800 a month for nothing? Absolutely not.

              One thing I can tell you is that it is much easier for the government to close the door than changing any law. We don't want to see the door being closed.
        • The health exam was done by chinese govt, is it not? I think the CDN govt should be responsible for my failed marriage, I think the CDN govt should be responsible for my fatness
          • 我看你咋不象ZGR, HKR??体检是CANADA指定的医院作的,再说也没有癌症检查。
            • 靠. 妳這傢伙蠻不講理. 病了怪政府. 如果加拿大收緊移民法律. 妳這種小丑又會跳出來說歧視妳, 不讓你移民. 以後移民局說誰有感冒歷史都不建議移民.高興了吧妳.
      • 有一定的道理.
      • I agree with you. we should have some practical way to solve this problem. i thought going back to china is not good. here the technology is more advanced. and also pan he can enjoy welfare here.
      • 谢谢饺子。请进
        1。潘妈妈现在已出院, 在大连潘的姐姐家里。手术那天打电话,我感觉说话有一点不清楚,但基本算正常。个人觉得,她来了对着父子的精神和生活都应该是个坚强的支持。小潘姐姐的签证没办下来,而且她还要上班。



        • 谢谢不老. 你做的一切, 非常钦佩. 感觉很多问题取决于第2条.
      • I have the same questions, We are still waiting for the doctors comments, and I think it's stupid to has his mother here, first thing, she can't help, plus she needs to be cared of, one more person to spend money
        there are basically no advantages of having the mother here,
        • 他母亲能来就来看看吧。
          • I agree. His mother should come to visit him for a while. Insurance for his mother shouldn't be one problem. Who knows how long Pan can survive?
      • 哈阿阿阿阿阿.放心.餃子不是用來罵的. 是用來吃的. 呵....................
    • 关于保险的几点补充
      1. 如果潘妈妈来后三十天内买保险, 不用填写病史申报表, 保险72小时生效.

      2. 即使填了病史,只要病在过去的半年内没有犯过,平时控制病情的药量一直维持,并无增加,那么,旧病复发,保险也有COVER.



      5. 对61-65岁的老人(吸烟与否无影响)

      保险额 保险金(CAN$ per day)
      5,000 1.8
      15,000 2.2
      25,000 3.2
      50,000 4.0

      Deductible: CAN$50

      6. BORKER建议我们一个月一个月的续,好处是可以选择终止;而且无形之中,保额增加了.例如,如果一次买三个月,三个月内只能报15K(如果2.2/天);而一个月一个月的买,每个月内都能报15K.
      • 不过, 如果真的有了病, 报了销, 费用不菲或者病还没好, 不会有保险公司愿意给你续保
        • We can't affort to insure both, what's not to understand? 2.2 x 30 x 2 = too much money to spend on insurance, One but not the other, maybe His mother needs insurance, Pan Jin An seem pretty strong to me
    • Insurance for both, no form. Long term, if it is too expensive to stay, they can decide for themselves whether only one will stay.
      All his mom want is to see her son. Practically, she might not be able to help too much here. Emotionally, too hard to deny her this chance to see her son .
      • Honestly, she's gonna be a burden for Pan and his father, the mother needs care herself and her living expenses is also a factor
        • I still think his mom should come and see him, if she can.
          • 兒子可能要永別, 做媽的來看看, 人之常情. 至於呆多久. 多大負擔. 過段時間. 他們自己會決定的.只要把大家的能幫助的實際能力告訴他們. 他們應該知道如何決定
            • at least one Guest and I think alike
      • Agree.
        • Bottom line, 124 bux a month, which we ain't got,