


Surveillance video shows Russian forces shooting civilians
New surveillance video obtained by CNN shows Russian soldiers shooting two civilians in the back, providing a stark example of a potential war crime by Russi...

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 你不和鹅毛死磕到底,也会被射杀! +1
    Surveillance video shows Russian forces shooting civilians
    New surveillance video obtained by CNN shows Russian soldiers shooting two civilians in the back, providing a stark example of a potential war crime by Russi...
    • 这东西听听就行了,俄乌战争西方完全掌握话语权,真假难辨。乌克兰在战争一开始就宣布全民借兵,所以这场战争就没有绝对平民一说了。如果讲理的话,普京惹的活祸为什么死了百年的柴可夫斯基要跟着倒霉?都不是好鸟。 +3