

瘦猪犹如插翅虎的下半天, 和在Mt Sinai的见闻, 潘中原的问题在不老兄和林妹妹的奔走之下, 基本解决了, 现在就是要给他找房子

我去了联系社工吴先生, 希望他能帮医院疏通一下, 让潘中原多住两天, 吴先生带我去见驻院医生, 见到一个Lung Cancer patient, who just had his operation two days ago, is being evicted by the hospital since there are just not enough bed spot to be kept open. The family's begging on their knees literally, but to no avail.

吴先生带我到医院急诊室逛了一圈, 瘦猪犹如插翅虎算是见识了人间地狱, some, actually quite a few patient spent a week in the corridor without getting a bed spot.

If I was a relative of patients in the ER, I will evict Pan immediately, He's too well compare to the people in need.

我的表达不好, 急诊室里的残酷实在是可怕, 瘦猪犹如插翅虎乃是一男子汉大豆腐, 心里也哽咽了.

请大家帮助潘中原找房, 五百左右, 一房间就行.

everything govt benefit that we can apply, had been done, we need to find him a house.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 瘦猪犹如插翅虎的下半天, 和在Mt Sinai的见闻, 潘中原的问题在不老兄和林妹妹的奔走之下, 基本解决了, 现在就是要给他找房子
    我去了联系社工吴先生, 希望他能帮医院疏通一下, 让潘中原多住两天, 吴先生带我去见驻院医生, 见到一个Lung Cancer patient, who just had his operation two days ago, is being evicted by the hospital since there are just not enough bed spot to be kept open. The family's begging on their knees literally, but to no avail.

    吴先生带我到医院急诊室逛了一圈, 瘦猪犹如插翅虎算是见识了人间地狱, some, actually quite a few patient spent a week in the corridor without getting a bed spot.

    If I was a relative of patients in the ER, I will evict Pan immediately, He's too well compare to the people in need.

    我的表达不好, 急诊室里的残酷实在是可怕, 瘦猪犹如插翅虎乃是一男子汉大豆腐, 心里也哽咽了.

    请大家帮助潘中原找房, 五百左右, 一房间就行.

    everything govt benefit that we can apply, had been done, we need to find him a house.
    • I meant Pan can afford to pay 400 for a single room
      • Pong Pong Pong
        • slimpiggy (瘦猪), what's it meaning "Pong Pong Pong "? 胖胖胖?
          • SONAR
          • 胖胖胖
      • $400 for a room? I don't see that comes handy in Toronto with today's housing price. Better asking for government sponsorship.
        • fOR A single room facility in chinatown, shouldn't be too crazy
          • Hey, do you want to live in a dark small room with cockroaches?
        • pong pong pong
    • I guess finding a one bedroom apt. , probably at a higher price is more realistic. I think it will be tough looking for shared accomodation for patients like Pan in apartments. (have to have elevator, right?)
    • Pan may be eligible for rent assistance.
      Just read this in the paper:

      For people already on social assistant(i.e. Ontario Works or Ontario Disability), they may qualify for the following:
      Shelter Fund, which helps pay rent arrears, or last month deposit.
      Start-up Fund, geared towards either deposit or moving expense, maximum $799 for a single person.

      The paper says the social worker (like Alice) will know whom to contact to apply for this.
      • Forget about any govt assistance, the waiting list is 3 to 5 years, and I have applied for him every possible funding and social assistance, the Toronto housing market is brutal
        • pong pong pong
    • 他出院了吗?
      • Sunday the earliest, tuesday the latest
        • 我下午去看他了,看起来精神还不错
          • 能笑面人生,实在是值得钦佩的一种勇气,请代我转达对他的一点敬意。
          • 请九兄细说一下, 请看我呼吁帮助租房的post
            • 租房看一下星岛日报的广告,多打几个电话然后跑一跑看看房就行了,你说的那个价格很容易租到,主要是要麻烦您小人家打打电话跑跑腿,我最近太忙,只能在一旁摇旗呐喊擂鼓助威了
              • I checked the papers today, there are no, no ads for housing in the East Toronto region, I was appalled. Ming Daily and Tsing Daily lists no housing ads for the east part
              • 听说您的父母要来了?
                • yes sir
        • 你为什么不练中文了?
    • 1. check "xing-dao" daily 2. apply for "Subsidized housing", Tel: 416-392-6111, u should claim it is a special case, then it will be quicker.
      • ONCE AGAIN, we had applied to EVERY POSSIBLE, imaginable, not imaginable, wacko subsidized housing program in existence, housing market in toronto is Brutal to say the least
      • "Subsidized housing" is a govenment plan to help low-income people. If u are qualified, the rent u shoul pay is income*30%.
        • I am already applying for it, the waiting list is 3 to 5 years
          • I think u should claim it is a special case. They said special case will be put ahead.
            • everyone of them is a special case, why do you think they need housing assistance
              • I think many applicants is low-income. But Pan's case is none income+health problem+no place to live right now
    • call 416-497 8556 Mr. Zhao, my current landload.
      One underground room's available now, located in Victory Park Ave. + Finch Ave. and close to supermarket, libary and bank. 330/month include untility, pay additional for high speed internet.
      • Considering, it's a bit far from the hospital which Pan goes back twice a week