

Here's how our system works

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ji Ang receives the cheques and cash, brings it to Pan's father, then Pan's father will give us the money and cheques he wants to deposit in the trust acct, since some of the cheques and cash were given by people who visits the hospital, then we will go, at least two people per trip, to do the deposit, Ji Ang, Brother Jiu, Bloor and me all know the password to access the acct simply because we don't think Pan's father is capable of dealing with the bank and playing with the ATM

In other words, I don't keep a record of donations received, Ji Ang would have it, and all of the money deposit in the trust acct were taken out immediately and cash was given to Pan's father, I have posted the amount and witnesses previously.

The hospital bill is 15091, I still have to verify on what actions they plan to take, can we keep delaying this thing? Will we be informed before passing it to the collection agency.

Also, some of Pan's classmates carded $3000 for him on medical bills, I am not sure if they want the money back some day

Clear as mud perhaps? ask specific questions if I am too muddy更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / Slimpiggy, Wjiang: Could you post the totals of the $$ that we have received? And Piggy: the exact amount of the hospital bill. I couldn't find it.
    • Here's how our system works
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ji Ang receives the cheques and cash, brings it to Pan's father, then Pan's father will give us the money and cheques he wants to deposit in the trust acct, since some of the cheques and cash were given by people who visits the hospital, then we will go, at least two people per trip, to do the deposit, Ji Ang, Brother Jiu, Bloor and me all know the password to access the acct simply because we don't think Pan's father is capable of dealing with the bank and playing with the ATM

      In other words, I don't keep a record of donations received, Ji Ang would have it, and all of the money deposit in the trust acct were taken out immediately and cash was given to Pan's father, I have posted the amount and witnesses previously.

      The hospital bill is 15091, I still have to verify on what actions they plan to take, can we keep delaying this thing? Will we be informed before passing it to the collection agency.

      Also, some of Pan's classmates carded $3000 for him on medical bills, I am not sure if they want the money back some day

      Clear as mud perhaps? ask specific questions if I am too muddy更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Do we get a monthly statement for the trust account? We should be able to figure out how much we have received from there. Right now I am just trying to get a ballpark
        number so that I can update the Call for Help and the FAQ.
        • We should have a monthly statement shortly, that won't tell you anything that you don't already know. And I know how much we got so far
          Several weeks ago, Bloor and I sat down and calculated $4800 total, Bloor and his Harbin Institute of Technology friends put in $1060 btw,

          I forgot how we came up with $4800 since only part of the money goes through me to the trust acct, Bloor should be able to break it down for you

          Most of that money is in Pan's father's hand as I posted handover of the money previously, I have no clue how much is left in their hand, I can tell you that we have $1500 left in the trust acct now
          • "don't already know" is a bizarre phase, should be "don't know yet"
            • You didn't understand the sentence, read it again, @Nothing that you don't already know@
              • I don't understand either. What does it mean?
                • Nothing that you don't already know, or Nothing that you ain't never seen before, simply means you already know
                  • so it ain't over means it is already over? Is it correct?
                    • Ain't means "Be not", Canadian English, @Nothing that you ain't never seen before@ means Nothing that you have not seen, double negative, comes to @you have already seen everything@
                      • thank you.
                  • how about "Nothing that you don't know yet "
                    • see above for usage of double negative
                      • so the word "already" only appears in your intepretion, not original sentence. so you should not use "already" at all
                        • @Interpretation@ try to check your spelling once in a while, and I have no clue what you are talking about, obviously you are an English Literature Major
                          • my point is, "don't already know" is bizarre, chinese style (even not correct in chinese) English, we should get rid of it.
                            • 不懂裝懂, 又一個
                              • 你发火还是没解决问题么
                                • I declare defeat, have no idea what are you talking about
                                  • if you want to make it clear, please give real example(e.g., news paper, book, novel, ...) if possible.
                                    • I am clear as mud, but here's one, In Jurrasic Park III, William Macy walks into his wife changing, Tea Leoni says that:"There's nothing that you haven't already seen". Meaning
                                      that he had seen her naked before duh, How's that one for instance?
                                      • good enough. admire
                                        • The pleasure was all mine.