


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是我的律师给我的EMAIL:
Dear Ms.

I have considered the information which you have kindly provide and I
advise your mother to immediately contact the Employment Standards Branch
of the Government of British Columbia (the "ESB").

The ESB should be able to assist your mother in recovering any unpaid wages
and in dealing with the taxation issues.

Unfortunately, as your mother had worked for such a short period of she has
very few enforceable rights.

She should have been provided with a written contract.

The ESB is your mothers best option.

Claims and complaints to the ESB must be made within 6 months of the last
day your mother worked, however, my advice is that she contact them

The BRITISH COLUMBIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS reviews the complaint to determine if it should proceed with an investigation.

The investigation includes gathering information from all parties.

If a hearing is required, a notice is sent out with a summary of the investigation. Impartiality is assured at all stages of the process.
For Further Information, please contact:
British Columbia Council of Human Rights
Parliament Buildings
Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4
or call 387-3710
toll free 1-800-663-0876 08/97
What is the minimum I must be paid?
$7.60 per hour effective November 1, 2000
$8.00 per hour effective November 1, 2001

In previous years, there was a separate minimum wage for those under 18 years of age. A new law eliminated this difference. There is now only one minimum wage.

What is the minimum age I must be to work?

An employer wishing to hire a person under 15 years of age must apply for prior approval from the Employment Standards Branch and receive permission from the child's parent or guardian. If the child is a student, the Branch generally requires the permission of the child's school. On approval, the Branch will issue a permit setting out the conditions of the child's employment. Application forms are available at Branch offices.

When do I get paid?

At least twice a month. No later than eight days after each pay period.

When do I get paid if I quit my job?

All wages must be paid within six days. If fired or laid off, all wages must be paid within 48 hours.

Can my employer take money from my wages if I accidentally damage something on the job?

No. An employer may only make deductions from an employee's wages without the written agreement of the employee if the deductions are required or permitted by this or another Act of B.C. or Canada. (ie: income tax, Canada Pension Plan, Unemployment Insurance)

What is the minimum I should get paid when I go to work?

An employee who starts work must be paid for at least four hours, even if you work less than four hours. However, if work is suspended for a reason completely beyond the employer's control (weather conditions), the employee must be paid the greater of two hours or the actual time worked.

A school student who starts work on a school day must be paid for at least two hours. On a non-school day, a student who starts work must be paid for at least four hours.

How many hours must I work before I can collect overtime pay?

You must be paid overtime after you have worked more than eight hours a day, or more than forty hours a week. The rate would be 1.5 times your usual pay for each extra hour up to 11 hours per day and 48 hours per week. After that, the rate is double-time.

Do I have a right to a lunch break?

After working five hours in a row, you are entitled to a 30 minute rest period. This time doesn't count as paid work unless you are required to work or be available for work during the meal break. Whether you get a coffee break is up to your employer.

How much warning or notice must I get before I am fired?

If an employee is dismissed for "just cause", an employer is not required to give any notice nor pay compensation. Once you have worked three months in a row, your employer must give you one week written notice or one week wages instead of notice before you can be fired without "just cause". Employees who work longer for an employer would require more compensation or longer written notice.

Information condensed from The Guide to the Employment Standards Act. For Further Information, please contact:

The Employment Standards Branch
Suite 400-3960 Quadra St.
Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4
call toll-free 1-800-663-3316 08/97更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 饺子不明白: 为什么中国人欺负中国人?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我一直不明白为什么中国人欺负中国人. 尤其在老妈先后打了4份工后.

    我的<老妈打工>写了妈妈第一次打工和炒鱿鱼. 妈妈以为这是份长期的工作, 她工作非常卖力, 却不想把活干的差不多了, 就被辞退了. 如果那家人雇短工的话, 当然没人给她做了.

    第二家是大陆来的, 可是一个月下来, 发工资时却无故克扣. 妈妈气愤之下, 拿了被克扣过的工资就离开了.

    第三家也是大陆来的大款, 在其老婆生完孩子后, 要求妈妈工作从5:30 AM到11:30PM, 因为妈妈坚持星期天休息一天, 他们老大不高兴. 在这样长时间工作一个月后, 妈妈提出来工作时间太长, 和当初讲好的一日三餐, 8小时不同, 希望能减低工作量. 过两天妈妈就无故地被辞退了.

    第四家从大陆来的小款, 有诸多的要求, 做饭不能放味精,鸡精, 油, 盐还要有味道, 用水只能用凉水, (温哥华的水夏天仍然很凉)等等...

    我很是生妈妈的气, 不缺吃穿为什么要去打工. 我更是不明白, 为什么中国人总是欺负中国人, 虽然做的是家政护理(或说保姆), 也要有应有的尊重. 我想了很久不知道是不是以下的理由:
    1. 中国人头脑中的CLASS观念很强, 因此视保姆为下等人?

    2. 我们不太懂尊重?

    3. 我们运气不好与人不淑?



    作为中国人, 我也想检讨自己, 不知道自己身上是否也存在这些问题, 只是自己不知? 或者以不同的方式表现出来?

    不知各位能不能给我答案?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 1.
    • 饺子,不光是当保姆被欺负,往往给中国人打工被克扣或中途辞退是常事。我也奇怪,是不是因为中国人艰苦朴素的传统?而且有些报酬很低甚至低于最低标准的活,你不干,自有人去干。
    • 国人有时很少设身处地的为别人着想。有机会就把自己放在统治阶级的位置上指手画脚,这种现象很明显嘛。而且受孔孟之道的毒害深,天地君亲师,必须无条件的服从,是奴才,一辈子都是奴才,永世不得翻身
    • 不一定中国人欺负中国人,他们多半自己被洋人欺负,回头终于有出头之日,自然你妈妈倒霉了。国内看门大爷一直被人看不起,可哪天你要进门时,他就土地爷骑电驴子--抖起来了。一样的。
    • 不知为什么, 我总觉的亚洲人不太尊重人,尤其是自己人.而且这种不尊重表现的还特别赤裸裸的,不加任何掩饰.
    • 我决定FIGHT!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是我的律师给我的EMAIL:
      Dear Ms.

      I have considered the information which you have kindly provide and I
      advise your mother to immediately contact the Employment Standards Branch
      of the Government of British Columbia (the "ESB").

      The ESB should be able to assist your mother in recovering any unpaid wages
      and in dealing with the taxation issues.

      Unfortunately, as your mother had worked for such a short period of she has
      very few enforceable rights.

      She should have been provided with a written contract.

      The ESB is your mothers best option.

      Claims and complaints to the ESB must be made within 6 months of the last
      day your mother worked, however, my advice is that she contact them

      The BRITISH COLUMBIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS reviews the complaint to determine if it should proceed with an investigation.

      The investigation includes gathering information from all parties.

      If a hearing is required, a notice is sent out with a summary of the investigation. Impartiality is assured at all stages of the process.
      For Further Information, please contact:
      British Columbia Council of Human Rights
      Parliament Buildings
      Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4
      or call 387-3710
      toll free 1-800-663-0876 08/97
      What is the minimum I must be paid?
      $7.60 per hour effective November 1, 2000
      $8.00 per hour effective November 1, 2001

      In previous years, there was a separate minimum wage for those under 18 years of age. A new law eliminated this difference. There is now only one minimum wage.

      What is the minimum age I must be to work?

      An employer wishing to hire a person under 15 years of age must apply for prior approval from the Employment Standards Branch and receive permission from the child's parent or guardian. If the child is a student, the Branch generally requires the permission of the child's school. On approval, the Branch will issue a permit setting out the conditions of the child's employment. Application forms are available at Branch offices.

      When do I get paid?

      At least twice a month. No later than eight days after each pay period.

      When do I get paid if I quit my job?

      All wages must be paid within six days. If fired or laid off, all wages must be paid within 48 hours.

      Can my employer take money from my wages if I accidentally damage something on the job?

      No. An employer may only make deductions from an employee's wages without the written agreement of the employee if the deductions are required or permitted by this or another Act of B.C. or Canada. (ie: income tax, Canada Pension Plan, Unemployment Insurance)

      What is the minimum I should get paid when I go to work?

      An employee who starts work must be paid for at least four hours, even if you work less than four hours. However, if work is suspended for a reason completely beyond the employer's control (weather conditions), the employee must be paid the greater of two hours or the actual time worked.

      A school student who starts work on a school day must be paid for at least two hours. On a non-school day, a student who starts work must be paid for at least four hours.

      How many hours must I work before I can collect overtime pay?

      You must be paid overtime after you have worked more than eight hours a day, or more than forty hours a week. The rate would be 1.5 times your usual pay for each extra hour up to 11 hours per day and 48 hours per week. After that, the rate is double-time.

      Do I have a right to a lunch break?

      After working five hours in a row, you are entitled to a 30 minute rest period. This time doesn't count as paid work unless you are required to work or be available for work during the meal break. Whether you get a coffee break is up to your employer.

      How much warning or notice must I get before I am fired?

      If an employee is dismissed for "just cause", an employer is not required to give any notice nor pay compensation. Once you have worked three months in a row, your employer must give you one week written notice or one week wages instead of notice before you can be fired without "just cause". Employees who work longer for an employer would require more compensation or longer written notice.

      Information condensed from The Guide to the Employment Standards Act. For Further Information, please contact:

      The Employment Standards Branch
      Suite 400-3960 Quadra St.
      Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4
      call toll-free 1-800-663-3316 08/97更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 太长,没看完。支持你FIGHT,逆来顺受不能解决问题,只能让人变本加厉的欺负你。
        • agree. 我希望有更多中国人象饺子那样争取自己的权利,不要总是逆来顺受,对自己对同胞都没好处。
      • 坚决支持,受委屈就应该FIGHT,记得有次听律师讲座:‘权力不是别人给的,是自己打 出来的,你自己的权力自己不去维护,谁来管你?’俺打911已经好几次了,爽!
        • share your experience! thx
        • lawyers will always say that.
      • 谢谢各位,我正在读LABOR ACT呢。其实我找律师咨询前就已经知道这事不会通过律师来做,因为金额小。主要是看看我们的POSITION如何。我决定通过ESB。
        • 如有进展,请继续发表
      • I can't understand why the minimum I must be paid is not $6.85 per hour
        The following is abstracted from your article:
        What is the minimum I must be paid?
        $7.60 per hour effective November 1, 2000
        $8.00 per hour effective November 1, 2001
        • 是不是各个省之间的区别?BC:6.85? ON:7.60 or 8.00
        • $8.00 is new minimum wage in BC, effective in Nov,2001. I think different provinces have different min wage.
    • 还有一个原因是很多国人被欺负的时候忍气吞声,支持你FIGHT
      他问我的期望值,我说类似的工作应该在15以上based on your
      experiences and skills。两天后老板告诉我,你的要价太高,
    • 去一个华人旅行社问加拿大境内游的事,顺便问一下去巴黎旅游的事,接待的人不清楚,问他的中国人同事,他的同事好不掩饰的轻蔑的说:“他们还要去巴黎?”。
      • 在多伦多的唐人街文华中心的BELL CANADA一样欺负中国大陆来得
    • 支持你FIGHT. 我LG第一次打工时, 老板说第一个月得算学徒工, 300元/月. 我们想只有一个月就答应了.但是干了半个月后,LG对老板说第二个月之后希望按照最低工资付,当天就被辞掉了,只给150元. 朋友说算学徒是违法的,应当找他评理.于是LG
      找他理论,说低于最低工资是违法的,为了得到一份稳定的工作, 他才答应第一个月少拿钱. 但是活干得很好, 只因为提出完全合法的要求就被辞工,太不公平,已经干的半个月就应该至少按最低工资算,如果不按照最低工资付,就要去告他.老板自认理亏,才给补足了工资.
      • 谢谢JOY. 我研究了一个半天LABOR ACT, 发现条例非常清楚明白. 我写好了两封信, 分别发给其中的两个EMPLOYERS, 要求UNPAID PORTION. 如果我在2 周内得不到满意答复, 我就在ESB上FILE A COMPLAINT, 直到问题解决.
      • 我也遇到过这种情况。我找的第一份工作是华人公司,老板说第一个星期是training,之后160个小时的practise,这都是没钱的,都干满以后,如果他要你,才开始付最低工资,这还是个比较专业的工作。
        • 我想与之理论的人多了, 下回他再这么干的话自然得琢磨琢磨
      • 为Max叫好!
    • 很多人有歧视思想。我在深圳时也请过人,关系就很好。不过,我也是有要求的,什么做饭不能放味精、鸡精,必须符合我的口味等等,这不能算挑剔吧?
      • 再埋怨你这样烧出来的菜没味, 而且平时没说, 只是发工资时挑出一大堆毛病, 再扣你的工资, 这样的做法就不只是挑剔了吧, :(
    • 哇, 还是温市有钱人多啊.怪不得赖XX也去那里了
      • 什么意思?
        • Chinaman in V are very FB ar.
    • 饺子,人想多了就累。
      • 先给你个板砖,然后说, 的确有傻人有傻福的说法, 我也以为然. 但是那得建立在公平合理的前提之下. 否则, 就会助长某些人的恶习,使更多的人得到不公平的待遇.
        • 板砖接受。公平合理永远都只能是相对的。
      • 你喜欢石破天还是杨过?
        • 猪八戒
          • 非法数据
    • 纯雇主和雇员的关系. 你和你老妈没有摆正自己的位置. 好象没什么中国人欺负你老妈. 是你自己瞧不上中国人(包括你老妈也是中国人)
      • oh, i see
    • 如果老人比较闷,就给她找个社区中心活动一下。当然如果老人事业心太强,就没办法了。
      另外你那么有钱,记得你说你去banana republic买衫,那里的衣服夏天的不就才100多块,冬天的700,800么,你已经很节省了嘛。余下的钱给老人坐的士出去喝茶预备下,老人自然就不去打工乐。 我觉得你现在好好想想老人怎么打发闲余时间才是正题。
      • 谢谢你. 不过你没去BANANA REPUBLIC考察过吧, 那里的衣服(上班服) $45-200, 如果ON SALE 就更便宜.
        • 夏秋春装45-200没错。冬天的大衣曾见过一件699的,算700八。当然夏天卖199喇。
          • 你没注意过那里冬装的价钱吧
            • 呵呵, 你们怎么对BANADA REPUBLIC这么看重? 本来就是MEDIOCRE的BUSINESS CASUAL型. 买几件"上班服" "KHAKI PANTS"就差不多了, 咋还去看冬装? 早不去那里购物了.
              • 嘿嘿,有钱人就是不一样,连banana republic都不去了。都省钱给咱妈打官司了,省得老人出去打工受苦。顺便问一句,您最近哪采购了都?
                • 呵呵, 俺好一段时间不用穿"工作服", 所以早就停止买衣服. 现在是T-SHIRT AND SHORTS
                • I just look around here, but still couldn't help saying something when I see above. You definitely belong to some kind of Chinese, you had better shut up and keep all your bitterness into your stomach!
        • 什么banada在哪了?
          • BANANA REPUBLIC是家专卖店,男女装都有,在EATON CENTRE里有,男女装在两个楼层。
    • My friend who works in a coffee time which was opened by a man from Taiwan hasn't got her pay for almost one and a half months.
      My friend is a very warm-heated woman. She works in this coffee time for a long time, but the boss is always behind in the payment. Now, she only got her pay till the beginning of July. She told me that the business is bad, so maybe the owner doesn't have money. But I don't think so. No matter how good or bad the business is, the owner must pay the employees money in time. Why are there so many terrible Chinese in Toronto. I let her complain to the government. I think that she is too weak. She should fight with so bad Chinese.
      • According to the Labor Act, no more than 8 days later than the regular pay day. She should complain.
        • where can she complain? She is now in Toronto. Thank you very much! Because my friend is a so well woman, I should help her to get her salary.
          • 请看看这个地方, 但是BC省的, ON省应有类似的机构, 你可以查查, 我手上几乎没有ON省得任何资料, 请ON省DX们提供
            • forgot to post URL. http://www.labour.gov.bc.ca/esb/. For BC only.
    • 我们国家已经历了那么长时间的封建专制统治, 而且有迹象表明人治而不是法治仍将长时间笼罩中国大地。 所谓”入芝兰之室久而不闻其香, 入鲍鱼之肆久而不觉其臭”, 长久的熏陶岂能不留下余味?
    • 1,2,4,5
    • 记得北京人在纽约么?“白人惹不起,黑人打不过,不打你打谁啊?”