


The funding from Manitoba and Ottawa marks the first step toward locating the remains of Morgan Harris, Marcedes Myran and an unidentified woman that police believe were disposed at the privately-owned Prairie Green Landfill

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 上届曼省政府不干,觉得花太多钱又不一定找到尸体,下台;原住民省长上台,联邦赞助,开挖,4千万。与此同时,曼省赤字20亿 +2
    The funding from Manitoba and Ottawa marks the first step toward locating the remains of Morgan Harris, Marcedes Myran and an unidentified woman that police believe were disposed at the privately-owned Prairie Green Landfill
    • 2023年变得天,前两届都是保守党执政
    • 找到尸体还的挨骂还的赔钱,谁干! +2