

Keep going and the old lady will forgive you if you can't get the offer. Everyone know most Chinese can't speak good English.

I applied the simiar positions before. If it's a position where you needn't deal with customer directly. That's ok to our Chinese. If it's a position where you need play multi roles, it's almost impossible for a Chinese to do this job since you have be a PM/Consultant/Architect/Programmer in the same time.
Anyway, keep going and the old lady will forgive you if you can't get the offer. Everyone know most Chinese can't speak good English. If they don't have too much requirements on language, maybe you can get the offer. Good luck.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请大家都帮忙给个意见:我有一个Technical Architect的机会要不要去试?特别是EGLINTON等等各IT高手,请给些指引
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一个Technical Architect的机会要不要去试?

    我的上一个PROJECT MANAGER昨天来了封EMAIN,说她有朋友公司在找technical architect,让我直接发简历去那家公司的某个人,她们通过话,已经说好了。

    这个职位是“a technical architect on a web site development project”,然后什么也没说,就让我“Please email your resume ASAP”。我觉得这个职位要求挺高,什么都要懂一点,就算他们不是很看中我的英语,我也在怀疑我懂多少。比如就各种SERVER就要懂,包括:apache、IIS、WEBSPHERE、WEBLOGIC、iPLANET等等,还有ASP(ACTIVEX、COM/DCOM)一套,JAVA(EJB、JSP、RMI)几套,林林总总的RDBS,现补也来不及。我可以在简历上尽量靠靠,但不知面试时会怎样。

    虽然上一个PROJECT中我作为DEVELOPER很出色,同事关系也颇好,但不知为何PROJECT MANAGER对我印象好到认为我可以干Technical Architect的地步。有心问问她:Do you think my qualification matches this position? What do you think my competencies? 又怕人家老外心里嘀咕:你自己连这点自信都没有。

    这个PROJECT MANAGER是一个相当睿智优雅的白人老太,老公也是做电脑的。上份工是她直接招我的,也是我的直接领导,凭着这些我想拿到面试是不成问题,但如果与人家期望值相去太远,那么可能没下回了。(下回可能会100%,中。咋办)

    我这次挺没主意,也不知道这个Technical Architect的简历怎么写,CL怎么写。

    请大伙帮帮忙,另外搞IT的朋友能否给点专业指引,这“technical architect on a web site development project”到底作些啥?招人可以随便到什么程度,弹性有多大?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • technical architect 根本不算什么, 英文要求也不是很高,一般说来,就是有点CONSULTANT的工作,但是PERMANENT的。 System Architect 才是比较难做,是设计产品 from scratch, 并且要计算成本,利润等。
      看要求这个technical architect 顶多就是个IT部门的小打小闹,别怕
      • 多谢!这么说technical architect与technical support相近?我还以为与System Architect相近呢。
      • 能说的详细点吗?是维护多还是开发多。
    • 水太大,自己推一推。仍旧头疼。
    • 看来要等到某些DX下班了。“等,寂寞到夜深, 夜已渐荒凉, 夜已渐昏暗, 莫道你在选择人, 人亦能选择你, 公平,原没半点偏心。。。”
    • 你可以用Technical Architect在MONSTER.COM上SEARCH一下, 读读上面的REQUIREMENT, 你大概能推测出来这是什么样的职位. GOOD LUCK!
      • 谢谢提醒!昨晚摘了些,看到有要10年经验的,就不敢再往下了。我刚刚又去搜索了一下,专找Technical Architect的看,大概知道了些,还行。谢谢!
    • you can do it. Just try it.
      • 谢谢!
    • Keep going and the old lady will forgive you if you can't get the offer. Everyone know most Chinese can't speak good English.
      I applied the simiar positions before. If it's a position where you needn't deal with customer directly. That's ok to our Chinese. If it's a position where you need play multi roles, it's almost impossible for a Chinese to do this job since you have be a PM/Consultant/Architect/Programmer in the same time.
      Anyway, keep going and the old lady will forgive you if you can't get the offer. Everyone know most Chinese can't speak good English. If they don't have too much requirements on language, maybe you can get the offer. Good luck.
      • 多谢鼓励!“old lady”刚刚回了我一封信,只说“looks good for you”。我决定尽力一试。