

Be proud of being a Chinese, Be proud of being a Canadian. There is no confliction between them.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛At least the law says discriminations against race, age, gender etc. are
prohibited. You select Canada as your new home, permanently or temporarily,
you have the rights to be equal to other members in this land and (I think)
you have no reason to say it's not my home. It is true that the reality is
not always as good as what stated in the great legal documents. But at
least you are eititled to the rights you deserve. I went to the recent
fedaral vote, not because I thought my single vote would decide the winner,
but because it is my right. Unfortunately, my candidate lost.

This country allow people to have a say on its policies. So why not unite
together, form a force, and fight for the correctness in this new land.
We Chinese new immigrants can be, and should be a force in the society,
to build a better Canada for all of us, for people from China, from
Africa, from Europe. Merge into the society, be a part of it.

Talking about "merge", I would say, it is not about how fluent your
English is, what you dress, where you live or how many "Canadian",
"American" friends you have, its how you view yourself in the society.
Do you participate in Voluntary social activities, do you care what
happen in your community, do you put forward your opinion and do anything
to influence it.

There is a different view on the Jew's experience - what if they have
much stronger political power in the countries they live? How Isarel can
survive while surrounded by hostile Arabian countries? No one will
neglect the US's support backed by the Jewish influencing groups in the
US political circle.

We need not to be ashamed of being Chinese, nor should we feel superior
than people of other ethnic backgrounds. No one has the right to look
down upon you since you are not saying "I will go back to China." Only
the aboriginals can say Canada is their native land, all other immigrants
are equal in this sense.

Why separate yourself from Canada? Does it do good to anyone/any country
by saying "I just hold Canadian citizenship, I don't want really to be
a 'Canadian'", especially when there is no conflict of interest between
the two nations. Even if some day, because of some stupid politician's
stupid decision, being a Canadian citizen, you have to right to express
your will and by uniting other good people, you will have the chance to
influence government decisions. Is this better than only saying "I'm a
Chinese, I will go home some day" ? Many Chinese Canadians love our
motherland no less than anyone else on this forum. I still remember the
organizers of the Protest Agains US/NATO bombing of Chinese Ambassy in
Yogoslovakia are Cantonese-speaking "old" immigrants.

I think we Chinese in Canada should aim high in the society, more than
just make a better life, we need to consider how to become a power in
the society and catch our future in our own hands.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 2篇我认为很典型的文章,转自is4u.net
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    开心的人, August 23, 2000 at 15:13:28


    一个”加籍“华人, November 26, 2000 at 05:27:35
    记得当年我刚在美国毕业的时候,意气纷发, 我那
    永远是个中国人, 虽然你拿到加拿大国籍, 虽然你再成功,
    加拿大人也不会认为你是一个真正的canadian. 在他们的潜意识中
    打上了终身烙印,我们是中国人。 人生就是这么沉重。

    补充一下,其实北美社会的精髓,就是提倡一个人要为自己自豪,以勇气来面对自己。 改过不好的,吸取好的。我在公司从来对人说我是chinese而且我要回china, 一旦我可以放手公司的这些事情。我想

    我年薪至少是你的两倍半,公司免费给我租房,给我买车。可你呆久就知道了,这不是中国人的地盘。西方的文化,其实很肤浅虚伪,虽然很实际 一个”加籍“华人November 26, 2000 at 05:27:35

    不再为自己的出生为耻。 真实,平静的面对自己,才
    是做人的准则。 下面有人说,要在心里,法律上做
    本地人相差不远。 虽然也为“苹果树” 和“茵梦湖”类的
    相对无言,唯有泪千行“的词呢?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The latter hit the point .I can't agree with more. No matter where we are, we Chinese is alaways Chinese.
      The latter hit the point .I can't agree with more.
      No matter where we are, we Chinese is alaways Chinese. Going abroad is just a tool or instrument to make a better life for ourself . I have a dreaem that China someday be the NO.1--Tang001--盛唐

      Thanks yellow.

      btw, it's realy hard to access to is4u from china, though i 'm a administrator with 8M broadband linking to the internet
      • 感动
        虽然我只是一个刚有移民想法的人,但看了帖子后,觉得最感动的就是那句——I have a dream that China someday be the NO.1.
      • So do I , I have never accessed to is4u from both office and my home computers in China.I am wondering that so much.
    • Be proud of being a Chinese, Be proud of being a Canadian. There is no confliction between them.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛At least the law says discriminations against race, age, gender etc. are
      prohibited. You select Canada as your new home, permanently or temporarily,
      you have the rights to be equal to other members in this land and (I think)
      you have no reason to say it's not my home. It is true that the reality is
      not always as good as what stated in the great legal documents. But at
      least you are eititled to the rights you deserve. I went to the recent
      fedaral vote, not because I thought my single vote would decide the winner,
      but because it is my right. Unfortunately, my candidate lost.

      This country allow people to have a say on its policies. So why not unite
      together, form a force, and fight for the correctness in this new land.
      We Chinese new immigrants can be, and should be a force in the society,
      to build a better Canada for all of us, for people from China, from
      Africa, from Europe. Merge into the society, be a part of it.

      Talking about "merge", I would say, it is not about how fluent your
      English is, what you dress, where you live or how many "Canadian",
      "American" friends you have, its how you view yourself in the society.
      Do you participate in Voluntary social activities, do you care what
      happen in your community, do you put forward your opinion and do anything
      to influence it.

      There is a different view on the Jew's experience - what if they have
      much stronger political power in the countries they live? How Isarel can
      survive while surrounded by hostile Arabian countries? No one will
      neglect the US's support backed by the Jewish influencing groups in the
      US political circle.

      We need not to be ashamed of being Chinese, nor should we feel superior
      than people of other ethnic backgrounds. No one has the right to look
      down upon you since you are not saying "I will go back to China." Only
      the aboriginals can say Canada is their native land, all other immigrants
      are equal in this sense.

      Why separate yourself from Canada? Does it do good to anyone/any country
      by saying "I just hold Canadian citizenship, I don't want really to be
      a 'Canadian'", especially when there is no conflict of interest between
      the two nations. Even if some day, because of some stupid politician's
      stupid decision, being a Canadian citizen, you have to right to express
      your will and by uniting other good people, you will have the chance to
      influence government decisions. Is this better than only saying "I'm a
      Chinese, I will go home some day" ? Many Chinese Canadians love our
      motherland no less than anyone else on this forum. I still remember the
      organizers of the Protest Agains US/NATO bombing of Chinese Ambassy in
      Yogoslovakia are Cantonese-speaking "old" immigrants.

      I think we Chinese in Canada should aim high in the society, more than
      just make a better life, we need to consider how to become a power in
      the society and catch our future in our own hands.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 俺的一点看法
        • 难道你觉得自己站在加拿大人面前象一个脏兮兮的民工吗? 为什么先把自己摆在被歧视的地位。首先你要尊重自己人家才会尊重你。
          • hehe, the truth is typical Canadian doesn't discriminate 脏兮兮的民工. everybody is doing his or her own job, right? as long as you make your own living, you do deserve respect and dignity.
          • 可能我没表达清楚。我是说歧视是很普遍的人类社会现象,就是你新到一个工作单位,老员工还指使你呢。怎么办呢?只有努力工作,做出出色的成绩,别人自然会认可你,进而尊敬你了。
          • per只是打个比方嘛。其实当一个人在瞧不起身边的”民工”的时候,那个民工可能心里也在说,瞧瞧这个人,穿得人模鬼样的,可是他还没有我快乐。——余非鱼安知鱼之乐耶?
            • 呵呵,笨笨鱼,这几天跑哪冬眠去啦? 也不去聊天室了,大家都想念你。
              • per,are you free this weekend? do you remember our invitation?
                • hehe,thank you very much.If I am free I will call you.
          • 你要看得起自己,不卑不亢,无论在那儿,对何人都是这样。
    • 或许只有放眼做个世界人,才有包容的心胸融合两方的文化。
      • YEAH! Be proud of yourself. Honor others. Cherish those good old days and look forward to a better future! You cant be happier..
    • i don't understand why some chinese may forget who is his/her mother?
      i think one person never forget his/her mother and homeland, that's basic virtue. I hope we will have a bright and wealthy life in Canada, but we sould not forget who we are and where we are from, that's our roof......I never forget all these in my lifetime, although it is poor and in chaos. I go abroad just for my ideal to strengthen China, of couse as well as including myself.
    • 第二篇非常好,感谢yellow的转载!
    • 中国的文字真的非常美,无法想象没有它的日子,也许真的是生死两茫茫了。
      • 我以为在唐宋时期已经达到她的极致(好象国家强盛一样),将来一定带上唐诗宋词再走。
    • I read the article again. I found the first guy is very low....
      in his human figure. He took his acquizition of a JAPANESE car as a proud.
      了,打算明年看看是否可以买房子,在中国,这些事情都是下辈子的事情. "
      I think the guy is deserved to be treated like that in China and he will be
      treated the same in Canada again. People like that will not succeed in anywhere.
      He doesn't have what we called Gu2 Qi4. A Chinese driving a Japanese car is,
      if not sad, definetely not a proud. He talks too much bad of China, which is
      not fair.

      志都没有解决.." Yes, it is not good. But it is not valid to use that as an evident
      that Canada is better than china in this respect. Who gives you a free place
      to live in Canada? Is that a people who gives you a small place is worse than
      a people who gives you nothing?

      I feel sorry for him. Poor guy.