

Besides the bad news I talked in the above, there is something even worse.

From the issue taken from Pan's leg on July 18, Doctor told Pan yesterday that it is bad to see that only 50% of the cancer cells in his body had been killed in the three treatment before the surgery. The optimal result is supposed to be 90%. This is really a BAD news. Doctor is planning to change the medication for treatment in the furture since he thinks the previous one does not work well for Pan. Pan is asked to be at hospital next Monday for check-up and treatment up to health permission. The future for Pan:

1. Change medication for treatment
2. Treatment would be 5 days instead of 3 days
3. The whole treatment process COULD be prolonged to 6 months instead of 3 months.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 潘中原會回醫院住三天 (22, 23, 24), 有心探病的請留意病房號, or contact me or linmeimei
    • I will post Pan's room number here as soon as I receive the call from Pan's father Tomorrow.
    • Update: Since Pan Zhong Yuan has very few white blood cell at this moment, his treatment is postphoned to next Monday. He just returned home from hospital. Wish him a fast recovery!
      • how to help him now? can you give some ideas to me? because i m a new comer here.
        • Rolia.com has set up a bank account for him, donate to Royal Bank 6542-5000807, see this url for verification "Donations for Pan Zhong Yuan"
        • Also, there is a separate category on this website for Pan's affairs, please review them
          • thanks a lot.
      • I went to Mt Sinai, he had three appointments today, all cancelled, what the hell man
        • Besides the bad news I talked in the above, there is something even worse.
          From the issue taken from Pan's leg on July 18, Doctor told Pan yesterday that it is bad to see that only 50% of the cancer cells in his body had been killed in the three treatment before the surgery. The optimal result is supposed to be 90%. This is really a BAD news. Doctor is planning to change the medication for treatment in the furture since he thinks the previous one does not work well for Pan. Pan is asked to be at hospital next Monday for check-up and treatment up to health permission. The future for Pan:

          1. Change medication for treatment
          2. Treatment would be 5 days instead of 3 days
          3. The whole treatment process COULD be prolonged to 6 months instead of 3 months.
          • So he's gonna stay in the hospital starting next monday right? that's easier on Pan Sr then
            • Yet to confirm. Doctor will give him a check-up before making the decision.
    • 似乎捐款也不能解决潘中原的经济问题,大中报上说三周才收捐款一千四百多。即使这个论坛上的人也不是人人都捐了款。
      • It would be great if we just try our best.