

I have been there for more than several times. Yes, it is the MOST dangerous place in Toronto.

My friend lived there. When I drove along Finch Ave approaching there, I saw
many suspecious guys standing here and there doing nothing but staring at you.
I then visited a shopping mall with my friend to buy some food. SInce I smoke,
I standed outside when my friend went in shopping. I gradualy realized I was standing
inside a bounch of dangerous guys. Women there are fat. Cars there are all
broken. Guys are like whom you see in a Amercian crime film. I didn't finish
the cigarrette. Instead, I run into the shop to find my friend.

My friend moved out after a couple of moths.

Later, I heared two Taiwan girls were rapped and killed, and several Aisan females were
harrased. All happened at that York University region.

Keep yourself away from there.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • / 房屋出租(加东) / Share two bedroom in a Big Apartment. Jane/Shoreham, Toronto. York University 对面,近Seneca, LINC,ESL. 包水电暖、电视cable. Share烘干机, 厨, 厅, 厕. 楼下超市/便利店/银行, TTC Stop。
    欢迎不吸烟,爱清洁单身(370)无孩夫妇(450). Jan/2001 入住。
    联系: (416)6617996 xingli99@hotmail.com
    • Can you give me more detail? I will land on JAN,15.please give me email at:px_zhong@yahoo.com
      • 千万别去那里住,是多伦多治安最差的地方
        • 我在这里住了半年多也没感觉到我有多么不安全,否则上次搬家时就搬到别处去了。也许是因为每个人的承受力不一样。
        • I have been there for more than several times. Yes, it is the MOST dangerous place in Toronto.
          My friend lived there. When I drove along Finch Ave approaching there, I saw
          many suspecious guys standing here and there doing nothing but staring at you.
          I then visited a shopping mall with my friend to buy some food. SInce I smoke,
          I standed outside when my friend went in shopping. I gradualy realized I was standing
          inside a bounch of dangerous guys. Women there are fat. Cars there are all
          broken. Guys are like whom you see in a Amercian crime film. I didn't finish
          the cigarrette. Instead, I run into the shop to find my friend.

          My friend moved out after a couple of moths.

          Later, I heared two Taiwan girls were rapped and killed, and several Aisan females were
          harrased. All happened at that York University region.

          Keep yourself away from there.