

Please give me some suggestions.

Hi friends of rolia. I am facing a difficult selection. I can't make my mind. I am working for an American company's Japanese branch. My company wants to transfer all members of my department to Holland for next two years. Income is just as same as in Japan. But as I know the tax of Holland is further higher than Japan. And I also heard Holland is not a very safe place. But if I don't go to there, there is not suitable position for me in Japan. Are there friends who immigrate from Holland? Could you introduce some information about Holland to me? Would you like to give me some suggestions or advice? Thanks in advance.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / Please give me some suggestions.
    Hi friends of rolia. I am facing a difficult selection. I can't make my mind. I am working for an American company's Japanese branch. My company wants to transfer all members of my department to Holland for next two years. Income is just as same as in Japan. But as I know the tax of Holland is further higher than Japan. And I also heard Holland is not a very safe place. But if I don't go to there, there is not suitable position for me in Japan. Are there friends who immigrate from Holland? Could you introduce some information about Holland to me? Would you like to give me some suggestions or advice? Thanks in advance.
    • 没听说谁是荷兰来的,去荷兰的网站问问吧。
      • Thank you for your reply. But I doubt what I can find from Holland's site. Holland's sites are really rare and they are not in English!
    • 荷兰除了贼多点,好想也没什么不好. 世界最适合居住的地方现在好象不是加拿大了,而是荷兰.
      • 荷兰还有一种职业比其他地方多病8-)
      • Thanks. But what you said is true or just your guess? Anyway, I also want to be able to immigrate to Canada in the future.
        • 80% true, 20% guess.
      • 是芬兰
        • 是荷兰没错。
          • 挪威
            • You are right.
      • 中央已经定在挪威了,请注意和这样保持一致。
    • Life in Holland should be much leisurer than in Japan. Why not try to experience more places when you're still young and available? If I were you, I should be very glad to go.
      • Thank you for giving me the encourage. But I am not young now, I am over 30. However as you said maybe I should give it a try.
    • I have been Amsterdam, not very big, lots of bikes(more than china), lots of sexshops, most famous sex museum allover the world that u can find old Shanghai porn pics there, lots of people, beautiful canal,
      to watch soccer game is easy(Ajax)
    • 据我所知荷兰福利比这里好,税收当然比这里高,居住五年以上才可入籍,生活中主要讲荷兰语(如:大学老师讲课),人口少。
      • Thank you. Are you in Japan now?
        • “这里”是指加拿大
    • I hope to know too.